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ilduclo 10.06.2018 05:15 PM

Wyoming gets two Senators and has a population a quarter the size of Chicago? That is some tyrannical bullshit right there.

Bytor Peltor 10.06.2018 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
go, Bitey, go!


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor is finished!

Now that it’s finished, let’s hit’em with some truth:

Kavanaugh was the LEAST conservative on the short list
Kavanaugh is horrible on the 4th Admenment
Pro-Patriot Act
Defended Obamacare as a “tax”
Doubtful “it’s a State issue” is in his vocabulary

Republicans may find themselves disappointed
Democrats should have kept their mouths shut!

ilduclo 10.07.2018 10:54 AM

So, tell me again how Brett Kavanaugh is the victim?


Smellyanne says : “This is Judge Kavanaugh now,” she said. “It could be anybody by next week. It could be any man in any position.”

Leonard replies:

"So every man should worry? Sorry, but I don’t.

And all this solicitude for my well-being is as misguided as it is misplaced. In the last 40-plus years, all of my assistants, most of my bosses, and many of my colleagues, students and closest friends have been women. Yet I live in no fear that one of them will accuse me of sexual harassment or rape. See, I have a little trick: It’s called not committing sexual harassment or rape. I’ve found that it works pretty much every time."

Bytor Peltor 10.07.2018 02:52 PM

A Great First Step To Having Charges Filed Against Maxine Waters

Unrelated ......Sen. Collins confirms:

With the exception of her (Blasey Ford) trusted "hippocampus," nobody corroborated her story!

!@#$%! 10.07.2018 03:01 PM

well, shit, yesterday i drove hundreds of miles to the liquor store, today i’m enjoying the fruits of my labor and i gotta say carpano antica formula makes an amazing negroni

oh yeah—i’m on fucking break from politics today haaahaaaahaaaa

watching season 1 of “american gods”

the west wing got me through a good chunk of the bush administration as i recall.

thank fuck for fiction. a soothing balm.

Bytor Peltor 10.07.2018 09:01 PM

DEM’s licking their wounds with a perverted sense of what Justice truly is.


The GOP’s decision to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court has wounded the very soul of justice in our country.

Amid our heartbreak, however, we renew our resolve and determination. We are awed by the dignity and bravery of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

ilduclo 10.08.2018 11:21 AM

The Soup Nazi 10.08.2018 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
"[...] See, I have a little trick: It’s called not committing sexual harassment or rape. I’ve found that it works pretty much every time."


Savage Clone 10.09.2018 12:09 AM

A man or woman, must always be presumed innocent unless, and until proven guilty," Trump said at Kavanaugh's swearing-in ceremony on Monday night. "And with that, I must state that you, sir, under historic scrutiny, were proven innocent."

*Koff koff Central Park Five koff koff*

!@#$%! 10.09.2018 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
A man or woman, must always be presumed innocent unless, and until proven guilty," Trump said at Kavanaugh's swearing-in ceremony on Monday night. "And with that, I must state that you, sir, under historic scrutiny, were proven innocent."

*Koff koff Central Park Five koff koff*

the carnival barker has always been as unprincipled as it comes, which is the secret his success conning the uninformed

thank you for exercising the faculties of reason and accurate memory in the face of demagoguery

unfortunately those are no longer sufficient against the atrocity-in-chief.

i don’t know what would work except— vote in these midterms for a viable candidate.

ilduclo 10.09.2018 05:23 PM

Nikki Jailey:

"It's been eight years of intense time and I'm a believer in term limits," she adds. "I think you have to be selfless enough to know when you step aside"

WTF 8 years? I haven't been sleeping, NOR have I been dreaming of Nikki Jailey

Bytor Peltor 10.11.2018 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yes it’s true, you havent attacked anyone personally. [eta: but you sound like you’re threatening the potheads, which is kinda creepy]

i don’t know about you not beating the drum for anyone—your purportedly impartial posts about procedure and evidence and process are a bit disingenuous, i’d say at times even cynical. your comments are evidently partisan and biased. at times i don’t know if you’re serious or trolling. anyway we all have our biases, but it’s funny to see you claim you have none in your posts. cmon... just own it.

Threatening potheads?

The fact that you DON’T KNOW or can’t tell if I’m being serious or trolling = THANK YOU!!!

