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Would you mind terribly telling me the names of a couple of these? Most of them are obvious, but two in particular look very familiar and yet I can't place them. The one with the weird plastic covered hand coming up from under the water? The one with the cow skull and the flowers coming out from its head? I swear I know what these are, but I can't place either one. |
Kara-Lis Coverdale's Aftertouches. Quote:
Steve Gunn & Black Twig Pickers' Seasonal Hire. EDIT: By the way, I can't believe I'm the first one to mention Laurie Anderson's Heart Of A Dog. The hell is wrong with you peoples? |
Now, if you're gonna reply to any of this, do your best to make it concise, insightful and to the point, because I have an apocalyptic computer virus ready to jump into your system if once again you ramble the fuck on and bore us to death. |
Hey that's the one! I don't have it but meant to get it because I really enjoy the band. Was just listening to Jack Rose & The Black Twig Pickers yesterday. Thanks! Re: Disappears - I just ordered the Low: Live in Chicago double LP from Sonic Cathedral. |
It's a single LP. The pic shows the A & B sides, not two separate discs: ![]() Digital version available from bandcamp for £7 (if you order the vinyl you get a bandcamp free download code). Aftertouches is also on bandcamp, by the way, for $7 (the $6 tape is long fuckin' gone — edition of 100... :mad:). |
Whew. I just sat through all of Soup's GIF.
![]() ![]() ![]() And your verdict is...? |
I'm a little high. I meant the one in your signature. Although it's interesting (depressing?) to compare the two.
I've seen the one in your sig plenty of times, of course, but I don't think I ever sat through the entire cycle. My verdict of that stuff seems unnecessary. It's about 87% my collection. And if it's not at least 50% of someone else's, I might have trouble entertaining their opinion about very much. |
I knew that. :) That string of album covers is rather outdated, though — when did I set it up, five years ago or so? "Funny how time slips away..." Quote:
Tru dat... "Fuck 'em in the ear! Fuck 'em in the OTHER ear!" Quote:
My "best of 2015" gif is fuckin' awesome and there's nothing you can do about it. ![]() |
The year:
Quite like that Depression Cherry album from Beach House. INNIT! Pinkshinyultrablast - yea, Enya-fronting shoegaze band.. and Ian Brown mbv sy wankers Rats on rafts delivered |
noone has mentioned slip aple - virtual 9/11 yet.
best 9/11 themed vaporwave album of this year at least |
Could you pick a particularly good track off each album? I mean, I know you could. Will you? |
Did you receive this one yet? I haven't. Sonic Cathedral did ask me to wait 28 days, but I thought they were mostly being cautious... |
Nope. Mine still hasn't arrived.
I got my copy today! |
apologies dude not having a go at you, it's just from my perspective tame impala are representative of something (or I suppose nothing) which seems wholly antithetical to so much else of what's represented in your list. I mean just on a cursory glance I can't see how you can reconcile say tame impala or jamie xx, godspeed etc with o'rourke/ambarchi, fsa, sightings in that the former invariably trade in stock emotional provocation whereas the latter so unflinchingly deliver singular music as if to protest how deliberately milquetoast the others are. which of course isn't to say that an individualistic streak equates to great music, because that's obviously a complete load of shit. but hey. whatever. to each their own. I can't unravel my logic here. |
No worries man. I wasn't (how do kids in the Midwest say.... ah, yes! "butt hurt") .. I wasn't "butt hurt" about it. Especially because I really, really, honestly, do not have any connection at all to Tame Impala. They didn't come anywhere close to my actual year-end list; list I posted was just a list of the albums I'd purchased in 2015, by month of release. And I don't know if I ever listened to Currents more than once all the way through. But hey, what can I say, it's not the crappest alt rocky album of the year. As for reconciling really populous, fan servicing artists like Tame Impala and Jamie XX with noise and punk and experimental bands... There's no reconciliation to be done! I am, in my heart of hearts, a post punk and noise rock dude, with a good amount of electronic and hip-hop thrown in... But that doesn't mean I don't let my ears make the final decisions. I will not claim I don't like an album or a song if my ears and brain tell me I do. So, while I'm never going to give as much of a fuck about dumb, ear candy pop as I do about Fugazi and Sonic Youth, Wire and Can, FSA or Unwound, I still will buy a record if the record sounds good to me. So I bought Tame Impala's record because the singles sounded good to me. Same with Jamie xx, though that album quickly lost its charm. I can't believe everyone's kissing his ass when Prefuse 73 and Squarepusher and HudMo and Botany are being ignored entirely. (Nobody can say that mogherfucker is more talented than Tom Jenkinson... bitch, please!) Anyway, I see where you're coming from and all, but I'm just not that hung up on the political side of things anymore. Also, I don't really think there's just cause to lump Godspeed in with Tame Impala and Jamie xx... (yet). Godspeed's album this year wasn't any kind of revelation, but nothing they've done since ...Antennas to Heaven has really been a massive progression anyway. Yanqui was top knotch, but not a high point, and since their reunion they've dropped these two albums that sound more or less like b-side or demos collections. But the albums still pack a punch, and they're still following their own path. Have you heard Jerusalem In My Heart? Anyway, I'd say all things considered they're more on the Ambarchi/sightings/FSA side of things than the Tame Impala/Jamie xx/Coldplay side of things. For now. Peace, brother. |
Mine came in the mail, finally... was going to mention it but didn't find myself back in this thread. Anyway, what a fucking incredibly perfect cover album! I hate to say it, but this puts The Lips to shame. Maybe they should have taken their Sgt. Pepper's cover more seriously.... or stayed away from the holy grail of rock albums and tried their hand at the white album instead. I appreciate your recommending this. I'd kinda fallen off with Disappears, as I mentioned some time ago. Your pushiness forced me to give Irreal another go, and I'm damn glad I did, but I think Low is even better. And being a massive fan of the album, I'm probably a rather harsh critic. But this is truly excellent. |
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