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Cantankerous 10.02.2006 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Cantankerous, tremolo and delay are so different to my ears that I do not see how you can make a case for one being a "sort-of-substitute" for the other. They are both among my favorite FX, but they are totally different to me.
Used E/H Memory Man pedals are the way to go, I think. Analog delays rule over digital ones in my experience.

IT'S NOT FOR TREMOLO!!! it doesn't even sound like tremolo. it sounds like a fucking delay pedal!

Savage Clone 10.02.2006 03:46 PM

Well, usually the depth and speed knobs on Fender amps are for tremolo, with another one for reverb.
Perhaps yours was modded. My friend bought a Music Man 212 once that had had the tremolo replaced with a phaser.

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 04:13 PM

there's a line-in on the back for a vibrato pedal which i suspect has something to do with those knobs but i don't use a vibrato pedal ever, and i find that without a pedal plugged in those knobs come quite in handy for a delay effect although i don't ever use delay either so it's irrelevant.

Savage Clone 10.02.2006 04:15 PM

The line-in is just for footswich control of the on/off variety. The depth and rate knobs are still the main controls.

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 04:16 PM

but are they for control of the pedal of some sort? i'm confused.

as you can see i really don't like getting into the technicalities of guitar playing, in fact, i don't bother with them at all.

Savage Clone 10.02.2006 04:18 PM

The intensity and speed knobs on a silverface Fender amp are for tremolo; those kinds of amps came with tremolo and reverb. They also had an optional footswitch that had two switches on it; one for on/off of the tremolo and one for on/off of the reverb. The footswitch was just there so you didn't have to reach over and crank up the effect level.

Cantankerous 10.02.2006 04:20 PM

oh thank you. now if i ever decide to use them for their intended purpose (unlikely) i will know what to do.

Savage Clone 10.02.2006 04:22 PM

This is the switch. It's nice to have.


Cantankerous 10.02.2006 04:23 PM

somehow i don't think there's one on mine.

Savage Clone 10.02.2006 04:24 PM

You can buy them quite easily. Usually they come with the amps, but sometimes you get one with no footswitch. A very easy part to come by, though; even to make.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.02.2006 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by A Thousand Threads
i want to buy a delay pedal and it has to be
- cheap
- not of too bad quality
- not very expensive
- of quite good quality

any help or advice would be greatly appreciated

Dano PB+J or an Ibanez DE-7. A lot of people also like the Boss DD-3. As far as digital delays. Apparently the Dano PB+J sounds like a tape echo. I wouldn't know. I have it and I like it though. I like the ability to switch between long and short delays. I use that in songs.

I like the Arion SAD-3, but it broke really quickly on me. I need to fix it. Would probably cost me 5 dollars and I'd have another pedal!

tshirt! 10.02.2006 05:20 PM

your really better off saving up the extra cash and getting something good.

my fav delays:
Digitech PDS 20/20 (Multi-Play)

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.02.2006 06:46 PM

This guy Colin mods PB+J delays into what he calls sandwich delays.


CHOUT 10.02.2006 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Onani Nic


I've got this bad boy and am really happy with it. Pretty much has everything i'd want (except maybe playign loops backwards). I usually use it with a microphone or contact mic for doing drone type stuff or can make cool loops. I also works with guitar or bass. I think it was $250 Australian, being by far the most expensive pedal I own.

I also have the Berhinger Digital Delay pedal. For $50(australian) it does alright. I used it on my bass last gig my band played and it sounded really good amongst all my other pedals,drum machine,feedback loops, distorted delayed vocal drone.

I don't know if I would trust it for something really progressive or structured though.

Those look interesting, I'd like to try one out. Their reverb pedal like this is cool as hell too - it has a 'kick' button, as if you are kicking a spring reverb amp.

CHOUT 10.02.2006 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
This guy Colin mods PB+J delays into what he calls sandwich delays.

Cool mods - ever hear of anyone who will rehouse a Dano French Toast? I swear I'm gonna accidentally break that fucker soon.

Did you ever finish modding your Frequency Analyzer?

