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_tunic_ 07.20.2018 08:05 AM



wish there was a higher resolution version, I can't read it ...

h8kurdt 07.20.2018 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
As Skuj said, the story in the link you provided says the exact opposite from what you were interpreting it to say.

We know Democrats broke actual laws and were not prosecuted!

Possibly you will understand this analogy:

Hillary Clinton steals a car
Hillary Clinton speeds & runs red lights
Hillary Clinton runs over and kills someone crossing street
According to you, it’s the dead persons fault because they were jaywalking

So that vindicates the Republicans? Fact is I never said anything about the Democrats. My problem is that there's a standing president who seemingly got there by nefarious reasons.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Skuj 07.20.2018 12:24 PM

Cohen taped Trump!! Giulani confirmed it. I'm gonna get me some more popcorn.....

Skuj 07.20.2018 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
So that vindicates the Republicans? Fact is I never said anything about the Democrats. My problem is that there's a standing president who seemingly got there by nefarious reasons.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

But her emails.

The Soup Nazi 07.20.2018 07:42 PM

Nixon didn't have Twitter and didn't have Fox News. According to a recent CBS poll, 68% of Republicans think Trump did A-OK in Hell-sinki. (Yet 51% of them do believe U.S. intelligence agencies on Russian interference — square THAT fucking circle). Anyway, if and when this fucker's corrupt atrocities come to light, NOBODY within his retarded "base", and evidently very few Republicans in all, will do what so many conservatives did in 1974 and go, "Well, heck, guy's a crook after all. Fuck him. Bring on the big helicopter".


Not gonna happen.

The Soup Nazi 07.20.2018 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
The Liar In Chief and his team came up with a backtrack today, involving "would" vs "wouldn't".

Y'know, I think Drumpf was just trying to quote Guided By Voices is all:


REPORTER (Jonathan Lemire from AP): A question for each president. President Trump, you first. Just now President Putin denied having anything to do with the election interference in 2016. Every US intelligence agency has concluded that Russia did.

My first question for you, sir, is who do you believe? My second question is would you now with the whole world watching tell President Putin — would you denounce what happened in 2016 and would you warn him to never do it again?

TRUMP: We're finally here, and shit yeah it's cool, and shouldn't it be — or something like thaaaat...

Skuj 07.20.2018 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Nixon didn't have Twitter and didn't have Fox News. According to a recent CBS poll, 68% of Republicans think Trump did A-OK in Hell-sinki. (Yet 51% of them do believe U.S. intelligence agencies on Russian interference — square THAT fucking circle). Anyway, if and when this fucker's corrupt atrocities come to light, NOBODY within his retarded "base", and evidently very few Republicans in all, will do what so many conservatives did in 1974 and go, "Well, heck, guy's a crook after all. Fuck him. Bring on the big helicopter".

Not gonna happen.

a) How the fuck did we get to this point?

b) But her emails.

The Soup Nazi 07.20.2018 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
a) How the fuck did we get to this point?

b) But her emails.

B explains A.

Skuj 07.21.2018 12:36 AM

But seriously, do some people really believe, when all the dots are there to be connected, that Mueller will somehow conclude that Trump is an honest straight-up kind of guy who did no wrong? (I have no idea what tesla is saying these days!) Apparently, it won't register. Half the country will say that Mueller is evil, and "13 Angry Democrats" and all that other bullshit. The tweets work!! Because millions of us became fucking zombies.

Where did basic research and fact finding go? Where did somebody hide the smell test?

I seriously think we are fucked. In Canada I believe that Trudeau is finished in 2019. I think his Liberal agenda will be soundly rejected, mainly because of ignorance and phobias. Where does this end?

We are becoming less educated. How? Why?

Bytor Peltor 07.21.2018 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Nixon didn't have Twitter and didn't have Fox News. According to a recent CBS poll, 68% of Republicans think Trump did A-OK in Hell-sinki. (Yet 51% of them do believe U.S. intelligence agencies on Russian interference — square THAT fucking circle). Anyway, if and when this fucker's corrupt atrocities come to light, NOBODY within his retarded "base", and evidently very few Republicans in all, will do what so many conservatives did in 1974 and go, "Well, heck, guy's a crook after all. Fuck him. Bring on the big helicopter".


Not gonna happen.

