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-   -   I've been asked to play as support act for Grouper's gig in Bratislava! (

_slavo_ 10.29.2009 08:54 AM





_slavo_ 10.29.2009 08:55 AM



chrome noise tape 10.29.2009 09:18 AM

awsome pics. congrats!

Rob Instigator 10.29.2009 11:28 AM

U da fucking MAN!

greedrex 10.29.2009 12:47 PM

didn't know Grouper was a solo woman.
Awesome Slavo, way to go.

blunderbuss 10.29.2009 01:36 PM

U rock, dude!


_slavo_ 10.29.2009 02:17 PM

Okay, and one more from today. I drove Liz to the Vienna airport and now we're friends forever ;). She's a very sweet girl, and has a decent sense of humour. Watch out for what she's holding in her hand, ha ha.


blunderbuss 10.29.2009 02:34 PM

I'm gonna ask her if she loves you when she plays in London.

_slavo_ 10.29.2009 02:36 PM

she'll be probably too busy reading that book about Slovakia and won't answer your question.

nicfit 10.29.2009 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_


henry rollins?

CONGRATS slabro!

_slavo_ 10.29.2009 03:20 PM

- Yamaha RS7000 workstation (the big box)
- Boss RC20XL loop pedal
- Boss DD5 delay
- Utopia Synth
- circuit bent Boss PS2 Pitchshifter/Delay
- Behringer mix

knox 10.29.2009 07:09 PM

amazing photos!

shabbray2.0 11.01.2009 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Okay, and one more from today. I drove Liz to the Vienna airport and now we're friends forever ;). She's a very sweet girl, and has a decent sense of humour. Watch out for what she's holding in her hand, ha ha.


you lucky bastard, hrhrhr
is that a gift from you?

_slavo_ 11.01.2009 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by shabbray2.0
you lucky bastard, hrhrhr
is that a gift from you?

hey, my main man is back ;)

yeah, i gave it to her. it's a shitty book but she seemed pleased about it.
she gave me a "He knows, he knows, he knows" 7 inch in return :)

shabbray2.0 11.01.2009 08:05 AM

what a great deal :)
I havent read the whole thread yet, so I am asking: is there a recording from both of you?
would love to hear that!!!

_slavo_ 11.01.2009 08:06 AM

no, unfortunately not.

maybe some video footage, but i'm not sure about it either.

the sound guy fucked it up, although he had promised me to record the gig.

shabbray2.0 11.01.2009 08:08 AM

argh. I feel sorry for that. but I am sure your memory saved that day under a special folder in your brain where nothing will be lost :)

_slavo_ 11.01.2009 08:14 AM

genau wie du sagst, mein Bruder ;)

shabbray2.0 11.01.2009 08:16 AM

dein deutsch ist noch besser geworden oder bilde ich mir das nur ein?

_slavo_ 11.01.2009 08:20 AM

weiss ich nicht. vergiss nicht, ich habe auch die Abitur in Deutscher sprache abgelegen!

shabbray2.0 11.01.2009 08:26 AM

ach so, das wusste ich gar nicht. also praktisch 2te fremdsprache deutsch?
oder habt ihr englisch nicht als pflichtfach gehabt?

_slavo_ 11.01.2009 08:34 AM

wir hatten beide Sprachen (Englisch, Deutsch) als Pflichtschprache. meine Kentnisse in Deutsch sind aber gar nich so gut wie damals, ich hab viel vergessen.

shabbray2.0 11.01.2009 08:37 AM

aber anscheinend reicht es noch vollkommen aus :)

_slavo_ 11.01.2009 08:38 AM

siehst du? jetzt hab ich dich nicht verstanden, zum Beispiel ;)

shabbray2.0 11.01.2009 08:39 AM

I said its more then enough for communication (no one by one translation)

Derek 11.01.2009 08:41 AM

Oh I wonder what you guys are saying.

You could make fun of us if you wanted and we'd be none the wiser!

shabbray2.0 11.01.2009 08:43 AM

but here are some folks who could understand it. I think melly speaks german too...

_slavo_ 11.01.2009 08:44 AM

please Derek, don't tell it to shabbray but he just called you a pansy two sentences ago


shabbray2.0 11.01.2009 08:51 AM

what? hrhrhr

Derek 11.01.2009 09:02 AM

Grrrr... don't make me SHANK you!

pokkeherrie 11.02.2009 07:28 AM

Well done, Slavo!

Dobre, dobre.

chicka 11.02.2009 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Okay, and one more from today. I drove Liz to the Vienna airport and now we're friends forever ;). She's a very sweet girl, and has a decent sense of humour. Watch out for what she's holding in her hand, ha ha.


Congrats on your success. Being new around here may I ask what is that you create. Got to say you two make a good looking couple. Good luck on that front too. :)

_slavo_ 11.02.2009 01:20 PM

chicka, i make mostly ambient and drone music, but i try not to make it very boring so it's nothing too orthodox. I use pre-recorded sounds and tape loops with live synths and noises, all drowned in echo and delay.

_slavo_ 11.02.2009 01:32 PM

get this, hypertonic:


Genteel Death 11.05.2009 12:15 PM

Are any other people from this board going to the Grouper gig tonight?

chicka 11.05.2009 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
chicka, i make mostly ambient and drone music, but i try not to make it very boring so it's nothing too orthodox. I use pre-recorded sounds and tape loops with live synths and noises, all drowned in echo and delay.

sounds interesting when I get around to getting a new box
I'll listen. Right now my registry files are crapped out so that the cpu doesn't recogonize the CD/DVD player. A pity
too as I have all the software to boot up the OS if the dam thing knew the CD player was there

Genteel Death 11.05.2009 08:48 PM

Grouper is great live for someone who plays mp3s of her own music to a crowd.

Toilet & Bowels 11.05.2009 08:55 PM

is that what she was doing? i couldn't see at all, the luminaire is a crap venue.
i saw you through the crowd during that first crappy support band but didn't see you after that.

Genteel Death 11.05.2009 09:05 PM

I was standing by the toilet door. She didn'p even sing or touch her guitar for the first 20 minutes of her set. I went to stand at the back after that because i was getting squeezed by people coming out of the loos too much. These 2 girls who were in front of the stage near where i was standing said the same thing to me after the gig. Great music, shame it was virtually a non-performance. I didnt see you. Thank you were really good.

Toilet & Bowels 11.05.2009 09:13 PM

they were tight but too polite sounding for my taste, they had some nice grooves but sounded too safe.
i'm glad i didn't see grouper playing mp3s, it would have ruined it for me. obviously she had some backing tracks but i thought she was doing actual stuff also.
last time i saw her she just played songs straight with no effects or loops but i was sick and hadn't eaten for about 3 days and then some idiot tried to start on me (in the whitechapel gallery of all places) so i was not really capable of enjoying her set. i still owe sonicl for my ticket for that night.

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