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andrei 11.02.2007 02:54 PM

Clearly one of my incipient favorite albums (actually it was on the top of my fictive list for many years) Recently, i haven't revisited my thoughts very much, but for sure it will always have a special place in my mind. When i first heard it it blown my mind. It was the most radical album i ever heard at that time, but time chages things... In my opinion a really good record and Nirvana's best, but it's a little bit too much to say it's the best record ever (by the way, i don't think such thing exists... there is no best record ever, it's just YOUR favorite record...that's all)

andrei 11.02.2007 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
albini's opriginal production is NOT on In Utero. They had someone else come in and re-master everything after albini was done.

Just a few tracks were remastered. I think just Pennyroyal Tea, H-S Box and dumb. And Albini's original production is available on 12"

Everyneurotic 11.02.2007 02:57 PM

i knew someone was going to say that.

albini RECORDED the album, that means he made the sounds and captured them on tape (that's what the production credit usually mean), scott litt MIXED those songs and then got mastered. yes, the mastering was smoothed out, and i did mean albini's PRODUCTION, the way he recorded the guitars, the bass and the drums.

contrary to popular belief, i love the production, one of albini's best...besides, the remixing and remastering was just in a couple of songs, not on the whole album.

forkimified 11.02.2007 03:13 PM

I've never taken 'Rape Me' to be a literal song about rape. Especially considering the sarcastic/dark sense of humor and use of metaphor that goes through most of his songs. And I've always found it funny when they do happy sad songs or sad happy songs also... oh well, whatever, nevermind.

It's a shame that Nirvana is 'to blame' for lame false-depressed emo bands and Nickelbacks out there... the ones who likes all the pretty songs, and they like to sing along, like to shoot their guns. But they know not what it means.

Rob Instigator 11.02.2007 03:13 PM

Albini has distanced himself from that album saying thay made wholesale changes to the mix, thereby altering each and every song from what he recorded.

Everyneurotic 11.02.2007 03:16 PM

whatever, i like it.

Rob Instigator 11.02.2007 03:17 PM

that's cool man. I just have never gotten into it. my 30-something mope-a-holic friends love it though.

forkimified 11.02.2007 03:18 PM

Scott Litt just remixed Heart Shaped Box and All Apologies.

But I'd also read that they squashed the sound of the whole album at the mastering stage, to make it more radio friendly. It was remastered with extra compression and EQ, and whatnot.

Everyneurotic 11.02.2007 03:20 PM

i like it better than the bob rock-like production of nevermind by lightyears. if i wanted to hear something that glossy, i rather listen to the fucking crüe's dr. feelgood (and that's not a very good album either).

Rob Instigator 11.02.2007 03:23 PM

nevermind on a cassette blasting out of a car sounds pretty good though....


I went to se ethe dr feelgood tour, when a friend won tix on the radio, and man was it craptastic!

forkimified 11.02.2007 04:35 PM

Am I the only one who thinks the hidden song on Nevermind is probably the single greatest part of that album?

Rob Instigator 11.02.2007 04:42 PM

the best thing sure isn't the stupid cover art that's for sure.

Everyneurotic 11.02.2007 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
nevermind on a cassette blasting out of a car sounds pretty good though....


I went to se ethe dr feelgood tour, when a friend won tix on the radio, and man was it craptastic!

i bet they were, they were pretty bad by then.

ZEROpumpkins 11.02.2007 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
My 2nd fav album off all time. After Dj Shadow's Endtroducing album.

Good choice for top album.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.02.2007 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
paranoid had nothing to do with air supply. or foreigner, or YES, or prog rock, or any of the disco, or any other fucking shit music in the 70's!!!

it did influence, judass priest, motorhead, iron maiden, etc.

a) who said anything about progressive rock
b) who said judas priest, motorhead, iron maiden were so good?

SonikJesus 11.02.2007 07:01 PM

This album is by far the best Nirvana album. the rest can't even compare. But where the hell is the bass on this record? That always bothered me. Krist is my fav part of Nirvana.

king_buzzo 11.02.2007 07:03 PM

i want to listen to this album but keep forgetting. it is a good album and i think its their best

the ikara cult 11.02.2007 07:06 PM

Im no huge fan of Nirvana apart from In Utero which i have alot of time for, i remember seeing Thurston Moore on one of the various documentaries saying he didnt think they would have been the massive thing they were if it wasnt for Kurts voice, which is pretty fantastic even if you dont like the songs.

the ikara cult 11.02.2007 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
It might be that I was so massively into them at the time that they were still kicking around, but I love both Nevermind and In Utero in equal measure. Bleach is a good album too, but i prefer those too. They also had to be witnessed playing Nevermind live, if you really think that those songs aren't up to scratch.

I like yr MRI signature, very nice.

