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So what do you call it when a President allows 194,500 Americans die on purpose?
Yup. All Trump. You got us there. Great point. I’ll go vote for Sleepy Joe now. Thanks for opening my eyes! |
Genocide. |
Not sure there's anything they can say to defend him. Just when you think the bar can't get any lower he successfully does it. You'd almost call it a talent. |
Unfortunate that this was disclosed now instead of being an "October surprise", though. (Woodward himself most likely didn't want it to be seen as such, hence the timing.) I know the Access Hollywood tape didn't do jack shit, but still - we could use all we can get.
Or, if you truly believe this to be [yet another] “bombshell” rather than a president trying to curb mass panic, then perhaps Woodward should have revealed this “truth” the second he knew it in effort to save lives, no? Instead he’s just another political hack who will be forgotten after the next transparently manufactured “bombshell” hits [sometime tomorrow, if not sooner]. |
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Caca Skull, indeed... ![]() |
Yeah, Woodward is a real obscure flash in the pan of journalism all right....
Severe facepalm |
Yeah, better dead than panicking. Better drinking Lysol and bleach than panicking. Better assembling at Trump rallies without wearing masks and without social distancing than panicking. Better believing that it's all a hoax than panicking. But hey, AOC? Biden? Meryl Streep? PANIC!!!
Here's what a commander-in-chief with the full power of the federal government at his disposal (that's not Bob Woodward, in case you missed that part, you Ari Fleischer-echoing piece-of-shit imbecile) should have done, among several other sensible things: act right after you received the crucial briefing. Talk to your people (don't you love tweeting so much?). Tell them this is serious. Tell them this is not the flu. Tell them we'll all get through this if starting now we modify our daily life in concrete ways: wearing a mask, social distancing, washing our hands more thoroughly and more often. It may not be easy, your routine will be affected, but these are simple measures. We will begin testing and contact-tracing on a massive scale. We are the United States and we have the unparalleled wealth to acquire any weapons needed to fight this pandemic that we may not yet have in every corner of our country. There is much about the virus that we still don't know, but many of the world's leading experts in infectious diseases are right here, in this land, and we'll work tirelessly with them. In addition, knowledge will be shared daily with and by our partners in the international medical community. We are with you. Your president is with you. Columbia University researchers (gasp! science! the horror!) built a model that depicted the transmission of the virus throughout the United States using epidemiological modeling to gauge transmission rates from March 15 to May 3. The study was published on May 21, when the official number of Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. of A. was just below 100,000. It concluded that if the country had started social distancing just A WEEK earlier than it did, 36,000 lives would have been saved. If the States had locked down two weeks earlier than it did, it could have prevented 84% of deaths and 82% of cases. This effectively makes Donald Trump a mass murderer by narcissistic negligence at best. Now fuck off already. Enough of your horseshit on this board. ![]() |
As Master Yoda would say, “Never been spoken, truer words have.” Face it, Joe Biden will not be elected the next president of the United States. I know it, you know it, and 90% of this board knows it. There will be disappointment, another flash of rioting, lawsuits, but the country will eventually move forward under 4 more years of President Trump. The desperation on display from the left, the media, Hollywood, the corporate elites is very telling. The panic is real. Joe Biden is simply unelectable. You’d be wise to start admitting it to yourself. |
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(and it’s not worth your time to change this setting) |
Not sure what Trump has done to make himself electable either, but hey. |
eeeeeeew. ewwww... why show the fecal specimen? close the door!
gross, man. gross. |
h8kurdt be like
“hey guys, look what i found on the interwebs: ![]() i’m gonna talk to it!” :D |
It's 2 girls 1 cup. Everyone watches it and is grossed out but damn if they can't turn away. |
Nobody here is saying the Trump shitshow is over. I think it's absolutely possible that he'll get reelected in spite of the mountains on top of mountains of horror he's amassed, especially considering the national popular vote doesn't decide dick. The fact that dipshit here is basically saying that winning beyond right or wrong is everything says, well, everything about him, not us.
The electoral college is a racist anachronism and needs to go. I’m sorry nobody lives in your bum fuck state, North Dakota and Wyoming, but you get two senators just like everybody else and the entire thing was basically engineered to keep slave states full of slaves. The fact that it has proven itself to run against the will of the people more in the past 30 years then in the past 200 years is proof that it is time for it to go. It really only serves red states and Goes against the true will of the population. And if it didn’t benefit Republicans the Republicans would be the first against it. Their attitude about the supreme court now that it is coming around is proof positive of that. This is the last gasp of a dying group of people. They can’t die soon enough.
