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jon boy 05.12.2008 08:56 AM

the first us aid has been let into in the country today. when did the dissaster actually happen again? its regimes and governments like these that the un needs to put pressure on.

floatingslowly 05.12.2008 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Fuck who?



Originally Posted by jon boy
when did the dissaster actually happen again?

nine days.

surely nobody is hungry with all those dead monkies laying about though.

besides, everybody knows the US spikes relief food with drugs that make you gay and christian.

sarramkrop 05.12.2008 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

Ok, that's everything clarified, then.

Yeah, fuck 'em. Yeah.

floatingslowly 05.12.2008 09:25 AM

really though.

how much effort should be put into helping people that don't want it?

PS: you've stolen MY avatar.

sarramkrop 05.12.2008 09:29 AM

Yeah, I see what you mean. Still it doesn't really take that much of an effort, especially when you happen to have a roof over your head and a full belly, to show some compassion for people who have nothing left. You shouldn't be fucking 'em, I think you should be fucking uneccesary cynicism.

floatingslowly 05.12.2008 09:35 AM

I think the cynicism set in about a week after it happened and the food was still sitting there...

here's an alternate reality version (just for you):

"DEAR GAWD, NOOOooooo! NOOOOoooo!! YOU MUST TAKE THIS FOOOOD! WHY, OH, WHY WON'T YOU EAT IT???" - floatingslowly, May 11, 2008, Earth II

PS: it doesn't take much to talk about having a roof over yr head when you aren't constantly dodging tornados.

jon boy 05.12.2008 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
really though.

how much effort should be put into helping people that don't want it?

PS: you've stolen MY avatar.

they (the people affected) do want it, the military junta are not letting the aid through which is why there is a stockpile.

its like people who lose their houses to tornado's in america then the army standing there with machine guns and not letting them have any help. they are not really in a position to argue.

sarramkrop 05.12.2008 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I think the cynicism set in about a week after it happened and the food was still sitting there...

here's an alternate reality version (just for you):

"DEAR GAWD, NOOOooooo! NOOOOoooo!! YOU MUST TAKE THIS FOOOOD! WHY, OH, WHY WON'T YOU EAT IT???" - floatingslowly, May 11, 2008, Earth II

PS: it doesn't take much to talk about having a roof over yr head when you aren't constantly dodging tornados.

Again, I see the point you're making and agree with that, in part. They happen to be disgraced because of a tyrannical government that doesn't care about them at all, still it is not the people severely affected by this tragedy who have decided to refuse the help on offer, it is someone, the governing evil entity that rules them, that has decided for them that they should struggle and die. That surely should be enough to make someone feel compassionate about what's happening?

floatingslowly 05.12.2008 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
they (the people affected) do want it, the military junta are not letting the aid through which is why there is a stockpile.

its like people who lose their houses to tornado's in america then the army standing there with machine guns and not letting them have any help. they are not really in a position to argue.

right. I get that.

yes, it's said. but really, how much emotional investment is required before I stop caring?

here's a timeline (just for jon boy):
  1. oh, my gawd. that's fucking terrible. those poor people.
  2. I sure hope they get help fast.
  3. [lost time]
  4. holy fuck! look at all that food! they*** don't want it?? what the fuck?
  5. it's STILL sitting there??? don't we have some homeless to feed?
  6. STILL? get the fuck out.
  7. still. oh, well. what can you do.
*** the next time someone wants to blame amerikkkans for THE WORLD IN FLAMES, I'm going to insist that they specifiy our military junta.

floatingslowly 05.12.2008 10:01 AM

addendum: I truely feel bad for people living under the oppressive fists of brutal leaders, worldwide. I have recruited Col. John "Hannibal" Smith, Capt. H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock, Bosco B.A. "Bad Attitude" Baracus and Starbuck to take care of the job for me. my conscience is now clean.

I love it when a plan comes together.

jon boy 05.12.2008 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
right. I get that.

yes, it's said. but really, how much emotional investment is required before I stop caring?

here's a timeline (just for jon boy):
  1. oh, my gawd. that's fucking terrible. those poor people.
  2. I sure hope they get help fast.
  3. [lost time]
  4. holy fuck! look at all that food! they*** don't want it?? what the fuck?
  5. it's STILL sitting there??? don't we have some homeless to feed?
  6. STILL? get the fuck out.
  7. still. oh, well. what can you do.
*** the next time someone wants to blame amerikkkans for THE WORLD IN FLAMES, I'm going to insist that they specifiy our military junta.

who's blaming america?

i see what you mean about overcaring about things too much, you cant care about everything otherwise yoyu would become a quivering mess.

floatingslowly 05.12.2008 10:14 AM


jon boy 05.12.2008 10:15 AM

bloody americans.

floatingslowly 05.12.2008 10:18 AM

my point exactly.

jon boy 05.12.2008 10:19 AM

now i must go, where's my bowler hat?

floatingslowly 05.12.2008 10:22 AM

maybe if you weren't throwing it at people, you wouldn't lose it.


floatingslowly 05.12.2008 10:22 AM

bloody euros.

jon boy 05.12.2008 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
maybe if you weren't throwing it at people, you wouldn't lose it.


its all these jonothan foreigners, they scare me too much.

floatingslowly 05.12.2008 10:35 AM

you said you were leaving.

you didn't.

now, stop posting and make me a turkey pot pie (I sent my last one to Myanma Naingngandaw).

█████████ 05.12.2008 10:36 AM

you're talking like if only the u.s. cared about the crisis in burma.
ok the u.s. offered more than $3m in aid, but there are more countries and non american organizations helping...
if you read the news you will see that the e.u. offered more than $3m, britain more than $9m, canada 2$m, european union more than $3m etc. etc. etc.

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