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davenotdead 06.29.2009 12:43 PM

well there could very well be 99 virgins floating around up there.

work on yr pick-up lines now. this is probably what this primitive earth-life is for

Rob Instigator 06.29.2009 12:46 PM

who wants a virgin? if heaven is populated with fuckbunnies, let them know what they are doing! the only reason people wanted virgins in the olden days was so they would be disease free (hopefully), and sinceyr DEAD, who cares bout disease? gimme a woman who doesn't think sex is supposed to be gentle and tender!!!

I'd rather be in heaven with 99 porn stars at the peak of their powers!

davenotdead 06.29.2009 12:47 PM

heaven won't be populated with pron stars

Rob Instigator 06.29.2009 12:53 PM

OK, let's get ACTUAL here. heaven is not populated by ANYONE (if yr christian). The only people in heaven are jeebus and elijah, and jeebus' mother according to some.

if you read the bible it states very clearly that heaven will ONLY be populated when jeebus returns and wars with the antichrist and then takes all the good souls of everyone who has ever lived and died, up to heaven.
so, if you're a christian and believe yr dead granny is in heaven looking at you, you have the"facts" wrong. if someone told you yr dead mom is in heaven, they lied.

NO ONE is in heaven. that is why the catholics had to make up "purgatory" where all souls are in LIMBO until the second coming of jeeezy creeezy..

and also, according to the bible, anyone who honestly repents their sins is forgiven, for jesus sacrificed himself on the cross to eradicate our sins.

so there most certainly will, eventually, be penitent porn stars in heavens.

let me tell you about some unicorns and a bridge in manhattan I wanna sell you too....

Rob Instigator 06.29.2009 12:53 PM


heaven? You betcha!

floatingslowly 06.29.2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
who wants a virgin?

what can I say? I'm into defilement.

aww, fuck it. hell's got all the good bands.


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
let me tell you about some unicorns [...] I wanna sell you too....

ok! please continue...

can we meet in dallas, or do I have to drive all the way to houston? I imagine they would be hard to ship via post office.

davenotdead 06.29.2009 01:12 PM

ok let's not bring unicorns into this.

those creatures are too sacred to be talked about lightly


Rob Instigator 06.29.2009 01:48 PM

the unicorn's horn is back in place....

floatingslowly 06.29.2009 02:09 PM

oh hell no.

as in heaven, I want no damaged goods; especially goods that were damaged during Instigator Sex-capade '09.

HaydenAsche 06.29.2009 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Do you think suicide is painless? Obviously, burning yourself alive will be painful. But does anyone think the actual act of suicide... self-inflicted death... will cause pain?

Also, what do you think happens when you die? I am kinda at a point where I believe in reincarnation... I'm going to die and be reborn as something else with no prior knowledge of this life...

Ultimately, I think spirituality in general is probably too confusing of a topic for the modern mind to comprehend. I am curious about your opinions, though, and I apologize if there's been a thread(s) about this, but it was hard to search for.

Well, I hate to sound like some crazy person, but I've never felt any pain when I've attempted suicide. I took a bottle of Xanex bars once and I felt so good before I went unconcious for a few days. Unfortunately, my body is too good at taking drugs for me to overdose like that.

HaydenAsche 06.29.2009 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
let me tell you about some unicorns and a bridge in manhattan I wanna sell you too....

How many rupees for a unicorn?

gmku 06.29.2009 02:31 PM

As one who has not only met Death but invited him inside for a game of chess, I can tell you that Death is no stranger to me.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.29.2009 02:46 PM

getting cosmological I do not think that I addressed the issue, pain beyond life?

well lets examine this carefully and with an open-mind. Atsonicpark, have you ever had an out of body experience? Or been absolutely unconscious but in full attention? I have had both experiences, out of body and unconscious, and in BOTH circumstances, the emotions and interpretations of life (ie, pain or joy, sadness or anxiety) were ever present. In alternate states of existence and consciousness I still experienced elements of what I would call pain or sorrow, joy or laughter. But these were not strictly PHYSICAL sensations as they occur when I laugh at a joke, or when I cut my finger. The pain I experienced in these altered states was STRICTLY SPIRITUAL, strictly emotional. There was no physical sensations to speak of, however there was a most distinct and impacting feeling of pain and remorse...

that being said, I would myself believe that suicide is perhaps the MOST PAINFUL of human experiences, because it is an induced death experience at the peak of personal pain, and I believe that this pain transcends the body's mere life and continues into the spiritual existence, for however long such an experience might last (could be the 15-20 seconds mentioned above, could be an eternity who the fuck really knows?)

and rob, in regards to the one shot deal..
explain the concept of incarnation? Of being alive? Of animating the inanimate bodies we live in? I believe that we are all condensed energy, but it is this energy that gives us life, that animates our bodies. That we exist beyond our temporary, fleshly existence is an obvious result of the law of the conservation of energy..