I think President Donald Trump did an amazing job over in Helsinki and I applaud what he had to say! All the hatred and bitterness being spewed by so many is hard to comprehend. You can see them on the TV news 24 hours a day.

Of course, crappy Fox or Pathetic CNN aren’t in business to report the news......THEY ARE BROADCASTING OPINIONS!!!

ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX rarely practice investigative journalism. Anyone reading this chooses FOX or CNN because they want to hear their opinions validated!

Validation is what has led to such an outcry concerning President Donald Trump’s comments at the Summit.

Sooo......let’s take a look at what our Dear President said to the following two part question: every security branch we have (CIA. Director of National Intelligence) all say Russia sought to manipulate the election for a specific outcome, do you lay any responsibility at the feet of Russia?

President Donald Trump: “I hold both countries responsible. I think the United States has been foolish, I think we have all been foolish, we should have had this dialogue a long time ago......A long time before I got into office, and I think we are all to blame. I think the United States has now stepped forward along with Russia and we’re getting together and we have a chance to do some great things, whether it’s nuclear proliferation in terms of stopping, we have to do it!! I believe it’s the most important thing we can be working on. But I do feel that we both have made some mistakes, the probe is a disaster for our country. The main thing, and we discussed this also, ZERO COLLUSION!!! It has had a negative impact on the relationship of the two greatest nuclear powers in the world.”

John Brennan, the CIA Director under Obama, said the following: “President Donald Trump’s press conference in Helsinki rises and exceeds the threshold of high crimes and’s nothing short of treasonous.”

Do what? Who is John Brennan to make this claim and more importantly, where-o-where is ANY proof?

I don’t see any “high crimes” in President Donald Trump’s words??? All I hear is TRUTH!!!


One thing we can probably agree on......where goods cross boarders, armies do not!

Is Putin considered more vile and harmful than Kim Jong Un?

I’m guessing they are close to equal, but I could be wrong??

At any rate, how do you have such an easy going Summit with Kim Jong Un last month and dont at least attempt the same with Putin this month? The United States and Russia have had a contentious relationship for many years and Presidents......what happened in Helsinki has the potential to change the world.

evollove 07.21.2018 07:52 AM

While there are some good points in there, I'm ultimately calling bullshit. If Trump had given Putin a violent tongue-lashing, you'd be praising him for being tough.

(Although to be fair, the left would be condemning him for provoking a fight.)


Mueller's probe has led to indictments. People broke the law. Anyone who authentically cares about "law and order" should be pleased so far.


To say the US is even partly responsible for being attacked by Russia is fucked.

It's not a perfect analogy because no one died from Russia's attack, but it's almost as if FDR had said that the US should've been better prepared before Pearl Harbor, so both sides bear responsibility. WTF?

The moral equivalency is revolting.


The difference between Russia and N Korea is that N Korea is mostly isolated from the rest of the world, whereas Russia has its tentacles all over. The ultimate (and nearly impossible) goal in N Korea is to get them to be a sane actor on the world stage.

I'm not sure what Trump's goal is with Russia. Get them to change, or join them as they are? Russia has committed cyber attacks against many countries, has invaded territories and otherwise behaves as if they want to take over Europe. At least.

So why cozy up? So we can trade? To avoid a nuclear war?

Please. I'm sure Neville Chamberlain wanted to avoid war by cozying up to Hitler. See how that worked out.

Btw, you skipped the part in Helsinki where Trump spent more time discussing Hillary's servers (??) than Russian interference in our elections (Which he sometimes admits happens, always immediately followed by "But it could've been anyone.") That's fucked and there's no way to spin it.


Liberals are obnoxious know-it-alls who don't respect anyone else's values.

Trump is a worthless sack of shit who is a danger to the entire world.

Both things can be true, although one is more consequential than the other.

Skuj 07.21.2018 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I think President Donald Trump did an amazing job over in Helsinki and I applaud what he had to say! .

I had to stop reading after this first line.

Even most GOP (rightly) thought it was surreal that a POTUS would say he takes Putin's word over his own Intelligence Agencies.

Even Donald Fucking Trump tried to lie his way out of what he said. ("Would/wouldn't.")

h8kurdt 07.21.2018 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I think President Donald Trump did an amazing job over in Helsinki and I applaud what he had to say! All the hatred and bitterness being spewed by so many is hard to comprehend. You can see them on the TV news 24 hours a day.

