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Yeah. Hey, have you ever seen this video of Alex Jones rants as a Bon Iver song? If you know anything about Bob Iver at all, this is pretty goddamn on point. I think I actually wept with laughter when I first watched: https://youtu.be/uWd6XgBVIcg :D |
Hunter S Thompsonon ESPN on Sept. 12, 2001: The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are At War now — with somebody — and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.
-- btw have been racking my brains since yesterday about the notion of fighting without violence. how the fuck does one ever do that? at some point anyone starts to get triggered. you see a threat, you attack-- yes? but i promised when this whole shitfest started that i'd do my best to stay sane in spite of the evils unleashed. and so i did that by detaching a bit and trying to stay above the fray. but i've been listening to amy goodman too much and holy shit is this a nightmare. this thread was the last straw anyway i gotta get to work now but uffffffff... these are heavy days for me let me know if this is any good. found link but haven't had time to watch yet https://www.ted.com/talks/scilla_elw...h_non_violence |
I've been having an ongoing inner debate about the violence issue myself. I made the same decision you did, to stay above it as much as possible, but I've been having trouble with that lately. I'm not going to start participating or inciting anything violent — not yet anyway — but I agree, it's becoming more and more difficult to maintain a position of unwavering pacifism. I don't have an answer. But I will check that video out. (You should watch Alex Jones as Bon Iver though. it made me laugh like crazy, despite everything.) |
I tried watching that a couple of times, I can't watch that guy, did you see the vid of the little guy who threw coffee on him and then stood there waiting for Jones to do something other than yell? He didn't and I guess the guy was a wrestler just waiting to fuck him up. I also saw a good one of a small young woman kicking a "Patriot Prayer" asshole right in the butt. I enjoy the shit out of that stuff, the righties have been intimidating those my side for too long. It's not my way to hit them, I don't want to get sued or go to jail, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it.
take for example the dude in the other page. i found his speech consistent with white supremacist discourse/propaganda and decided to call him names and tear him a new asshole. did i convince him of his wrongs? of course not. now he can claim victim status (antigerman discrimination) and is probably more recalcitrant than ever in his position. doesn't the alt-right portray themselves as victimized to justify their abuses? don't they claim that multiculturalism is "white genocide", etc.? so-- the shit will continue indefinitely, the cycle of victim-bully perpetuated forever. and my aggression does not help, it just provides fodder for more shit. endlessly. then again history celebrates churchill over chamberlain. doesn't help that we have such role models (or that outside of his ww2 role churchill was his own kind of asshole). |
When I was at UNH in 1984 there was this guy who would come on campus in front of the library, dressed in white robes carrying a huge wooden cross on his back, he wouldn't say anything but people would gather and sometimes students would spit on him.
To me, the video of him in Seattle was embarrassing. I was embarrassed as a former Seattleite and I was embarrassed for current Seattleites. They made themselves look like assholes and children. They should have ignored him or had the balls to have a discussion. Flipping coffee in his face was stupid. Did NOT help to counter anything Jones says or stands for. Didn't even successfully make him act out any more than he usually does. Fucking people man. Someone need to call him on the "literal goblin" bullshit. Someone needs to tell him on camera that they know he confessed to being a "character" when he was struggling to get custody of his daughter. They should have asked him about that. Not flipped coffee in his face with a "My friends are gonna think I'm sooooo cool" look on their dipshit faces. #Antiprogress |
that video was pretty great. the lady needed a glass of water though. but good content. i was impressed with some of her anecdotes. wanna watch it again. got a reference to this apparently important book/pamphlet:
"from dictatorship to democracy" by gene sharp http://www.aeinstein.org/wp-content/...13/09/FDTD.pdf ^^ free pdf we might need it soon! or not! who knows!? |
Good call. Thanks for the link. |
if you think he has a rational discussion with anyone at any time, you haven't watched him at all:rolleyes: |
Dipped into the MAGA pool. Folks are pissed! First Trump "deals" on DACA. Then he signs a resolution condemning white nationalists. So he loves illegal immigration and hates the first amendment. If I was on the Trump train, I'd be pissed too. But I'm not, so hahahahahahahahahahhaaha!!!! EDIT: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuckers |
i was reading about it on the paper this morning and thinking that this was the trump that i was *hoping for* -- like he could maybe after all be pragmatic and "business like" and maybe even favor business growth and be somewhat reasonable but-- who knows! cuz he's being druggd up right? xD |
Sadly, reality isn't logical nor is it rational. |
No I don't think that. But wouldn't it be better to point out his ridiculous, nonsensical "arguments" about ghouls taking over AND the fact that he admitted his entire persona was an act than to just... Fucking throw coffee at him like a little bitch? An opportunity to make him looks truly stupid, and he knew nobody would take it. He knew they'd all throw coffee or yell "Fuck you!" and run off, which only makes him look better and the people who hate him look worse. Especially to the morons watching him. All around pathetic fucking display, from all sides. I'd absolutely LOVE to have an opportunity to ask him some pointed questions on camera. It would be so easy to be the bigger person in that scenario and yet nobody chose to do it, and his fans just LOVED that vid, and his critics just jizzed over someone acting like a seventh grader. Way to stick it to the man, Seattle. Say noting and do stupid shit. Very Effective. Pains me to say it because that's my fucking home, but Seattle screwed the pooch. Big time. |
Gotta disagree. The guy would never rationally discuss anything with anybody ever. Fuck him over in any way. I wish someone would have tossed a bag of shit on him
LOOK, the fact is... I love tesla69. I love you, tesla. I want your body. Gimme your butt.
Dude that is NOT how it works. |
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