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You've said this before. You also made it clear you know little to nothing about my avatar. Research....then talk shit. And really, w/ all the shit you've mentioned about yr own past...seems to me as if you have little room to talk about others being "fucked up". |
Quite the opposite, it makes me an expert in fucked up.
"fucked up" differs from person to person/ case to case. There's no such thing as being an expert in the field. Even psychologists will tell ya that they are always learning.
try again. |
So that makes your first point kind of silly doesn't it? I can't really take someone who thinks Charles Manson is a beacon of light seriously in a discussion about guns & violence, sorry. |
I never said that though, you said I said that.... again, you fail. again, try again. |
Is it the 175th time you make this post?
New catchphrase needed. |
With you, pretty much. You keep repeating yrself leaving me little choice but to do the same. Again, I'm out. Keep on trollin... -s. Write a book: "Other peoples lives according to knox". |
No, I think I saw you doing it with Jon Boy too, I feel cheated.
It's a waste of jest, I guess. |
thank you
amen (hebrew/aramaic/arabic/amharic, lit. I agree deeply and intuitively from my heart) by the way, I been using amen a lot on SYG, I just wanted to explain it is nothing to do with religion, it is because I have been using my amharic more lately, and in amharic amen is the standard response to agree with someone. in Hebrew Amen comes from the root words which signify an act of agreement, but from the heart (ie, love, in its primitive form the root word aman signified acts of altruism such as charity or adoption) In Amharic is literally is an affirmation of solidarity, of sincere acceptance and agreement, from the heart, when I reply to a post, Amen. I am implying, "I agree deeply and intuitively from my heart." |
Los Angeles must be a very strange place.
yes, yes it is. I wandered into an indigenous, authentic, purely ethiopian church and worship service before dawn this morning, in a largely centro-americano neighborhood with roosters walking down the main street (they got some goats in the backyard on my church's side street) and gangsters shooting each other by night. Along the way I ran into folks from across the world on the bus/train, as I do everyday, its part of why I still haven't bought a car ;) surprisingly there was a fatal drive by in my very middle class, gang free suburban neighborhood early this morning, very shocking actually, but hey, that is why even the burbs here are integrally Los Angeles, not suburbs by any definition.. "I dream of a world where people from distant lands commute to work together on one giant bus, each greeting each other in their native custom.." Marcy D'Arcy "Oh, you're talking about the city bus!" Al Bundy ![]() |
don't ever buy a car.
I'm trying, but its getting ridiculously harsh.. I can't make it to band practice, I can't get to any gig opportunities, I am struggling to get to work with hours and hours of commute time, even yesterday coming home from Church I had to walk an hour in the blistering hard afternoon sun because the bus blanked on me, as it does at least 5-6 times a month... LA makes it VERY difficult to be a renegade, but honestly I pray not for a car, but just for the bus to show up on time :) |
you'd imagine a city that big would have a metro.
The rail system is more than adequate, but the corner stone of any efficient and effective rail systems is a highly integrated bus system to fill the gaps. In a city as sprawling as LA, rails can't possibly take you everywhere, but they do get you pretty close by the way.. its only 2.5 miles from my door to the rail station, but that is a loooong walk on a 93 degree day ;) |
Why Liberals should support the 2nd amendment
http://halc.us/2010/07/why-liberals-should-love-the-second-amendment/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaig n=Feed%3A+HoustonAreaLibertyCampaign+%28Houston+Ar ea+Liberty+Campaign The United States Militia Code: (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard. |
No. 5: The Second Amendment is about revolution.
In no other country, at no other time, has such a right existed. It is not the right to hunt. It is not the right to shoot at soda cans in an empty field. It is not even the right to shoot at a home invader in the middle of the night. It is the right of revolution. Let me say that again: It is the right of revolution. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government.To alter or abolish the government. These are not mild words; they are powerful. They are revolutionary. The Founders might never have imagined automatic weapons. But they probably also never imagined a total ban on handguns either. We talk about the First Amendment as a unique and revolutionary concept — that we have the right to criticize our government. Does it matter whether we do so while standing on a soapbox on the corner of the street or on a blog? No. Because the concept, not the methodology, is what matters. And the Second Amendment is no different. It is not about how much ammunition is “excessive” or what types of guns are and are not permissible. Liberals cling to such minutia at the expense of understanding and appreciating the larger concept that underlies this right. |
wow that is some bullshit. where did you copy and paste it from?
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