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Toilet & Bowels 12.04.2014 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
Fuck you and fuck this place. Ill come back again in another two years when like 3 of you are still around....just to check on things.

If in the next two years you've been murdered by the cops for a minor infraction of the law, then I hope you'll have learned your lesson.

Genteel Death 12.04.2014 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

the comedy never ends!


!@#$%! 12.04.2014 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
So punching someone who works as a policeman is a crime punishable by death without trial?

for the record though, and i'm not in any way taking poor sway's side here, these have been incidents of (supposedly) resisting arrest. i think american police lacks people skills, uses excessive force, and is too trigger-happy--but this was the context of those deaths.

many years ago i was on the metro drinking and being a loud drunk (breaking the law) when suddenly i feel something yanking at my neck. i stiffen up and i see a little cop stumbling as he falls back because he lost his grip on me. (my friends were drunk and loud too but i was the only one standing so i guess that made me the target).

i looked at him said "if you need me to get out you can just ask, you don't have to pull me". so he mumbles, please come out, the train stops and i get out, he asks for id, etc. he points an empty can of beer i had in a pocket and asks "what's that!?" and i say "...trash..." and i throw the can in a wastebasket.

he let me go and i caught the next train.

i think if instead of being reasonable when he yanked my neck i had retaliated, things would have gone differently. but if it had been a huge guy who had yanked me successfully, i really dont know what could have happened.

i was cuffed once at a traffic stop for having no lights on. i was driving an expensive car but i looked like shit (i had been helping a friend move, so i probably looked like i had stolen the thing.)

being cuffed for no good reason while they checked my papers felt like a violation but i had no choice. the guy said i looked suspicious because i was "wearing a tshirt in cold weather" and i said "i'm a big guy and i've been hauling furniture all day, of course i'm still hot from it." anyway they kept me cuffed and eventually established my non-criminality via radio.

anyway, they had their reasons/excuses/whatever -- they always do.

the problem with the american police, generally speaking, is that it's too militarized, and trained to end conflict by tactical victory alone. it's extremely rare to see them reason with anyone--they just demand submission.

it's really bizarre here compared to other countries where at some level you're able to talk to police like a person.


anyway, here's what the president of the fraternal order of police (police labor union) has to say about recent events. not that i necessarily believe what he says but i always like to hear all sides of a story.

!@#$%! 12.04.2014 11:20 PM

ps- tennessee cop chokes white college student and GETS FIRED RIGHT AWAY

(the intoxicated student resisted arrest)

oh, america!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.05.2014 01:06 AM


they just demand submission ,
motherfucking EXACTLY. Like Fugees said, "yeah floyd the cop gets a hard on just shooting niggas."

Keeping It Simple 12.05.2014 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Can't you Russell Brand your posts a bit??? Are you this out of touch?

I've clearly "touched" a nerve. Can't help getting too close to the bone. Break out of that deluded, fanciful, whimsical, politically correct bubble you created for yourself. Face reality.

Keeping It Simple 12.05.2014 10:23 AM

What would really help, and it's very simple, is don't break the law. It seems the people whinging the most about it are the ones who have broken the law. Talk about bearing a grudge. Get over it.

Rob Instigator 12.05.2014 10:37 AM

The "Law" supposedly applies to all. However, it is obvious that the "Law" only applies to those that have no control over it's enforcement.

The "Law" states in NYC that it is illegal (since 1996) for a pig to use any choke hold.

The "Law" did not give a fuck that a pig murdered a man with a chokehold.

grow up.

only the real sheep wish to force all the other sheep to obey the wolf, that way only a few of us are hurt!