Even cynical (rarely)

I’m okay with those descriptions!
I view myself more of a conservative constitutionalist


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i still believe you’re a decent and good person even though some of your information is a bit warped ha ha ha. i blame trump for making indecency great again, and hannity and what’s the idiot with the bow tie, and that clown from infowars, and others, for polluting the airwaves and normalizing lies and alternative facts, which innocents like you somehow believe.

How is my info a bit warped? I don’t make stuff up and I try to be as accurate as I know how. As I’ve stated numerous times here’s okay if we disagree and I’m happy to admit when I get something wrong!

Why do you keep bringing up Hannity and Infowars? Please show me where I used information from them?

Bytor Peltor 10.11.2018 01:47 PM

Kanye West Is What Happens When Negroes Don’t Read

Soooooo, are black people really going to trade Kanye West for.....?
Is the panel saying Kanye is siding with Trump because he is mentally ill?
And they follow that up by pointing out he’s been hospitalized in the past?
Are they making light of mental illness?
Token Negro = Dumb Negro?

The Lefts stance on:

don’t make fun of women
don’t make light of rape
don’t be racist
don’t joke about mental illness (listen how the show host can’t control his laughter)

Can the Left —liberals— make a race turn on itself?

How many of you would be moaning and groaning if a white person said these things about Maxine Madusa?

Can you spell: H Y P O C R I S Y

ilduclo 10.11.2018 03:38 PM

Trump likes to go to places that have not seen the schtick live. He's been to Fuckursister, Tennessee so why go back? He wants to give another local bund group a chance to goose step around waving their middle finger at the press pit and yelling "lock her up" and "build the wall." The rubes like that and they buy the merch. So he goes to Braindead, Iowa. Next week it will be in Shitferbrains, PA and so on. It's all part of the Big Grift. It's all he knows.

ilduclo 10.11.2018 04:34 PM

Karen Pence Campaigns For GOP House Candidate Who Longs For Return To Criminalization Of Homosexuality, wants wives to submit

Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, spent time this week in North Carolina campaigning for Mark Harris, a right-wing pastor who upset incumbent Rep. Robert Pittinger in the GOP primary in May.

Harris: “In one generation you and I have witnessed this country sliding from a nation who once shared a moral vision based on Judeo-Christian ethic to a nation floundering in moral decay. In one generation we have watched our nation who once believed in lifelong marriages to the same spouse to a divorce rate now well over 50 percent. We have watched in one generation where homosexuality was once criminalized to now we see the criminalization of Christianity.”

Harris is also a member of the Family Research Council’s Watchmen On The Wall group of extremist pastors and regularly appears with North Carolina’s viciously anti-LGBT Benham brothers.

Bytor Peltor 10.12.2018 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Can the Left make a race turn on itself?

TGIF......let’s look back at the week that was:

Democrats saw:
Brett Kavanugh confirmed to the Supreme Court
Kanye West give Trump a hug : )
Black unemployment hit the lowest level EVER
Senate races dramatically tilt towards Republicans

......Democrats responded by rioting and calling Kanye a "dumb negro"

Crooked Hillary Clinton:

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for and what you care about. That’s why I believe if we’re fortunate to win back the House and or Senate, that’s when civility can start again.”

Sooooo the Left will only be civil when they have the POWER???

This line of thinking is what led to Donald Trump becoming President. NOT BECAUSE Donald Trump had done anything all that great......because of Crooked Hillary and what she represents.

Speaking of our President:

“This election is about your families and your values and what kind of country you want to leave for your children. This election is about keeping America safe, keeping America strong, keeping America proud and keeping America free!”

evollove 10.12.2018 07:04 AM

The only riots occurring are in the headlines of those silly right-wing blogs you read.

There are around 310 million Americans. Two major parties. Your generalizations of about one of them is getting boring.

We get it. You love Republicans for some unfathomable reason. They blew up the deficit and pushed an hysterical drunk to the Supreme Court while the party leader cozied to dictators and isolated the US from fellow democracies, none of which is remotely conservative. Dems are now more traditionally conservative than Republicans.

You vote Republican because you always did because your parents did because most of your social circle does and it's boring.

!@#$%! 10.12.2018 09:19 AM

“crooked hillary”


!@#$%! 10.12.2018 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Threatening potheads?

The fact that you DON’T KNOW or can’t tell if I’m being serious or trolling = THANK YOU!!!

thank you for what??

!@#$%! 10.12.2018 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

I view myself more of a conservative constitutionalist

a conservative constitutionalist who believes the president can pardon himself and encourage lawbreakers with pardons so he can run the government like a mafia


i view myself as a planetary ai then

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