If our bodies are merely condensed energy (e=mc2), that energy must contain our consciousness, our "soul" for a lack of modern or secular terms, and just like all the energy in the universe, our "soul" can not be created or destroyed, it has simply always existed and always will exist, and this I believe makes suicide a kind of extension of the pain of physical life into the spiritual realm. after all, the kind of grief, anxiety and pain which leads a person towards suicide is not physical at all, but spiritual, emotional, psychological etc etc...

and atsonicpark, if you are not exaggerating your own pain here, cheer up fe real! We really like you around here and would hate to see you feel so down... remember to lively up yourself, that the rastaman vibration is POSITIVE and that you've got to have a good vibe!

Rob Instigator 06.29.2009 03:38 PM

I am open to the possibilities of our sentient, conscious mind/energy/soul lasting on after death. Who knows? it could be. but, BEFORE life, there is nothing, then you have an egg and a spermatozooa, both comprising half of the DNA needed to form a creature (in our case, human).
Once you combine the two you have one cell. It is nearly invisible it is so tiny. that cell splits and splits until you have a group of undifferentiated cells (around 100-200) or so, and then the DNA tells the cells to differentiate.
once a spinal crease is made and the cells start to form skin, bones, etc., the brain is developed. it takes 9 months of continual growth and development, of intra-womb experiences and sounds and such, and then a baby is born.
this baby is not self-conscious. it is not aware of it's own existance.
by all studies, research, philosophical inquiry, the human mind does not self-actualize until the age of 2-4 years old. was there a nascent "soul/mind" just waiting for the right stimulus? not as seen by the evidence. what does happen is that the mind/brain continues to receive flood of input (which we learn to tune out for redundancy and to keep us from going insane), and at some point it crosses a threshhold, where the mind understands that the mind is understanding.
from then on it is a development of the self. everything in a human is predicated by self-interest at that early stage (and for many, sadly, they never leave this infantilism of self-interest.)

Many philosophers believe that no human is born with a soul, but that it must be earned, through sufferinga nd experience.
this implies that the soul is something CREATED by the individual, not something that exists already and is shoved into a zygote at the moment of conception.

I personally do not see anything that human's do, that calls for a soul to achieve it. whether it is art, music, genocide, religion, etc., a soul is not needed to create these things in our societies. altruism, creativity, kindness, love, homosexuality, hate, fear, all these emotions are part and parcel of nearly every living creature we choose to study.

if a "soul" is achieved by an individual, then it is a result of their flesh and blood and electrical implses of their natural body, and as such, wiill cease to function as a "soul" the moment the body ceases to function as an living electrical organism (death)

you mention nature and the conservation of energy ad how energy cannot be created or destroyed, only moved or alter4ed to another form. in nature energy DISSIPATES instantly, finding the easiest routes by which to do so.
why would our "souls" if they are independent energy, not do the same upon death? by virtue of this then the idea that a "soul" can exit the body upon death and continue whole to function as the sentient life force of an organism, or enter into another zygote somewhere in the world, is patently ridiculous.

EVOLghost 06.29.2009 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
As one who has not only met Death but invited him inside for a game of chess, I can tell you that Death is no stranger to me.

who won?

ZEROpumpkins 06.30.2009 05:18 AM

Rob and suchfriends

both of you have very interesting ideas, particularly Rob's point about the soul being created by an individual, that really made sense to me.

I like that everyone is being open minded on this topic, shows that you are all very understanding and accepting. A+

!@#$%! 06.30.2009 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
if you read the bible it states very clearly that heaven will ONLY be populated when jeebus returns and wars with the antichrist and then takes all the good souls of everyone who has ever lived and died, up to heaven.

that's the nutsac john of padmos, the greek luke sez otherwise re: the "good thief":

"39And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

40But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?

41And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.

42And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

43And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.



either case it's a load of fairy powder but that apocalypto guy was a fucking deranged turkey neck and the sad part is that america is enamored with his bullshit more than the rest of things-- catholic countries on the other hand give less credence to that testimony of a bad ergot trip.

floatingslowly 06.30.2009 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that apocalypto guy was a fucking deranged turkey neck

I liked him in Mad Max. :(

ps: cave-dwelling mad-men write addled manifestos. news at 11.

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