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How the USA 2-Party political system works, in story form -
"Little town I grew up in had these two car dealerships on opposite sides of town, one Chevy, one Ford. They were bitter rivals. Attack ads, sh-t talking salesman, billboard wars, you name it. When the owner of the Chevy dealership died, it came out he'd also owned the Ford dealership by way of a shell company. No one saw that coming, including a lot of the higher ups who worked at the dealerships. " Replace Ford and Chevy with Republican Party and Democratic Party. The billionaires are the ones fooling the rest of us into thinking we have a choice. |
therefore stay at home and don’t vote and therefore agent orange brings us the alpacalypse come on man, that’s demasiada mota, unless you’re a maoist and want the contradictions of capitalism to implode so that you can take over—in which case i understand your logic but don’t agree with it. |
NO. Therefore start a NEW party to compete wit the established ones. The trick is to not get absorbed into one of the two fake parties. That happened to the Tea Party, which has effectively become the GOP.
I do not speak of platforms and talk. They talk all they want. I speak of results. Under both Dems and Reps the same OLD SHIT keeps happening. Dems speak about education and social work, but instead pander to the billionaires. The Reps speak about job growth and crime-prevention, but instead pander to billionaires. My complaint is not about platforms, but about the 2 party system. When corporations and billionaires are allowed to buy both sides, no one wins. |
the two party system is what we have and yes fringes get absorbed and negotiate from within. it’s a kind of consensus system because it’s a huge country and you cant rule it by fiat (but agent orange is trying)
anyway, please read this: https://www.politico.com/magazine/st...vements-213487 |
• Social Security
• Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare Reform, Food Safety • New Deal, Great Society, Peace Corp, Vista, Job Corp • Civil Rights, Women’s Right to Vote, Equal Rights, The Voting Rights Act, Equal Pay Act, Motor Voter • Consumer Protection, FDIC, Banking and Wall Street Regulations, SEC, Federal Reserve System, Anti-trust Legislation • Funding for Science, Medical and Engineering Research, Space Exploration, NSF, NIH • Support for Public Education, Head Start, School Lunch and Breakfast Programs • NLRB, 8 hr. Work Day/40 hr. Work Week, Overtime, Unemployment • Protection for the Environment, Increased Numbers and Support of National Parks and Wilderness Areas, Endangered Species Act, FEMA • Veterans’ Benefits, GI Bill • UN, NATO, Marshall Plan • Vehicles Safety Requirements, Reduced Emissions, and Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE) • TVA, Federal Loan Program, PBS, NPR, the Internet • Economic Growth (Democratic Presidents: Roosevelt through Obama) orrrr.............. "All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?" |
Pelosi Vomit to appear on Jeopardy.
I’ve searched over seven sport books looking for a Hillary Clinton Candidate prop and have found NADA! However, several sports books offer the following: Vladimir Putin Visits Whitehouse In 2018 YES +200 NO -300 Skuj, I’ll accept your wager, but not your $100. If Hillary announces, you must post a picture of yourself wearing an official Donald Trump - Make America Great Again cap. If she doesn’t announce, I can make & send you a cassette mixtape......or anything else you can think of (within reason) |
LOL, sure.
Um.....when you read the Cohen/Giuliani headlines tonight, just remember...... There was No Collusion!! |
He only made it 1/2 interesting. That is not a fair bet. He gets a kick out of sending mixtapes and would send you one tomorrpw if you just asked him. If you must wear a maga hat (death by cringe) then he has to kiss a photo of pelosi and send the dnc a donation equal to the price of an official maga hat. And he must post proof of both on his twitter. Oh yea. MAD or GTFO hahahaha |
Well, there is no fucking way I will be wearing that hat, because Clinton will not run. (And.....I had already made the $100 offer. Peltor didn't have to do anything except wait until Clinton ran. Which won't happen.) This Cohen thing is veeeeerrry interesting. Why did he tape Trump? I mean, that really is a douche thing to do to your client, but Trump surrounds himself with douches, so it's not so shocking really. But what caused Cohen to do this? I wonder if he has tapes that make Nixon's smoking gun look like child's play!!? (You guys remember why Nixon resigned, right? Hasn't Trump already done much worse with all of his provable lies and attacks on Institutions/Investigations?) |
I would rather buy and wear a Vomit Pelosi shirt, but anything along these lines would be agreeable to me. Quote:
To be clear, these sources said Cohen does not have evidence, such as audio recordings, to corroborate his claim, but he is willing to attest to his account. Looks to me like Muller’s investigation is dwindling down to NOTHING. NOTHING = Muller will be announcing to the American People that President Donald Trump is no longer a target of his investigation! |
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It's so strange how you and I can look at all the leaks/developments in this thing, and conclude totally opposite viewpoints. |
I completely disagree. Only if you're a FUCKING IDIOT WHO BELIEVES IN BULLSHIT, then, sure, you can conclude there's no collusion, no global warming, etc... |
Collusion? Maybe. Maybe not.
