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terminal pharmacy 08.01.2007 06:44 AM

the big brown eyes just arent the same in black and white laila

Originally Posted by Laila
here is a gif i made for my myspace. I get to see SY in october!! wuhhuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I kinda like it better in b&w though


Laila 08.01.2007 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Oh man. . . I'm too down with Jesus to do that.

By the way, are you Sunni or Shi'a?

I could always become Bahai and just accept all religions :cool: I'm sort of half-way there in that I don't think of other faiths as "wrong" but more "from a different point of view."

i am shia sweetie

Laila 08.01.2007 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Incesticide

i have that in it for christmas from a friend. I don't even celebrate christmas

Incesticide 08.01.2007 08:46 AM

Cool. ^^



Laila 08.01.2007 08:52 AM

you need to stop look like that girl from the ring

Incesticide 08.01.2007 09:04 AM


Laila 08.01.2007 09:05 AM

yr french incesticide?

Incesticide 08.01.2007 09:17 AM

Yes I'm french.

Laila 08.01.2007 09:18 AM

well that's good. there's this one french guy i am totally obsessed with. He is a hottie. that is all.

total-trash 08.01.2007 09:19 AM

t'habite ou en france?

Incesticide 08.01.2007 09:19 AM

Wow Laila. :D

J'habite à Limoges et toi ?

total-trash 08.01.2007 09:21 AM

j'habite aux etats unis, mais je suis alle en france plusieurs fois.

Laila 08.01.2007 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Incesticide
Wow Laila. :D

J'habite à Limoges et toi ?

what the hell does that mean! i speak german and english! not french!

Incesticide 08.01.2007 09:23 AM

Génial, t'as visité quelles villes en France ?

Incesticide 08.01.2007 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Laila
what the hell does that mean! i speak german and english! not french!

I speak with total-trash and I say : I live in Limoges and you ?


total-trash 08.01.2007 09:25 AM

ahh seulement paris et nice. je voudrai visite autres villes. pardonne moi, les accents ne marche pas sur mon ordinateur.

Incesticide 08.01.2007 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by total-trash
ahh seulement paris et nice. je voudrai visite autres villes. pardonne moi, les accents ne marche pas sur mon ordinateur.

Ok c'est déjà ca.

Ouais pas moyen de mettre des accents sur les claviers Americain. ^^

Tu as appris le Français tout seul ?

total-trash 08.01.2007 09:28 AM

t'a appris l'anglais a l'ecole?

Incesticide 08.01.2007 09:29 AM

Oui on apprend cette langue à l'école.
J'aime cette langue mais j'ai un peu du mal parfois. :s

total-trash 08.01.2007 09:30 AM

moi aussi, j'ai du mal avec le francais.

Incesticide 08.01.2007 09:32 AM

D'après ce que j'ai vu tu te débrouille plutôt bien. Tu as appris à l'école aussi ?

total-trash 08.01.2007 09:37 AM

oui. je parle des que j'ai environs quatre ans.

Incesticide 08.01.2007 09:47 AM

C'est bien d'apprendre le plus tôt possible.

vulva 08.01.2007 09:47 AM

nous parlons la francais maintenant? c'étais un très longue temps qye j'avais écrire en en francais. Je suis désolée pour mon terrible épellation.

total-trash 08.01.2007 09:49 AM


Incesticide 08.01.2007 09:53 AM

C'est pas grave j'arrive quand même à te comprendre. ^^

davenotdead 08.01.2007 11:25 AM

frog attack....haha, i actually like much better than learnin mexican.

floatingslowly 08.01.2007 11:46 AM

happy happy joy joy.

Inhuman 08.01.2007 11:52 AM

J'habite en Quebec mais mon francais est n'est pas tres bon :(

sarramkrop 08.01.2007 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
happy happy joy joy.



Laila 08.01.2007 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
happy happy joy joy.


are you in this pic?

sarramkrop 08.01.2007 11:56 AM

Oh c'mon Laila, can't you see the blonde lady on the right?

floatingslowly 08.01.2007 11:58 AM

it took forever to photoshop out my wife's horns (her tail wasn't in the picture).

floatingslowly 08.01.2007 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Laila
are you in this pic?


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Oh c'mon Laila, can't you see the blonde lady on the right?

teeheee!! :o

Laila 08.01.2007 12:02 PM

well i don't know who floatingslowly is....i dont even know if floatingslowly is a he or a she or anything!! remember i just got bacK!!!

sarramkrop 08.01.2007 12:06 PM

You need to click on one of the faces, if you want to find out. The secret answer is in the secret thread in the secret section of the forum. Run, Laila, and find it!

Laila 08.01.2007 12:07 PM


sarramkrop 08.01.2007 12:08 PM

Do it, Laila! We've only got 10 minutes before I dash off! Do it! RUUUUNNN!!

Laila 08.01.2007 12:11 PM


sarramkrop 08.01.2007 12:13 PM

But Laila, honey, if you don't click on one of the faces that floatingslowly provided, YOU WILL NEVER FIND OUT THE TRUTH!! NEVER!!

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