View Poll Results: Which of these much-criticised artists do you like?
Eric Clapton
9 |
16.07% |
Elton John
Cantankerous, finding nobody, Guest Informant, Kegmama, narlus, pantophobia, porkmarras, RockerNino, samuel, screamingskull, Tickerwelly
11 |
19.64% |
George Michael
4 |
7.14% |
Cliff Richard
1 |
1.79% |
6 |
10.71% |
Paul Weller
2 |
3.57% |
Robbie Williams
3 |
5.36% |
I honestly, truly, absolutely do not like anyone on the list, even a little eensy-weensy bit.
Bollocks_to_Pop, Danny Himself, Die Braut, EricsTrip, Fox, Iain, Inhuman, k-krack, LittlePuppetBoy, Magublafix, matt g, Pookie, Rob Instigator, Style, sun city girl, Trasher02, umjammer atomsk, wax, youthoftomorrow
20 |
35.71% |