View Poll Results: red wine>sake, but, are you single or "taken"(taken=engaged,married, etc)
This poll will close on 12.13.2010 at 04:27 PM |
akprodr, Alex's Trip, aloevera_biopillow2000, Antagon, Better_Than_You, Danny Himself, davenotdead, Death & the Maiden, Destroyed, Disgruntled Youth, drrrtyboots, EMMAh, Everyneurotic, frades, fugazifan, Green_mind, Incesticide, jonathan, krastian, lechaoscestmoi, LittlePuppetBoy, Lurker, m1rr0r dash, Nefeli, Pax Americana, pbradley, ploesj, radarmaker, samuel, sonic sphere, Sonic Youth 37, SpectralJulianIsNotDead, SYRFox, The Usher, today yr love, Torn Curtain, Trasher02, val-holla-ing, ZEROpumpkins
41 |
50.00% |
✌➬, acousticrock87, afterthefact, Anngella, Bytor Peltor, cryptowonderdruginvogue, Dr. Eugene Felikson, flophousefloozie, GravyK, HairwayToSteven, Inhuman, Kegmama, matt g, max, mil_pl, Moshe, nature scene, shentov, touch me i'm sick, toxic johnny, whorefrost, _slavo_
22 |
26.83% |
the fuck you care?
!@#$%!, Cantankerous, cars_willkillyou, CHOUT, EVOLghost, GeneticKiss, hat and bread, HaydenAsche, Johnny "Magic Fingers", Magublafix, mangajunky
11 |
13.41% |
I'm not telling.
8 |
9.76% |