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he'll prolly try to get a job with trump, but then we can get them all the fuck gone in 2o2o;) |
By all accounts today was yet another disastrous day for Team Trump, but The Dems don't seem to know this. Or am I just looking at the wrong places?
Ding-Dong The Wicked Witch Is Dead
I'm trying to square that CNN link with the stuff below it. Sorry....not seeing it.
"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, serving as Acting Attorney General due to the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, authorized Mueller to investigate and prosecute "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump," as well as "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation" and any other matters within the scope of 28 CFR 600.4 – Jurisdiction.[" You cannot say that there is no evidence of collusion yet, because the fucking report isn't finished, is it? Collusion with a foreign adversary to affect the election isn't illegal? Kill me now. How can Mueller KNOW all this when he is starting an INVESTIGATION? Fuck me. |
So you're basically concluding that it's all A-OK now for Trump because despite any crimes committed he's above the law (and this is only if we take Giuliani at his credibility-shot word). Regardless of whether Trump will be indicted while in office, if the investigation is allowed to finish Mueller will present his final report to Congress. The House is then supposed to do its duty and draft the respective articles of impeachment, and after that a supermajority of the Senate is required to convict based on the articles. Phrasing the link the way you did is not only the dumbest thing you've posted yet, but the most amoral. |
http://www.latimes.com/projects/la-n...tion-one-year/ and yeah it would be up to the spineless congress to impeach or not |
the supporters come in different stripes and the huckster knows how to attract all those stripes kkk and dixiecrats included as well as innumerable suckers and since we’re on to whataboutisms: not all george wallace supporters were segregationists i’m sure (they maybe just liked his stance on business and looked the other way on the rest). not all this are that therefore: nothing |
The latest message from Demand Progress regarding Net Neutrality Title II:
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I'm tellin' y'all's, Michael Avenatti is the only person out there who's refuting Trump's horseshit rationally, point-by-point. |
torture enablers
entire Rethug Senate, plus Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) Munchkin even hugged her before the hearings ![]() |
Not once did I say or imply or say that Trump is above the law. After the informant wire tapping report the Clinton’s created and gave to the FBI There is Nothing-ZERO-No evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. Quote:
We have a Judge in Virginia cracking the judicial whip at the Department Of Justice demanding to know what the DOJ is up to because they are soooooo outside the scope of what they are authorized to investigate......me, myself and I consider what they are doing a Witch Hunt. So two plus years and millions later and Muller is growing tired of being worked over by the judicial whip......the investigation is dead in the water and Muller is so desperate, his team makes contact with Rudy Giuliani to confirm that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Didn’t Bill Clinton teach us that 20 years ago? I could be 100% wrong, but I believe President Donald Trump will not be impeached and he will easily win re-election. While I understand some in Congress are saying they have evidence that Russia wanted Trump to win over Hillary......and possibly Russia colluded with someone to help this happen: A) you haven’t seen this evidence. B) as I stated above, Nothing-ZERO-No evidence that the Trump campaign colluded. |
of course we haven’t seen this evidence, this is why there’s an investigation— to find out if there’s any
because there are clear suspicions and unlike other people in this thread i’m not affirming apriori that there’s any— i’m just saying let the investigation proceed and then we’ll see. if at the end they find nothing then they find nothing. but let’s not anybody count their chickens yet cuz that’s foolish. |
For the upteenth time, the investigation is continuing, and Mueller has said nothing, so how the fuck do we KNOW that there is no evidence?
We are just going to keep doing this over and over again, aren't we? |
@skuj —
this has been repeated to death lately— in this era of total partisanship people don’t just feel entitled to their opinions: they feel entitled to their own facts. it’s not just bytor here—unless i’m misreading soupnazi, he’s categorically saying trump is positively a criminal who will be found guilty and the house is “supposed to do its duty,” as if this was a foregone conclusion and not a big unknown in the process of being investigated. every partisan invents their own facts. staying sane in this climate is hard as fuck. |
Hate group leader appointed to U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Tony Perkins, head of anti-LGBT hate group Family Research Council (FRC), has been appointed to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. As head of the FRC, Perkins specializes in spreading false propaganda that demonizes the LGBT community and Muslims. His well-documented bigotry has no place in any government entity https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/..._source=EOACLK |
(Sorry. Reading about Perkins' new appointment for the first time.) |
Frank Rich on Jerusalem ceremony for the Embassy:
This Jersualem “ceremony” will live on not as a positive step in Israeli history but as a shabby rogue’s gallery panorama of mobsterism at the top of both the American and Israeli governments. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer...rror-show.html |
Symbols, I admire your willingness to wait, it’s all we can do. All I’m pointing out is so far there is no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded. Evidently Congress has information that Russia colluded with someone?? Guess what, they probably did. The question is, who??? President Obama Hillary Clinton or her campaign Anyone else?????? All we know so far is there is not one single shred of evidence linking President Trump or his campaign. ****BREAKING NEWS**** Once Congress reveals who colluded—GUESS WHAT—there is no evidence that it had any impact on the election or that Donald Trump won because of it. Last but not least, as I’ve stated previously in this thread......from my meager understanding of the law......colluding isn’t a crime. Everyone have a great weekend! |
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