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Tokolosh 08.15.2006 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I'm not 100% on this, but I think every US president has been a mason of some sort.

If I'm not mistaken, there were three or four that weren't masonic.
One being Clinton.
Maybe someone can elaborate on this?

whorefrost 09.18.2006 08:59 AM

just discovered this Loose Change film... makes some interesting points... anyone else seen it?

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by whorefrost
just discovered this Loose Change film... makes some interesting points... anyone else seen it?

I think it's one of the worst 9/11 documentaries I've seen to date.
Countless mistakes, and the music doesn't suit it at all.
It lacks depth and I get the feeling that a those kids googled most of the information. I fell asleep which says a lot.

whorefrost 09.18.2006 09:19 AM

fair enough... the main thing i found interesting was about the pentagon attack and the absence of debris from an aircraft... also, reports of smelling cordite in the air...

whorefrost 09.18.2006 09:23 AM

admittedly, the film does get a tad boring after that.... man, i should change my avatar, i must look like some sorta nut

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 09:23 AM

Well, if a plane didn't hit it....... what did.
This whole incident keeps getting more absurd by the day.
What will they think of next?

whorefrost 09.18.2006 09:25 AM

a missile

whorefrost 09.18.2006 09:25 AM

did you even watch it?

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 09:30 AM

You must've seen more than I did, 'cause that footage from the security camera,
shows sweet bugger all, except for a blur and the fireball caused by the impact.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 09:31 AM

I can't be bothered to watch such trash. I'm sorry you wasted time out of you precious life, Julian, but you should have just not been a moron and not watched a shitty documentary.

whorefrost 09.18.2006 09:31 AM

the footage certainly does not show a plane. and why were all the other nearby security tapes confiscated by the FBI?

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 09:35 AM


"Because we told them to". :rolleyes:

atari 2600 09.18.2006 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I'm not to mad about Kerry either. After all, he's masonic.

Kerry may have went to Yale and have been a Skull & Bones frat member, but Kerry also infamously spoke out against some of our methodology in Vietnam.

Even more of a convincing argument for Kerry's merit is that as a freshman senator, he was the first (along with Iowa senator Tom Harkin) to uncover the Iran-Contra scandal and address it.

Of course, despite their courage, nothing really ever came of the hearings. The illegal cocaine importation was purposely overlooked & Reagan just said he "couldn't remember." Mena, Arkansas was the spot where the coke planes landed stateside, and of course after Reagan and Bush, Sr. left office, Clinton was installed by succesfully duping voters for both of his terms.

People that think 9/11 wasn't a staged event are very dangerous to the security and future of this great nation and the world.

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
People that think 9/11 wasn't a staged event are very dangerous to the security and future of this great nation and the world.

Come again???

atari 2600 09.18.2006 10:47 AM


hey alex 09.18.2006 11:05 AM

i haven't seen this and in many regarda don't care. (italics ho!) Fuck if we start turning super evil like nazi germany I'll take a plane out. Otherwise I'll refuse war without reason I believe and probably take to being knowledgable this coming election... even though we'll probably be democratic just because we've been througgh 8 years if bush hell. Why not go republic! I mean, a third party will never win.... hopefully, or hopefully, hillary won;t run... hopefully- people will not a woman as president. Hopefully not - feminists and bush fuckin us over.

But anyways.,... I could really care less for 9/11. It is awful that a lot of people died, but it's mindwarped many people negatively. They either went to war or started getting mad at the govenrment... and not doing anything useful at all. I'm going to make documentary! Yay! everyone will know! And no one will do anything with that knowledge. (though it's probably wrong to begin with. A plane hit a building. Palnned by bush? Who fuckin cares that's actually doing something about it)

atari 2600 09.18.2006 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by hey alex

But anyways.,... I could really care less for 9/11.

You also couldn't have cared less to even get "couldn't care less" correct.

Besides being too ignorant and/or too brainwashed, people are just flat-out too lazy to uncover the truth. They are too placated. Most people think everything will be just fine for them, their children & their children's children. Writing about it & talking about it is doing something about it. Climbing fuel prices are starting to wake up even the most backwards Americans. People are learning that not only can they not trust our leaders, which is something that's been common wisdom since Nixon, but also that they cannot trust their preacher to know the facts.

The clock is still running as to how much of a waste of time this thread will be.

hey alex 09.18.2006 11:13 AM

i suppose that's true. I don't think we'll be in long run trouble. I mean I don't really see myself walking down hallways in chains for a peice of toast anytime. I'd expected america to split into seperate nations before that... and I won't see that either probably. 9/11 just seemed to get everyone pumped up and crazy and 5 years on, who cares? There's been enough public display to get the nation against it, mostly... I just didn't really care from get go.

also, atari, is that sig a simpsons quote?

hey alex 09.18.2006 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
The clock is still running as to how much of a waste of time this thread will be.

I think that already happened

h8kurdt 09.18.2006 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
[quote=hey alex]

But anyways.,... I could really care less for 9/11. [/quote]

You also couldn't care less to even get "couldn't care less" correct.


I never understood people who say they "could care less". It's like all the people who say it misheard the line. Here have a hearing aid they work.

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