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I talked with Agata a fair bit after the show. Really nice guy, gave me his pick too :). What a fun show, I'd waited about 7 years to see them and it was everything I could ask for.
you are ultra cool |
who said otherwise? :confused: |
wait here stu
i'm the real deal around here and to be real there not many cool alternative girls out there on the planet so you have a ton load of single grunge rock men that kneel first the first vagina they can get (lol) or you have this syndrome of the girls who then think on their turn ' i'm the queen of the scene' bbooorrrriiiinnnnnggggg it's better to accept that we are animal in the first place and that there are seriously some problems with the dna to create beautifull woman all those fashion shows ^^who you think made up those? clothes companies and makeup & parfum selling companies there is no idealism possible with an animal specie the dna of animals on land is mostly the strongest specie that furtilize the woman but that was long ago in sapian history really dissapionted by the population i live in this lifetime of mine wished things were better i accept evolution as it i find the fun is dead, people just turned into some kinda zomby things that try to be fancy and luxury and modern but don't accapt that they are animals in the first place allways this ego of the human wich makes them think they are GOD, because they have a car or a laptop or a house ya know what i'm saying????? |
i officially call it today .... GENERATION BOREDOM
no one that accepts modern information like it is with that i mean no one accepts it's dna/ evolution/ naked life like it is anyway not my problem and i'm no authority on animals how animals should be accepting 'THINGS' |
i have better things to do
like ...seduce ink. hey ink. here a picture of me for YOU <3 ![]() ink if you have nightmares.. sorry ( |
If you reach hard enough...you can touch the light. the sweet....frozen.....incredible light.
Christ. I was going to post a pic from today but don't know if I should now..
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sorry man, you lost me ? |
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drawing ![]() looking like a douche. ![]() |
well at least we know what you spend your money on. |
Yeah, all them damned art supply stores on every corner. And them women behind the counters.
brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliantr |
oh sorry from me then if i walk to forward like darwin for example he was 150 years forward in time or micheal angelo, leonardo da vinci 450 years forward in their time or NASA in 1960 40 years forward in time when nasa gave warnings about climate change but the lowbrain population didn't UNDERSTAND MODERN i'm just talking about psychological sensitivity of the sapian specie the different things in the brain of the specie like the EGO and stuff i don't think or believe everyone lives in the same time i live or that there is a correct time living for the sapian specie there are people who are really forward > modern without the EGO that is just intelligence of life like it is sober /zen natural reality today that modern information is bacteria origin, specie devellopment and then more forward is the origin of bacteria like they gonna find in the waters of mars when or how did bacteria develloped in the universe to theries about multiversums wich are now at the moment not possible for research because modern humans only have 1 hubble telescope out there to investigate we can only see a small part of the universe and hopefully in the future find the origin of bacteria and know all about that i was just talking about evolution and specie DNA creation spermcel/ eggcell > beautifull woman > symetric genes that is a different world then make up, fashion, parfum ^^ just manipulating animals to buy products the same counts for weight reducing products who always make the foundation that fat people are UGLY and really need to do something about it buy their product whitout even consiidering the consecuences of their tv commercial wich can lead to annorexia with youth or youth that doesn't feel confortable like the way they are born wich can lead to commit suicide, not feeling accepted by the people bullying ect. just feeling not welcome like gay people or poor people, or people with a different color or what ever you know subliminal facism like there is still now here in the belgium school they teached in the old days that 'black' people were the crime people and that woman belong in the kitchen so those student are subliminal brainwashed > for rightwing extreemist politics even today in belgium and in the netherland there is apartheid, like in south africa, back in the days when they locked up nelson mandela you have white schools in belgium and in the netherlands the same schools with only white people sick parents that support the apartheid regime all subliminal brainwashed childeren NOT LIVING TOGETHER WITH COLORED PEOPLE NOT GOING TO SCHOOL WITH COLORED PEOPLE and this results in sick lowbrain behavior with ofcourse a mass vote for extreem right politics wich never belonged in this time the thing is that IF... an if.. that is IF people 150 years ago followed charles darwin there was no WOII |
but we are now charles darwin + 150 years the landrover is on mars a second one is on its way nasa has set a mars mission for 2030 and that is modern time of today can only get more modern the sapian specie needs to understand that it won't change the specie it will have a biological brain wich took 4,5 million years of earth time to get designed and it also stays a mortal animal it only gives more value to devellop modern thinking, modern understanding what the sapian specie has created from tooldevelepment like the sapians started to make a spear, to hunt then they make a bow and arrow then they make a wheel then the bronze age, tools made out of bronze and slowly developped knowledge of chemistry then unfortunatly made canons, gunpowder , guns a animal terrotorial fights broke loose a sad thing the same specie killing eachother all sapians are DNA orientated from mid africa after all the wars, rapes and killing wich continue even today the sapian specie is a bit lost in what it is and that was the thing i was actually talking about that the sapian thinks it's a god or something because it has a labtob, a car or a house or is travelling to mars it's still a mortal animal, with biological sensitive brains the presense of bacteria development in the universe doesn't mean a thing if a comet hit earth and all sapian species die out so what i just live like evolution is and how the universe is it's all unchangeable life the universe it is what it is modern humans can only study life and universe more can the sapian brain not do it's stays a biological activity feeded by oxygene water and food this weekend the clock is turned 1 hour later for the winterhour everyday is a modern day for me and very happy to live and understand these days i also worked hard for these modern information about 10 years of autodidactic study of modern information if you didn't know i'm the artist that made modern futurism www.modernfuturism.be futurism was an artmovement in 1909-1914 and i opend the next movement modern futurism wich fits with these modern days ( i find ) i did this all alone and believe me no one supported me worked hard many years for that and soon if i have more time gonna make the next parts of modern futurism for the love of art & modern |
and if i die today
and can't make the art hope that 100 years later in 2100 a sapian with love for art makes the next modern art movement like i did with futurism futurism 1909-1914 > modern futurism 2000-2011 > ...? 2100 > utra modern futurism long live the future A*beam |
allways laugh a bit and relative modern information
learning in a fun way like animals learn in a playfull way things or else it's an authority and then things go wrong when you have authority > things go wrong animals have no authority animals are only designed for water and food consumpion |
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