Obstruction of justice? Hell fucking yes. Obviously. |
i don’t think there’s an “official vomit pelosi shirt” purchase of an “official maga hat” makes a monetary contribution to the 666 in charge whereas a “vomit pelosi shirt” (whatever that may be) benefits only the seller— some person on zazzle with an idea and some graphic skills. plus zazzle, of course. plus some salvadorean tshirt factory. so, giving money to the dnc is the real equivalent to buying the sartorial monstrosity that’s the mark of the beast. double bonus is: since hilary won’t run (she’d better not...), your contribution will be supporting WARREN 2020 :D oh yeah. |
Right now I doubt this will happen. But a Landrieu/Warren ticket could. |
My readings keep telling me that Warren is a real possibility. Why do you doubt it will happen? |
then biden/warren it is then he abdicates and she rules |
Because even though she takes no shit she's a) a relatively easy target for Donaldo and Hannity & Co. as they will label her the left of the left of the left (only in America...) and b) she's a SHE and the Democratic party will wimp the fuck out due to the fact that the last and only time they picked a woman misogyny —internalized misogyny, no less— fucking won. |
But her emails.
i don’t think so many women rejected hilary only on the basis that she was a woman that happened, sure just like im sure some people rejected obama because he was black but she was also rejected because she was hilary clinton hilary was too much a complicated figure, with too much baggage, from her days as first lady of arkansas all the way to the dnc favoring her over bernie sanders. she was more hawkish than obama, she was cozy with wall street, she spoke lika a lawyer, and she has anticharisma. good politician, shitty candidate. the main thrust of her campaign was “i’m not trump”. all publicity is good publicity after all. well then. there was a populist wave last election cycle, trump rode it and the democrats tried to play it safe instead and shut down bernie. to ignore these things and say it was just misogyny is sheer cognitive closure and wishful thinking. but for the next election women will be all up in arms after president pussygrabber. there will be record numbers of women running for office in coming election cycles and unlike hilary, warren does not have decades of scandal behind her, nor a history of protecting an alleged sexual predator, and she could ride a populist movement if there is still one. not sure. i also think she understands economics better than pie-in-the-sky bernie sanders, so she can appeal to both the left and the center, which is how one wins these things. don’t know if you know this, but warren used to be a republican. |
Huh? That's pretty much all there is. There are a few strong party supporters out there, but populism is alive and well on both sides. Did I miss something? Quote:
I had no idea! I swear to fucking god, the Native American thing will sink her. "But Trump said/did..." Yes, but she LIED about her HERITAGE! How can we ever trust her? If she lied once, what's to say she won't lie again? "But Trump..." Two wrongs don't make a right. Burn the witch. And watch for the word "hysterical" to pop up a hell of a lot. --- Amy Klobuchar. I hope. Been hoping for a year and a half. Don't know if she'd run, but she'd kick electoral ass if she did. But yes. It will be a woman. Just not positive which one. Primary should be fun. Catfight! Am I right bros? High five! |
well in 2020 after the economy goes to fucking hell people might be looking for a more reasonable and sober leader instead of grandiose promises but we’ll see, we’ll see Quote:
yep. was so because in her words republicans liked markets and democrats didn’t. (which makes perfect sense to me, as a grownup who one day decided to learn about markets and economics and so forth even though it wasn’t part of my education) she quit the repukes when they became unprincipled and started destroying the middle class and favoring wall street. started in the 80s she said but stuck till the mid 90s. Quote:
nah. i don’t think so. seriously. if that’s the worst they can get against her she’s home free Quote:
honestly i don’t know anything about her and have never seen her (i mostly don’t watch tv) but i’ll investigate |
See, you just had to be a dick. In my previous post I did NOT discard all the fuckedupness that came with "being Hillary Clinton", her public persona/perception anyway. I was alluding to precisely what you mentioned in passing — that for the most part Democrats play it safe, and Warren, former Republican and all (just as HRC, whaddayaknow) can be too easily sold to the brain-fucking-dead masses as the new Hanoi Jane. By the way, it's HILLARY Clinton, not "Hilary". "Hilary" is Hilary Swank. ![]() |
but you come here to yell at everyone and dish out insults like a deranged hormonal case— and then call me a dick? lolololololol and i should be keeping track of everything you say? hillllllllllllarious |
By the way, it's HILARIOUS, not "hilllllllllllarious".