^ And beyond that, the argument that the electoral college is some sort of bastion for individual voices in underrepresented states is completely moot. It pretty much being a winner-take-all-system completely erases the importance of individual votes. In any democratically governed country that doesn't have such a system, voters that did not put their cross next to the most popular candidate/party in a specific region still get to have some influence on the nationwide results. Saying "Hey, you live in Wyoming - isn't it great that you get to have x amount of senators representing you too? Oh, you're not in line with the majority of voters in your state? Guess your vote means jack then, haha." is pretty damn cynical if you ask me.
I like the idea that my individual decision - whether it may align with the majority or the minority of voters in my region - still factors into the bigger picture. The electoral college is the antithesis of individual agency. |
The first case of coronavirus was reported in the U.S. on January 21, 2020. A traveler who had visited China had tested positive on arriving in Washington state. January 31, 2020, Trump issued an executive order blocking entry to the U.S. from anyone who has been in China in the last 14 days......the order came into effect on February 2. (Super Bowl Sunday) February 1, 2020 Joe Biden tweeted, 'We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump's record of hysteria, xenophobia and fear mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.' February 1, 2020 NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio tweet “From what we know now, it takes substantial contact with someone who already has coronavirus to contract it. You don’t get it from a surface or very temporary contact.” February 2, 2020 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo:”There is no reason to panic. There is no reason to have an inordinate amount of fear about this situation.“ February 7, 2020 Trump does his interview with Bob Woodward. "It goes through air, Bob," Trump told Woodward in February. "That's always tougher than the touch. You don't have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed." February 24, 2020 Nancy Pelosi Visits San Francisco's Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Concerns: "That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation." "But that shouldn’t be carried over to Chinatown in San Francisco," she said. "I hope that it’s not that. But all I can say is, 'I’m here.' We feel safe and sound, so many of us coming here." February 29, 2020 Dr. Fauci said that at that time and under the circumstances pertaining to that date, Americans didn't need to change their behavior patterns. March 2, 2020 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo: ”We have the best healthcare system in the world here. And excuse our arrogance as New Yorkers, I speak for the Mayor also on this one, we think we have the best healthcare system on the planet right here in New York. So, when you're saying what happened in other countries vs. what happened here, we don't even think it's going to be as bad as it was in other countries. We are fully coordinated, we are fully mobilized, this is all about mobilization of a public health system. Getting the testing done, getting the information out and then having the healthcare resources to treat people who are going to need help. Again, that is going to be primarily senior citizens, people who are debilitated.” March 9, 2020 Joe Biden Campaign Event in Detroit (no mask) March 21, 2020 White House Correspondent Anders Hagstrom reports: “Members of Congress and the Trump administration were receiving the reports even as high-level members of both the Republican and Democratic parties were downplaying the disease.” March 30, 2020 President Trump “I want to keep the country calm. I don't want panic in the country. I could cause panic much better than even you." — Responding to reporter's suggestion that he offered false assurances to Americans.“ July 2020 World Health Organization declares COVID 19 airborne ” Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 can occur through direct, indirect, or close contact with infected people through infected secretions such as saliva and respiratory secretions or their respiratory droplets, which are expelled when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks or sings.” September 9, 2020 Sleepy Joe: "He waved a white flag. He walked away. He didn't do a damn thing," Biden said. "Think about it. Think about what he did not do -- it's almost criminal." ......notice how reporters NEVER ASK what Joe would have done differently! September 9, 2020 Fauci says Trump did not 'distort' impact of the pandemic "I didn't see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said," Fauci, the country's top infectious diseases expert and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said. "He really didn't say anything different than we discussed when we were with him," Fauci said. September 10, 2020 TRUMP tweet “ Bob Woodward had my quotes for many months. If he thought they were so bad or dangerous, why didn’t he immediately report them in an effort to save lives? Didn’t he have an obligation to do so? No, because he knew they were good and proper answers. Calm, no panic!” September 10, 2020 Bob Woodward defends keeping revelations about Trump and coronavirus quiet until book release “The biggest problem I had, which is always a problem with Trump, is I didn’t know if it was true," Woodward told The Post. “Woodward said that it was not until May that he confirmed Trump's statements were based on reliable information and that at that point the virus was already widespread.” "If I had done the story at that time about what he knew in February, that’s not telling us anything we didn’t know,”he told AP. Sooo, what did the Free Minded Freethinkers here at SYG want President Trump to do back in February? Why do you get so caught up in the media hype?? All of your high level Democrats were receiving the same intelligence briefings (January/February) as our President......not one of them then were claiming they could handle the situation better! THE DEMOCRATS HAD NO PLAN, THEY OFFERED NO PLAN!!! Sleepy Joe claiming President Trump did this so the stock market wouldn’t crash is NONSENSE!!! ZERO health officials were claiming airborne back in February, the World Health Organization didn’t declare it so until July 2020 YES - President Trump could have handled it better, things could have been done differently, but ZERO Democrats had the solution. ......it’s going to be a great weekend!!! |
May Vishnu help us all:
So many shitburgers with mayo on them.