CHOUT 10.02.2006 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
there's a line-in on the back for a vibrato pedal which i suspect has something to do with those knobs but i don't use a vibrato pedal ever, and i find that without a pedal plugged in those knobs come quite in handy for a delay effect although i don't ever use delay either so it's irrelevant.

Fender used to mix up the word tremolo and vibrato - even Strats would say 'with synchronized tremolo' even though it is in reality a vibrato bridge. I swear I've seen amps where it says one and is actually the other.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.02.2006 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
Cool mods - ever hear of anyone who will rehouse a Dano French Toast? I swear I'm gonna accidentally break that fucker soon.

Did you ever finish modding your Frequency Analyzer?

Still gotta get around to that.

Paying for my bassman repairs and building a cab for it were the precedents this summer as well as paying my Dad for the synth I bought from him.

I'll probably do it sometime this winter when it is all cold and I'm cooked up. Winter seems to be my time to DIY.

My project will be really cool though, because most of the mods I wanted to do I decided I could do externally and add a CV control to the frequency analyzer. The only internal mods to it will be square wave, carrier in, and CV in.

My CV controller is the big project though. The plan is that I'll have synth like control over any pedal that I mod to accept it.

That project will hit top priority sooner or later.

I've got a bunch of stuff to do on my list:
mod my PB+J (or send it to Colin and have him do it ;) )
make my pedal CV controller (sequencer, envelope, expression pedal, LFO, the works!)
buy about 4-6 EH pedals
make the ultimate chorus pedal (still brewing some ideas for that)
mod my frequency analyzer
work on my home studio
buy a car
pay off some of my loans

I need to make more money :eek:

CHOUT 10.03.2006 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Still gotta get around to that.

Paying for my bassman repairs and building a cab for it were the precedents this summer as well as paying my Dad for the synth I bought from him.

I'll probably do it sometime this winter when it is all cold and I'm cooked up. Winter seems to be my time to DIY.

My project will be really cool though, because most of the mods I wanted to do I decided I could do externally and add a CV control to the frequency analyzer. The only internal mods to it will be square wave, carrier in, and CV in.

My CV controller is the big project though. The plan is that I'll have synth like control over any pedal that I mod to accept it.

That project will hit top priority sooner or later.

I've got a bunch of stuff to do on my list:
mod my PB+J (or send it to Colin and have him do it ;) )
make my pedal CV controller (sequencer, envelope, expression pedal, LFO, the works!)
buy about 4-6 EH pedals
make the ultimate chorus pedal (still brewing some ideas for that)
mod my frequency analyzer
work on my home studio
buy a car
pay off some of my loans

I need to make more money :eek:

Oh yeah, your plate is full.
Gotta post samples of your EHX FA mod when you do it - that sounds cool. Just got a Expression pedal to use for my Moog Ring Mod, and that makes is so much funner and flexible.
Still waiting for the local stores to get those new ehx pedals in. I'm actually selling my vintage small stone (for more than I paid!) tomorrow since Small White is moving up in the world of drum machines - hello Boss DR-770 for $135 from craigslist! Oh man, I really dread reprogramming all those old beatz into the thing though!
The ultimate chorus pedal? Let me know what you come up with. BYOC perhaps? I'm hoping that Clone Theory reissue will be sick...

A Thousand Threads 10.03.2006 05:24 AM

thanks for your recommendations.
the danelectro reel echo looks preety sweet
and i read that in combination with a a small clone (which i already have)
it sounds like the eh memory man (still hoping to find a used one)

the mod on the frequenzy analyzer sounds interesting
it´s one of my favourite pedals. It was really worth the money.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 10.03.2006 11:11 AM

According to Colin at Experimentalists anonymous, adding a square wave can really change the way it sounds quite a bit. Plus the carrier in will be nice. I've always wanted to try modulating a guitar to a radio.

I'll be sure to post on my projects when I actually do them.

I need to treat myself to something pretty soon though. I'm sort of down. Every girl I have a crush on decided to get a boyfriend at the same time. :( It isn't a good feeling. I'm hit with this feeling a lot around this time of year.

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