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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.19.2007 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
I for one do not believe it, but I am open to it. Like Angella said I might find some use of it. But overall I do not find myself using any of the teachings of it.

you shouldn't be upset to having been exposed to different culture. while you might not find any meaning it at present, who knows what the future holds. if you find this particular information invalid then there is no need to use it, but what is the harm in having been exposed to it? to know that such a belief exists and to understand what such a belief is, without necessarily making a judgment call regarding the authenticity, accuracy, or legitimacy of the belief itself? its like listening to music without being a music critic all the time.... you never know how your tastes might change unless you expose yourself to new flavors and make opinions about them based on yr own experience rather then the testimony of another or even worse, pure ignorance of the belief altogether.

girlgun 10.19.2007 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
you shouldn't be upset to having been exposed to different culture. while you might not find any meaning it at present, who knows what the future holds. if you find this particular information invalid then there is no need to use it, but what is the harm in having been exposed to it? to know that such a belief exists and to understand what such a belief is, without necessarily making a judgment call regarding the authenticity, accuracy, or legitimacy of the belief itself? its like listening to music without being a music critic all the time.... you never know how your tastes might change unless you expose yourself to new flavors and make opinions about them based on yr own experience rather then the testimony of another or even worse, pure ignorance of the belief altogether.

wow. it must get exhausting always trying to be so fucking pc. fact is... HEALTH class really isn't the place for it. and it really isn't appropriate for the teacher to suggest modern medicine isn't important. let's hope she doesn't come down with a case of that nasty breast cancer and try to cure herself without it. stick to the safe sex talk... maybe talk about cholesterol and healthy eating. you get the gist. i'm not dismissing all that jazz... just saying it's not really an appropriate forum.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.19.2007 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun
wow. it must get exhausting always trying to be so fucking pc. fact is... HEALTH class really isn't the place for it. and it really isn't appropriate for the teacher to suggest modern medicine isn't important. let's hope she doesn't come down with a case of that nasty breast cancer and try to cure herself without it. stick to the safe sex talk... maybe talk about cholesterol and healthy eating. you get the gist. i'm not dismissing all that jazz... just saying it's not really an appropriate forum.

wow thats the first time anybody ever even called me pc, let alone accused me of taking pc too far....interesting take. why cant a teacher talk about safe sex, proper nutrition, and also expose people to other cultural definitions of proper health? there is time for both in this world I assure you. health is a term which implies much more then just biomedicine, and so I think it is a most apporpriate forum.

terminal pharmacy 10.19.2007 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
She says that modern medicine isn't that important, but it still has its palce. I was like wtf?

pretty hard to do heart / lung transplants with some fucking hogwarts and whatnots

SynthethicalY 10.20.2007 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
you shouldn't be upset to having been exposed to different culture. while you might not find any meaning it at present, who knows what the future holds. if you find this particular information invalid then there is no need to use it, but what is the harm in having been exposed to it? to know that such a belief exists and to understand what such a belief is, without necessarily making a judgment call regarding the authenticity, accuracy, or legitimacy of the belief itself? its like listening to music without being a music critic all the time.... you never know how your tastes might change unless you expose yourself to new flavors and make opinions about them based on yr own experience rather then the testimony of another or even worse, pure ignorance of the belief altogether.

I don't mind, but she says pills are not really nessecary. I really do doubt that is true.

Anngella 10.20.2007 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
I don't mind, but she says pills are not really nessecary. I really do doubt that is true.

Not necessary for what, exactly?

SynthethicalY 10.20.2007 12:14 AM

For ADHD and something like that Depression.

sonicl 10.20.2007 12:18 AM

For ADHD, I don't know, but for depression pils aren't necessary, no, but they help.

Anngella 10.20.2007 12:20 AM

Well, they're really not. At least not for some people.

SynthethicalY 10.20.2007 12:22 AM

Yes that is quite true, I did not need to use it to get out of the one I had. But to repudiate it is wrong. She just has this thing agains the health care system.

Anngella 10.20.2007 12:27 AM

Yeah, that's not good. Not gut at all, nein.

SynthethicalY 10.20.2007 12:30 AM

I mean she still says not to go against modern science. I would not care as much it is just that she shoves this down our throats.

alyasa 10.20.2007 12:35 AM

Sounds political, which as everyone knows, has nothing to do with health.

5Against1 10.20.2007 03:05 AM

You have to learn about Shakira in Health class? Well, the videos are kinda hot, hang in there.

ThePits 10.20.2007 08:19 AM

It sounds like the teacher is saying just enough to keep her job i.e. "modern medicine has its place", whilst at the same time placing more emphasis on her own personal beliefs
Might be interesting to find out whats on the education systems curriculum and if it includes this at all

Lamont Cranston 10.21.2007 12:56 AM

I got this beat: my high school Health teacher brought in a woman from his church to teach us about the evils of abortion- usual BS about life begins at conception, abortion causes cancer, contraceptives never work so you must abstain, blah blah blah. Keep in mind this is Australia, not the USA, where only a fantastically small minority go in for this kind of Christianity, plus it was a public school!
(Sorry to say that I was asleep for half the class and half-asleep for the remainder of the class, so didn't raise objections)

ThePits 10.21.2007 04:41 AM

Sounds like a lot of hard work

Couldn't he have just gone to the dentist instead?

ThePits 10.21.2007 01:11 PM

I still think its easier just to visit the dentist and floss regularly

Thanks for the links though, interesting reading

girlgun 10.21.2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Shaka Moloch
Many of the drugs used by patients today are a synsthesis of chemicals never before combined throughout all of history and should therefore be regarded as unsafe quackery until you give it, oh let us say the same amount of centuries that natural remedy has provided proof.

quackery?? how can you suggest this having one foot in the world as a "scientist"?


Originally Posted by Shaka Moloch
What you are being taught is a way for a "patient" to have an active role in healing. Even simple lessons in breathing, something we could all hope to do well, are no doubt happily part of the curriculum. If not yet, you should ask when so that everyone can take a deep breath.

that is legit. i wouldn't disagree AT ALL there are natural ways to ASSIST in healing...but again.... she was more or less dismissing modern medicine... as you did in the first quote. (although you did touch briefly on what crichton said - and i agree with - that patients should take more of an active role)

SynthethicalY 11.25.2007 02:01 AM

Well my teacher showed us this movie called "The Secret," I wanted to throw up. Kill me now Jesus.

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