Fucker wants not only four more years but a third term. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/13/p...den/index.html |
I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to get rid of the election cycle as a whole and just have him stay till his death. |
So many facts ignored in this long, long rambling message. Main point being what followed after all those he derides followed on with lockdown. Meanwhile the holy Cheeto doubled down saying the coronavirus was nothing to worry about and that it'll go away. He followed it with the idea that injecting bleach and light will help get rid of the virus. You want someone who will follow the science and follow that. Not a moron who ignores it and does whatever he wants at the expense of a couple hundred thousand lives. It's no good for Bytor to say "THESE GUYS WERE SHIT SO IT'S OK FOR TRUMP TO BE SHIT". |
Haven't followed the news very actively lately so I was curious what the President's actions were regarding the currently active fires in three US states. Well, he's done absolutely nothing!!!
Trump isn’t talking about the wildfires in Oregon, California and Washington |
Ummm, while I have no rhyme or reason to why/why not the President tweets, according to the Sacramento Bee (Saturday, September 12,2020), the President will be in Sacramento tomorrow.
“Although the president often criticizes California’s wildfire response efforts and the forest management tactics, Gov. Gavin Newsom has reiterated Trump’s commitment to helping the state behind the scenes. “There’s not phone call that I have made to the president where he hasn’t quickly responded,” the Democratic governor said last month.” The President arrived in Las Vegas 0200 AM this morning and will hold his first entirely indoor rally in three months tonight in neighboring Henderson, Nevada. Quote:
April 19, 2019
Members of Mueller’s team ’wiped’ phones during Trump probe: DOJ “More than two dozen cellphones belonging to members of special counsel Robert Mueller’s team were “wiped” clean of their data before the Justice Department’s inspector general could check them, according to a report.“ “Mueller deputy Andrew Weissman “accidentally wiped” his device twice after he entered the wrong passcode too many times in March 2018, according to the documents cited by Fox News.“ You would think federal prosecutors would grow tiresome of being caught destroying evidence and appearing like inept idiots......this is going to get good! |
From Robert Christgau's And It Don't Stop column:
(continues below) |
So apparently the polls in Florida are tied at 48% to 48%. Every 4 years we have to deal with this mess with Florida, and it almost never ends in the Democrats' favor.
Let Florida secede and replace it with D.C. |
Let Florida sink.
Sell Florida to Puerto Rico?
Let the alligators eat the people.
On climate change and its role in the wildfires: "I don't think science knows, actually," Trump said at a Monday briefing with officials in McClellan Park, California, with a laugh. |
July 25, 2019 (page 366)
September 13, 2020 (page 461) Quote:
Sen. Ron Johnson asks DOJ watchdog to investigate Mueller team phones over erased information "These reports are troubling and raise concerns about record retention and transparency," Johnson wrote in a letter to Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general Michael Horowitz. "Therefore, I respectfully request that your office open an investigation into this matter to determine what, why, and how information was wiped, whether any wrongdoing occurred, and who these devices belonged to." DOJ FOIA Release: Members of Mueller Team Repeatedly ‘Wiped’ phones as Watchdog Sought Records ““It appears that Special Counsel Mueller’s team may have deleted federal records that could be key to better understanding their decision-making process as they pursued their investigation and wrote their report. Indeed, many officials apparently deleted the records after the DOJ Inspector General began his inquiry into how the Department mishandled Crossfire Hurricane. Moreover, based on this new information, the number of times and the stated reasons for the deletions calls into question whether or not it was a widespread intentional effort,” Grassley wrote in a letter today to Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray.“ September 11, 2020 VIA ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION The Honorable William Barr Attorney General Department of Justice The Honorable Christopher A. Wray Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Dear Attorney General Barr and Director Wray: A recent Justice Department Freedom of Information Act release suggests that multiple members of Special Counsel Mueller’s team may have wiped data from their government phones including texts messages during their investigation of Russian collusion in the 2016 election.