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porkmarras 08.28.2006 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
12 years? You must LOVE it here.

he just loves the builders.[/quote]

porkmarras 08.28.2006 08:07 AM

.....and the chavs obviously!

Pookie 08.28.2006 08:09 AM

What's not to love?


fishmonkey 08.28.2006 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
12 years? You must LOVE it here.

he just loves the builders.[/quote]

ha ha! and the rugby players eh Porkie? Lawerance Dalliglio and the likes

porkmarras 08.28.2006 08:35 AM

haha.I don't go for specific types THAT MUCH!!

jon boy 08.28.2006 08:42 AM



porkmarras 08.28.2006 08:42 AM

[quote=Pookie]I know it's stating the obvious, but there are talented, clever, funny people from all walks of life. I'm not an inverted snob by any means, I just object to being given a view of the world that is based on the views of a particular section of society.

Yes of course,that'd be like saying that one should have only gay friends because they are gay themselves:ridiculous!But have you ever imagined if the dominant worldview was that of trannies?How interesting would that be?I can see this thread degenerating to new depths of disgrace.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy



wax 08.28.2006 08:50 AM

i hate chavs, and hate the word chav too.
before this big frenzy of chav this chav that, i already hated them. we call them scallys, always did, and they are are a contributing factor to me spending as little time as possible in england, im not really scared of them, i just fucking hate them, hate their ignorance and the fucking proudness they have in their ignorance. also that their favorite hobby is to fuck with other people for no reason, and only when they are in a big gang, so you cant give the little fuckers a smack.
i feel like taxi driver when im in birmingham, surounded by scum behaving as bad as they want with no intervention. i feel so different when im abroad, calm.
im fairly tolerant, and i never had anything against a group of people before (except i kind of dont like the police, thru various personal experiences from both sides of the fence) but chavs are the lowest of the low and they take up most of my hate.
i worry my chain of thought might be bordering on fascist here, but i try to justify it to myself that they are the fascists who cant let people be.
am i being too harsh? does anyone who lives outside of london in a smaller city or town have any comment? am i on my own here or does someone else hate them with as much passion as i?

Pookie 08.28.2006 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by wax
i hate chavs, and hate the word chav too.
before this big frenzy of chav this chav that, i already hated them. we call them scallys, always did, and they are are a contributing factor to me spending as little time as possible in england, im not really scared of them, i just fucking hate them, hate their ignorance and the fucking proudness they have in their ignorance. also that their favorite hobby is to fuck with other people for no reason, and only when they are in a big gang, so you cant give the little fuckers a smack.
i feel like taxi driver when im in birmingham, surounded by scum behaving as bad as they want with no intervention. i feel so different when im abroad, calm.
im fairly tolerant, and i never had anything against a group of people before (except i kind of dont like the police, thru various personal experiences from both sides of the fence) but chavs are the lowest of the low and they take up most of my hate.
i worry my chain of thought might be bordering on fascist here, but i try to justify it to myself that they are the fascists who cant let people be.
am i being too harsh? does anyone who lives outside of london in a smaller city or town have any comment? am i on my own here or does someone else hate them with as much passion as i?

Mmmm...I think you've got anger issues.

Who are 'they' you keep talking about.


Yes of course,that'd be like saying that one should have only gay friends because they are gay themselves:ridiculous!But have you ever imagined if the dominant worldview was that of trannies?How interesting would that be?I can see this thread degenerating to new depths of disgrace.
- I did say I was stating the obvious.

Anyway, I vote for letting this thread degenerate to new depths of disgrace.

Pookie 08.28.2006 09:00 AM

New uniforms are being introduced where I work:


Is that you in your avatar porky? You suit Burberry very well. Incidentally, I come from the town where Thomas Burberry had his first shop, therefore I feel more qualified than most to talk about chavs.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 09:06 AM

Nah,he's a random google chav.Love the new uniforms!

Toilet & Bowels 08.28.2006 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Go on admit it, you're a bunch of snobs aren't you? I bet most of you went to art college and eat pesto.

I go to art college and went to public school! Eat that!
The last thing I am is a snob though. What vexes me are the middle class people who like to act like they are working class.

wax 08.28.2006 09:52 AM

yes, thats what im afraid of. i may have anger issues. but its only these people that piss me off.
by "they" i mean the kids who seem to live to fuck with other people. the ones who for something to do, will ride the bus and try to pick fights, make a scene, test how far they can go before someone tells them to shut the fuck up and then they create some stand off to test who is the "bigger man" by making the other back down first. it wouldnt make me so angry if it wasnt so common.
i really dont believe it has much to do with class. these people are everywhere, from all walks of life. i know people who are very intelligent who try to act dumb and ignorant because it helps them fit in with the culture of idiots that they hang out with. it seems for alot of people that its the "in" thing to do.
pookie, where are you from? or where do you live?
i think the smaller the place, the worse it is. in my experience, london isnt as bad for this kind of thing because there are alot of different people being the caplital and all. smaller cities and towns have more scallys, and they have a bit more bottle.
im sure i have anger issues here. but seriously, its just this one type of person that makes me this mad. i feel surounded by them when im at home. i also think that alot of decent people are too scared to put them in their place, which also makes me angry, although i totaly understand the feeling of not wanting to get involved.

HaydenAsche 08.28.2006 09:54 AM

I still don't know what Chavs are.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 09:55 AM

Look at my avatar while i look outside my window Hayden.My house is surrounded by them.haha

HaydenAsche 08.28.2006 09:56 AM

He looks like a cunt. We don't have them in the states.

Pookie 08.28.2006 10:05 AM


i really dont believe it has much to do with class. these people are everywhere, from all walks of life. i know people who are very intelligent who try to act dumb and ignorant because it helps them fit in with the culture of idiots that they hang out with. it seems for alot of people that its the "in" thing to do.

Exactly my point. So why use words like 'chav' that draw in a whole section of society.


pookie, where are you from? or where do you live?
i think the smaller the place, the worse it is. in my experience, london isnt as bad for this kind of thing because there are alot of different people being the caplital and all. smaller cities and towns have more scallys, and they have a bit more bottle.

I live in a place full of 'chavs' and it's a place where I don't into town at night because of the aggressive atmosphere, not to mention fights, broken bottles and vomit. But the two things are not necessarily related.

The two issues of snobbery and the fact that we're living in a violent society are separate issues.

Pookie 08.28.2006 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I still don't know what Chavs are.

"Chav is a slang term in wide use throughout the United Kingdom since 2004.

It refers to a subcultural stereotype of people fixated on fashions such as flashy "bling" jewelery (Generally fake gold) , and genuine (rarely seen on chavs) or knock-off (more likely to be seen) designer clothing with the beige Burberry pattern (most famously the baseball cap which has since been discontinued by the company)..." etc.

Pookie 08.28.2006 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
He looks like a cunt. We don't have them in the states.

What, cunts?

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