Of course, crappy Fox or Pathetic CNN aren’t in business to report the news......THEY ARE BROADCASTING OPINIONS!!!

ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX rarely practice investigative journalism. Anyone reading this chooses FOX or CNN because they want to hear their opinions validated!

Validation is what has led to such an outcry concerning President Donald Trump’s comments at the Summit.

Sooo......let’s take a look at what our Dear President said to the following two part question: every security branch we have (CIA. Director of National Intelligence) all say Russia sought to manipulate the election for a specific outcome, do you lay any responsibility at the feet of Russia?

President Donald Trump: “I hold both countries responsible. I think the United States has been foolish, I think we have all been foolish, we should have had this dialogue a long time ago......A long time before I got into office, and I think we are all to blame. I think the United States has now stepped forward along with Russia and we’re getting together and we have a chance to do some great things, whether it’s nuclear proliferation in terms of stopping, we have to do it!! I believe it’s the most important thing we can be working on. But I do feel that we both have made some mistakes, the probe is a disaster for our country. The main thing, and we discussed this also, ZERO COLLUSION!!! It has had a negative impact on the relationship of the two greatest nuclear powers in the world.”

John Brennan, the CIA Director under Obama, said the following: “President Donald Trump’s press conference in Helsinki rises and exceeds the threshold of high crimes and’s nothing short of treasonous.”

Do what? Who is John Brennan to make this claim and more importantly, where-o-where is ANY proof?

I don’t see any “high crimes” in President Donald Trump’s words??? All I hear is TRUTH!!!


One thing we can probably agree on......where goods cross boarders, armies do not!

Is Putin considered more vile and harmful than Kim Jong Un?

I’m guessing they are close to equal, but I could be wrong??

At any rate, how do you have such an easy going Summit with Kim Jong Un last month and dont at least attempt the same with Putin this month? The United States and Russia have had a contentious relationship for many years and Presidents......what happened in Helsinki has the potential to change the world.

It's actually not even worth arguing with you. People, when Trump said he could shoot someone on the street and not lose any voters, this is the very sort of person he was talking about.

tesla69 07.21.2018 02:26 PM

A classic of “atrocity propaganda”, Nayirah should be required reading material for anybody looking top hop on a pro-war bandwagon. Nayirah – who originally gave only her first name – was a fifteen year old girl who testified in front of the United States Congress. She claimed to be a volunteer from at a Kuwaiti hospital, and to be an eye-witness to Iraqi soldiers throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators and leaving them to die:
I volunteered at the al-Addan hospital with twelve other women who wanted to help as well. I was the youngest volunteer. The other women were from twenty to thirty years old. While I was there I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor. It was horrifying.
It was later revealed, not only that her full name was Nayirah al-Sabah and she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, but that she had never volunteered at a hospital and had seen no babies, soldiers or incubators. The whole thing was a fiction. A fiction paid for by the “Citizens of Free Kuwait”, an NGO (and obvious CIA front) set up to lobby the US to intervene in the Iraq-Kuwait war.

ilduclo 07.21.2018 03:20 PM

Michele Wolf, a voice for 2018

Sucklechimp 07.21.2018 06:50 PM

Skuj, we're becoming less educated because we're becoming less educated. If you're rich or upper-middle class you're good. You're definitely going to college if you want. You can still be stupid as fuck, but you're going to get the option. If you're middle class you're probably alright still. Maybe. If you're lower-middle or poor there's a really good chance your classroom has 40 kids in it and your teacher doesn't give a fuck about you because he/she doesn't have the resources or is just a shitty "teacher".

The institution has no foundation and that's the reason there are so many idiots. If a house has no foundation then it eventually crumbles. Even with all the morons (some are voluntary), I think it's more like 30% of the population that truly lets other people do the thinking in place of their own. Maybe it's 35%. God help us if it's higher...

Skuj 07.21.2018 09:04 PM

I'm astounded that a significant percentage of the population takes Trump's tweets as "fact/truth", as evidenced in this thread.

Skuj 07.21.2018 09:07 PM

Surely we weren't this gullible 10-20 years ago?

tw2113 07.22.2018 12:12 AM

I think we were, we just weren't aware of how widespread it is.

_tunic_ 07.22.2018 01:25 AM

This is the message that Europeans get nowadays when they want to read a US newspaper

Fake News?

It sounds more like China to me , or even North Korea


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