cryptowonderdruginvogue |
07.22.2006 04:55 PM |
Originally Posted by Cantankerous
nice orthodontics. you, on the other hand, could use a good whitening.
actually, i did. that picture is 2 years old.

wallah! white!
Originally Posted by porkmarras
Also,what's wrong with that woman's teeth?Did she eat too much liquorice or it's just plain bad dental hygene at work?
they are called braces, its for people who have fucked up teeth. it like straightens them or some shit.
Originally Posted by Cantankerous
in addition to a whitening he could use a kick in the teeth but i thought i would be nice.
only if you let me kick you in the ovaries <3
Originally Posted by afterthefact
I jsut have to intervene here... cryptowonderdruginvogue, no hard feelings, but the pic was jsut begging for all of this :)
and now, on with the reaming...
none taken
i knew you guys would have a field day with it
i dont get butthurt over things people say on the internet
Originally Posted by porkmarras
Is it me or he has the look of someone who's having trouble with a big schlong entering his sphincter?
now that you mention it...