[1] One team member, Andrew Weissmann, appears to have deleted all of the data on his phone more than once. On March 8, 2018, records show that Weissmann “[e]ntered [his] password too many times and wiped his phone.” On September 27, another report reads, “AAW accidentally wiped cell phone – data lost.” On two occasions, officials admitted to deleting data, and multiple individuals stated that the phone automatically wiped the data after they used the wrong password too many times. It appears that Special Counsel Mueller’s team may have deleted federal records that could be key to better understanding their decision-making process as they pursued their investigation and wrote their report. Indeed, many officials apparently deleted the records after the DOJ Inspector General began his inquiry into how the Department mishandled Crossfire Hurricane. Moreover, based on this new information, the number of times and the stated reasons for the deletions calls into question whether or not it was a widespread intentional effort. This would not be the first time the Special Counsel’s office misused records within their possession. On March 8, 2019, I wrote a letter to the Justice Department regarding Special Counsel Mueller’s selective use of emails in the George Papadopoulos Statement of Offense.[2] In that letter, I provided references to a footnote in the Statement that was used by Mueller to suggest that a Trump “Campaign official suggested ‘low level’ staff should go to Russia.” In full context, however, the emails in question actually show that the Trump Campaign wanted someone “low level” to decline these types of invitations. Congress and the American people are owed answers regarding Special Counsel Mueller and his team. In light of the serious concerns these new records create, please provide the following no later than September 25, 2020: All records from the FOIA request in unredacted form. All records, including text messages, from all government phones used by employees in Special Counsel Mueller’s office. All records relating to the explanations that each employee within Special Counsel Mueller’s office provided as to why their phone data and records were deleted. When were you first made aware that Special Counsel Mueller’s employees deleted data and records from their government phones? Are you investigating whether or not Special Counsel Mueller’s employees violated federal record keeping laws, rules, and regulations? If so, when did that investigation begin? If not, why not? Has the Justice Department attempted to forensically recover any deleted records? If so, please provide all recovered records in unredacted form. If not, why not? Has the Justice Department referred this matter to the Inspector General? If not, why not? I anticipate that most of the responsive documents will be unclassified. Please send all unclassified material directly to the Committee. In keeping with the requirements of Executive Order 13526, if any of the responsive documents do contain classified information, please segregate all unclassified material within the classified documents, provide all unclassified information directly to the Committee, and provide a classified addendum to the Office of Senate Security. The Committee complies with all laws and regulations governing the handling of classified information. The Committee is not bound, absent its prior agreement, by any handling restrictions or instructions on unclassified information unilaterally asserted by the Executive Branch. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact Joshua Flynn-Brown of my Committee staff at 202-224-4515. Sincerely, Charles E. Grassley Chairman Committee on Finance The reason I quoted myself from July 2019 about “Mueller Not Running The Investigation,” do any of the Free Minded Freethinkers here at SYG actually think Robert Muller placed his phone on “airport mode” and intentionally entered the wrong password 10 times? Remember, attempts 5-10 require that you wait: 5 minutes before the next attempt 15 minutes before the next attempt 30 minutes before the next attempt 45 minutes before the next attempt ONE HOUR before the next attempt Seriously, is old Bob taking the time to do that? The reason I mentioned “airport mode,” the Government issued phones have a built in feature where once you’ve entered the wrong password FIVE TIMES, DOJ Security is notified (email) of the number of FAILED ATTEMPTS so they can either: A) notify the phones owner to make sure phone wasn’t stolen & reset password if necessary B) remotely shut down phone The only way the security notification isn’t sent is when the phone is placed on “airport mode.” Mind you this evidently occurred 15 times with various members of Robert Mueller’s investigative team......it’s as if they all experienced amnesia at the same time. |
Great work being done by Trump in taking the forest fires seriously. After being pleaded about the impact of global warming on forest fires he just glibly says
“It’ll start getting cooler. You just — you just watch.” “I wish science agreed with you,” Crowfoot said. “I don’t think science knows, actually,” Trump responded. Might as well write the planet off if he gets another four years. Or will sweeping up forests be the key to all our problems? He's about as useful as a marzipan dildo. |
Several other phones were wiped after they were placed in airplane mode and could not be unlocked because the password was allegedly forgotten, including two belonging to lead prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, and phones belonging to two of his deputies, Kyle Freeny and Rush Atkinson. |
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