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(I'm having a laugh. Let's all laugh. Because if we don't laugh, we'll cry.)
Hooo, fake news: you replied to my reply to Skuj. http://www.sonicyouth.com/gossip/sho...postcount=4563 Quote:
I do yell sometimes. Fuckers deserve it. :D But dude, "a deranged hormonal case"? Now that's misogynous — WELL, it would be if I were a woman. Next thing I know you're gonna tell me I'm "on the rag". |
Or hughlaurieous. ![]() |
have a nice weekend! see a doctor :D |
True but unbelievable: this is from a Fox News contributor!
Republicans beware -- Strong GDP growth isn't sustainable and that's bad news for the GOP in November |
I keep wondering about something......
All these wonderful numbers and stock market things......what does it mean to the average American? Is it different this time because of that tax cut? Obama had good "numbers" after he saved the planet from the 2008/9 meltdown, but that didn't mean dick to the average voter. |
well: nothing unless you drink the kool aid -we supposedly have minimal unemployment, but there has been no wage growth, and labor force participation is lower now than it was in 2000. this is was already the case under obama, republicans made a big stink of it, now they boast about their “success”. that’s the kool-aid i’m talking about. same facts, different interpretations. -but: we also have inflation now, and inflation is eating the tax cuts -plus, the business cycle is nearing its end, sped up by trump’s dumb trade war and other shenanigans. the tax cuts extended it for a little while though. the orange lord giveth and the orange lord taketh away ha ha ha. the narcissist! -stock market highs are good for investors—until there’s a correction and everyone panics. nobody ever learns. but yeah— say a firefighter or a teacher care more about their current paychecks than about the state of their pension fund. -but when the market is on the rise, companies hire people, make capital purchases, etc. -the news i’ve been reading say businesses are already preparing for the down cycle. the latest spike in purchasing has more to do with rushing ahead of tariffs taking effect. so: when the inevitable correction comes, the indexes go down, investment follows in a spiral for a while, unemployment goes up accordingly, the people rage and demand human sacrifices, and they vote out the old and elect a new set of promises. when will that be i am not sure. the big question is: before or after november? it will be before 2020 for sure. the other question is how deep will things go. will it just be a small correction or series of corrections? will it be a recession? a depression? a cataclysm? ask nostradamus... Quote:
well... no.... sort of. read the link i posted for rob in response to his comment about both parties being the same. it’s like six pages long. obama got a lot of recognition for saving the economy. but the rise of the tea party and the loss of both houses of congress weakened him. he had a decent approval rating till the end though. |
Anyone heard of any asteroids or something similar that should take out humanity as we know it? We could use it.
I know I've said this before, but, whatever......
Trump should be impeached for this evening's tweetstorm alone. It's full of bullshit, which of course he will not explain or answer to. Just getting these lies out is enough for this asshole. This fucking moron who is clearly unfit for the job, and is destroying the country. Additionally, he is clearly in panic mode now. He knows what Cohen and Mueller has. This next two weeks is going to be very ugly, and very enlightening. This is the real turning point, folks. |
If Cohen tells/has already told Mueller that Trump OK'd the meeting with the Russians at Drumpf Tower, it should be game over IF THE UNITED STATES WEREN'T CHOCK-FULL OF IDIOTS. Too big of an if, Skuj.
Zakaria's latest:
https://fareedzakaria.com/columns/20...-strikes-again |
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