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pbradley 03.28.2008 12:25 AM

Don't have a smoker. Though I bet I can get pre-smoked salmon. Hmm. This is making me hungry and all I have is leftovers.

✌➬ 03.28.2008 12:27 AM

Me, too easy mac for me.

█████████ 03.28.2008 12:30 AM

american cuisine must be really poor, that or you people dont know how to eat.

!@#$%! 03.28.2008 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by uhler
i had a tuna sub. it felt weird eating it, but pretty good.

fish is good for your brains. that mercury thing is bullshit-- just eat cilantro to flush heavy metals.

!@#$%! 03.28.2008 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
you broke a fast of meat for years with a tuna sub? I bet it was canned no less? Jesus man! why not a steak? or some delicious grilled chicken? lamb chop? pastrami? burger? anything but tuna!

good point though.

how about some ahi tuna sashimi...mmmm........

✌➬ 03.28.2008 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by █████████
american cuisine must be really poor, that or you people dont know how to eat.

the latter.

!@#$%! 03.28.2008 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
lamb is fucking awesome.

lamb, and mutton, and veal, and beef, and buffalo, and chicken, and hen, and rooster, and capon, and turkey, and duck, and cornish hens, and pork, and piglet, and eel, and salmon, and halibut, and cod, and flounder, and sole, and lobster, and clams, and oysters, and mussels, and crabs, and abalones, and rabbits, and guinea pigs, and crocodiles, and aligators, and rattlesnakes, and frogs, and turtles, and venison, and wild boar, and many more beast and fowls and fish and mollusks, are fucking awesome.

Everyneurotic 03.28.2008 12:39 AM

you've tried all of those homeboy?

!@#$%! 03.28.2008 12:42 AM

just not rattlesnake. but im in new mexico, so the opportunity is just around the corner.

✌➬ 03.28.2008 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
just not rattlesnake. but im in new mexico, so the opportunity is just around the corner.

Or in your backyard.

terminal pharmacy 03.28.2008 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
lamb, and mutton, and veal, and beef, and buffalo, and chicken, and hen, and rooster, and capon, and turkey, and duck, and cornish hens, and pork, and piglet, and eel, and salmon, and halibut, and cod, and flounder, and sole, and lobster, and clams, and oysters, and mussels, and crabs, and abalones, and rabbits, and guinea pigs, and crocodiles, and aligators, and rattlesnakes, and frogs, and turtles, and venison, and wild boar, and many more beast and fowls and fish and mollusks, are fucking awesome.

i reckon i wold have tried 98% of those beasts

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.28.2008 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by m1rr0r dash
fuck that. smoke it.

not in a pipe stupid - nova style.

so what is that, some kind of new vaporizer?

!@#$%! 03.28.2008 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by terminal pharmacy
i reckon i wold have tried 98% of those beasts

oh you have all those tasty marsupials as well.

!@#$%! 03.28.2008 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
Or in your backyard.

not really. though sometimes you can see roadrunners jumping around the neighborhood.

terminal pharmacy 03.28.2008 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh you have all those tasty marsupials as well.

kangaroo is an exceptionally fine meat until you get anywhere over medium rare

Everyneurotic 03.28.2008 12:51 AM

ohh man, cornish hens!!! i want one, roasted!

i just had some seriously kickass cod tacos last week, turkey as well.

!@#$%! 03.28.2008 12:54 AM

life is good...

✌➬ 03.28.2008 12:56 AM

Cornish Hens sounds good, with some fresh salsa, and tortillas.

m1rr0r dash 03.28.2008 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
lamb, and mutton, and veal, and beef, and buffalo, and chicken, and hen, and rooster, and capon, and turkey, and duck, and cornish hens, and pork, and piglet, and eel, and salmon, and halibut, and cod, and flounder, and sole, and lobster, and clams, and oysters, and mussels, and crabs, and abalones, and rabbits, and guinea pigs, and crocodiles, and aligators, and rattlesnakes, and frogs, and turtles, and venison, and wild boar, and many more beast and fowls and fish and mollusks, are fucking awesome.

you forgot the snails, the frogs, the sharks, the octopii, the tongue of the cow, the cerveau of a rabbit, the gizzards and hearts of chicken, overly fattened goose livers, raw ground horse meat spread on toast, headcheeses of various types, the congealed blood of a pig stuffed into an intestinal tube and fried, and the occassional sea urchin.

things i have not yet eaten: blowfish, sashimi so fresh the little chunks of flesh are still twitching when you put them in yr mouth, locust fresh off the grain fields swollen with corn mush fried in oil till they pop like popcorn.

Everyneurotic 03.28.2008 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
Cornish Hens sounds good, with some fresh salsa, and tortillas.

you know it.

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