PAULYBEE2656 11.02.2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by forkimified
Am I the only one who thinks the hidden song on Nevermind is probably the single greatest part of that album?

endless nameless is a gem!

in utero has nothing to do with the 21st century. the blueprint for that was carved in stone before that! how can in utero be more influencial than smells like teen spirit in the bigger picture? maybe its my age, i was 14 when i hard nirvana first, i was 19 when in utero came out. i was into sonic youth before i heard nirvana. nevermind bored me to a point but it was like all the people who hated my music now loved my music and wanted me to tape dinosaur albums over their motley crue tapes..... fuck that sheep shit! if an album gives you goosepimples may they be for the right reason, not a fashion statement or a NEW WAVE.......... in utero gave me the pimples because of scentless apprentice and his scream in tha song....... in utero is a classic album of the 20th century, a bookend to a too short career and more importantly a too short life. it was an attempt to see who would be left on board... by the way, many people wanted me to tape motley crue albums over their dinosaur albums a few years lter... i laughed, i pointed and laughed!

for the record... nevermind is an iconic album, it has many wonderful tunes
in utero is a brash horrible album which saved me from disliking an exciting band and to fal in love with them again....
bleach is poor bar 3 or 4 songs, sorry adam but i have to disagree with you, bleach is a poor album........

the rest i dont count as albums proper but side 2 of incesticide (tracks 7 to end for the kidz) is amazing........ aneurysm..... the best nirvana song?????

anyway, im off to my knowitall corner and read my paul gambaccini book on how to be hated by people who think thy know music.........

ill get my coat....i mean anorak!

pbradley 11.02.2007 07:32 PM

I'm not a big Nirvana fan but In Utero is the only album I dig.

Everyneurotic 11.02.2007 07:44 PM

definitely an iconic album, paul.

you can't substract it's importance, even if the music inside might not be as good as some other albums. it's more the impact than it's substance.

PAULYBEE2656 11.02.2007 07:49 PM

yep. thats what i was saying. nevermind happened at the right time. same as nevermind the bollocks.... and that isnt a musical masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination!

alyasa 11.02.2007 08:02 PM

But we all agree, In utero kicks all y'all's asses...

PAULYBEE2656 11.02.2007 08:05 PM

its not as good as spiderland but then few albums are!

alyasa 11.02.2007 08:11 PM

No offense, but i think most 'post-rock' is extremely over-rated.

PAULYBEE2656 11.02.2007 08:12 PM

i think the term post rock is dumb anyway. i prefer to call it good music!

alyasa 11.02.2007 08:15 PM

:) Excellent... unfortunately, the planet does not agree with you...

PAULYBEE2656 11.02.2007 08:17 PM

the planet! pah! what do they know!!!!!

the ikara cult 11.02.2007 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by alyasa
:) Excellent... unfortunately, the planet does not agree with you...

Give Spiderland a go, i knew what "post-rock" was before i heard it and im a cynical bastard. Now i like it very much indeed. Get to it before the tide of pretention gets to it first.

alyasa 11.02.2007 08:26 PM

I hope it cures my 'post-rock' allergy... :) Thanks for the reference, pauly and ikara...

pbradley 11.02.2007 08:50 PM

Spiderland bores me at times.

atsonicpark 11.02.2007 09:08 PM

i'd also like to second aneurysm as the best nirvana song.

atsonicpark 11.02.2007 09:10 PM

not sure how spiderland got mentioned in this thread, but it's easily one of the best albums ever. just perfect. with an atmosphere that's impossible to replicate, songs that were before their time -- and "i miss you".

lungfish 11.02.2007 11:12 PM

totally appreciate.

their best album. period.

Norma J 11.03.2007 12:30 AM

Great album. Although the word 'great' applies to all their albums.

LifeDistortion 11.03.2007 12:46 AM

I'm definately intrested in hearing the unpolised version of "In Utero", if those recordings ever get released, but as it is I still enjoy the album. I like Nirvana, and at the time "In Utero" came out it was pretty solid to say they were my favorite band at the time. I appreciate the attempt by them to make the complete oppisite of what "Nevermind" was. Either they succeded admirably or failed beautifully, but either way the album holds up on its own as a heavy sonic album, that goes by in a heartbeat.

atsonicpark 11.03.2007 12:08 PM

don't quote me on this, because i'm not the resident nirvana brainiac on the board, but i seem to remember that you can find the old unpolished in utero on soulseek. maybe not. i dunno if it's worth seeking out, since the only differences, apparently, are louder drums and an effects-heavy guitar solo in heart shaped box, but whatever.

anyway, what's sad about in utero is their best song (marigold) was recorded during these sessions.. and it wasn't even on the album.

and everyneurotic was pretty much on the money when he said rape me is like the worst song ever. at least the song title is clever (though the irony of it probably was unintentional, since we all know kurt cobain was a fucking moron).

lungfish 11.03.2007 12:25 PM

i remember downloading it myself and not hearing much of a difference, just a slight change in volume and a bit less polished.
maybe it wasn't really it. not sure.

h8kurdt 11.03.2007 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Good choice for top album.

Thanks man. The amount of people I've met and have never heard it or at least heard of the album makes me want to kill. Either way it's an amzing album. Wish I could've seen him at cochella this year.

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