Rob Instigator 12.05.2014 10:38 AM

the ashtray told me to go fuck myself.

e: im sorry man
Yesterday, 04:04 PM
ann ashtray


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.05.2014 11:28 AM

Keeping It Simple, maybe you don't understand but the major issue here is due process and fair punishment. People suspected of or even guilty pf crime have the right to due process and fair punishment if found guilty, this is not merely legal mumbo jumbo, as voiced by all the national protests its a driving social value. This also means that when police are suspected of crime due process works the other way, to ensure they are tried in court and if.guilty punished accordingly.. so when the police kill unarmed people suspected of minor infractions and the police don't face trial its doubly wrong, those killed were denied due process and instead of fair punishment were summarily executed, and their executors get off with out so much as a mock trial?? If this shit happened in even ONCE a year your entire country would be outraged, it happens at least monthly here :(

evollove 12.05.2014 12:01 PM

I was grocery shopping today and saw a young black man. For a moment, I wondered if I could get away with killing him. I didn't want to, but that's not the point. Just wondering if I could. I think if I said I felt threatened, I'd be in the clear.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.05.2014 01:18 PM

Worked for that Zimmerman slob

Rob Instigator 12.05.2014 02:19 PM

3 examples of black people denied the "stand your ground" defense used by zimmerman and countless others to kill minorities without punishment.

Rob Instigator 12.05.2014 02:39 PM

chokeholds and pigs killing people in NYC

tesla69 12.05.2014 03:33 PM

At the ferry terminal, police quickly assembled barricades in an attempt to stop protesters from demonstrating on Staten Island. After a brief skirmish, officers successfully blocked off the terminal entrance with a human chain of officers and arrested those who tried to break through. But over to one side, another group of officers were quietly permitting access to those they believed to be commuters, while rebuffing anyone who appeared to be demonstrating.

In residential Williamsburg last night I saw cops in unmarked cars but with lights flashing slowly patrolling, like there was some kind of emergency. They are running scared.

Anyone deomonstrating on Staten Island is brave, thats the belly of the beast, it is not unlikely they would get shot by right wing fascists.

Pookie 12.05.2014 07:10 PM

Savage Clone 12.05.2014 09:09 PM

Sticking up for cops = not punk

ann ashtray 12.06.2014 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Sticking up for cops = not punk

Cops tend to not usually give me much shit. Not a single issue with cops, in fact, since I was a kid. At least not any I wasn't asking for. And even then, I wasn't STUPID enough to punch or resist arrest. If you're not truly breaking the law, ya probably don't have much to worry about. And if ya aren't smart enough to hide the fact that you are breaking the law, ya probably deserve to be caught.

The officer in New York should have his badge removed, if not arrested. I looked up the laws and while in's not a state law, it is against NYPD's policy. That dude didn't deserve to die. As far as Michael Brown goes, dude punched somebody. My stance remains unchanged. Whenever you hit anyone you violate your contract with humanity, and the victim has the right to defend themselves any way they see fit.

And seriously, what the fuck is punk? My tastes never leaned toward the stupid hippie preachy shit. If that's what your interested in, talk to Suchfriends.


I've never been mugged by a cop. I did, however, have a mugging attempt made on me while riding the CTA. Thankfully they were not successful because I have no issues stereotyping people. Anyone who says they don't is a fucking liar, or an idiot. I do not like, nor do I feel sorry for thugs. And at the end of the day, it's not really my problem that most of these sorts, most muggings in my city, most rapes, most murders...tend to be by those little fuckers. Fuck them. Fuck them more than cops.

People should man up to whatever it is they are doing. If ya look like a thug, that's ok...your right and your choice. I have the right, also however, to judge you and avoid you like the fucking plague.

If this makes me a racist, then I guess I'm a racist. I don't think I'm a racist in the sense that I hate someone else just because they happen to look different than me.

If anything, I hate most people period. I put very few people before I put myself.

And massive respect to all the cool cops out there who know how to do their job, especially when they can avoid violence (it can't always be avoided, don't listen to the Jesus fucker/s he/they always lie). It's not a pussie's job. I couldn't do it. I've got some killer friends who are cops and I love 'em dearly. Wanna talk about what it feels like to be hated simply because of how you look? Put on a fucking uniform. Same shit, man. I don't care what anyone says.

If punk rock is about doing your own thing, having your own ideals, living up to your own expectations, etc...I'm definitely the minority here. And I think that's fantastic.

ann ashtray 12.06.2014 05:45 AM

And seriously, ask a Native American about Christian love. Ask your early slaves about Christian love, and even worse why many of them eventuaklly converted to it. And then ask yourself why I regard folks like Suchfriends as being NOTHING MORE than hypocritical hippie trash....

It's easy if ya try. :)

h8kurdt 12.06.2014 01:32 PM

Thought this might interest some of you...

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