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Rob Instigator 02.21.2018 11:43 AM

people publicly accuse others of the things that they themselves do, which they assume everyone does. philanderers expect everyone else to be cheating on their relationships. closeted homosexuals attack open homosexuals. Those that attack people by shouting "fake news" are the ones that actually create false news items. This is how Amerikkka seems to work.

ilduclo 02.22.2018 02:52 PM


!@#$%! 02.22.2018 03:02 PM

lol dat photo yes

“how to feign empathy”

ilduclo 02.22.2018 05:10 PM

the Active Shooter Drill Generation

tesla69 02.22.2018 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
people publicly accuse others of the things that they themselves do, which they assume everyone does. philanderers expect everyone else to be cheating on their relationships. closeted homosexuals attack open homosexuals. Those that attack people by shouting "fake news" are the ones that actually create false news items. This is how Amerikkka seems to work.

So the METOO# women are the actual rapists?

Bytor Peltor 02.23.2018 05:15 PM

One way to hunt with a Simi Automatic.

I received a 20 gauge shotgun for Christmas when I was in 5th grade. I used it for squriel and deer hunting. A few years later, 306 rifle. I also purchased a 12 gauge shotgun, I had all these guns before I ever got a drivers license and I still have them today.

When my Grandfather died, my brother and I inherited his guns.

Rob Instigator 02.23.2018 05:25 PM

heli-hog killing is not hunting. it is CULLING. They are vociferous pests and very violent animals!

I think the only real solution is to institute a government buy-back of all semi-auto pistols and rifles, and after a year, if you still own one, you will be in violation of law. The shooter who killed so many at Virginia Tech, and the one at the army base, those guys did not have rifles. they had semi-auto 9mm.

I think letting us keep our revolvers, rifles, shotguns, and air rifles wold be enough to satisfy most hunters, home protectors, etc. after all no one conceal carries an AR-15.

I have gone to shooting ranges and enjoyed it, but it is plain to see that for most people into semi-auto weapons, it is a TOY, a hobby, and not their preferred firearm for home or hunting.

tesla69 02.23.2018 06:27 PM

You'll need all the firepower you can get to fight the robots and drones that are being rolled out. I'm not joking. If you aren't ready you will get eaten. How do you plan to defend yourself from being swarmed by 100's of small drones that spray you with shit? Any fuckwit in their mom's basement can build this right now. Or no spray pod, just daggers or needles.

We're going to need personal MetalStorms. Which are getting complicated

The mass murderers are attracted to the schools because they know they are defenseless and they know the corporate media will give them 15 mins of fame a day for awhile for their gun violence. They will be a name in the literature forever.

There is semiotic disconnect in everyone, we spend so much of our free time engaging in virtual killing, playing video games of mass murder, acting out to kill strangers for hours and hours, watching movies of killings and shootings over and over. And then, all the while and continuing now our brains are bathed in a soup of elf, chemicals, flouride and vaccine juice radiated by wifi everywhere all to a discordant soundtrack of harsh noise and offensive sounds.

!@#$%! 02.23.2018 07:00 PM

so wayne fucking lapierre was calling student protestors “communists” and saying that they read marx in college.


the nra must be at the end of their rope to be resorting to that shit.

tesla69 02.24.2018 10:13 PM

Bytor Peltor 02.25.2018 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think the only real solution is to institute a government buy-back of all semi-auto pistols and rifles, and after a year, if you still own one, you will be in violation of law.

This is the most reasonable suggestion I’ve heard, I just don’t see this ever happening. Banning a weapon because sad & lonely people have access to them is like castrating myself because my neighbor has too many kids......cutting happy law abiding citizens off doesn’t alliveate the problem.

However, there is still a problem and Rob’s suggestion is the most reasonable / doable. Doing away with the extended magazines, limiting weapons to six rounds could possibly reach a compromise, but I doubt it.

If given a choice, I would want my child to be in classes with teachers who have guns......not so the teacher could try and perform SWAT Team maneuvers in the school the teacher can shoot any intruder trying to enter the classroom. I would feel very comfortable with this!

!@#$%! 02.25.2018 10:14 AM

im not for banning weapon types like semi-auto. the technology is old and widespread and practical and safe. would be like banning the automobile because of drunk drivers.

in fact, a semi-auto handgun is safer than a revolver at least in this respect: in a loaded revolver a bullet is always chambered, whereas in a pistol that’s not necessarily the case.

but i am for better regulation: registration, education, and health/character/age requirements. all part of a well-regulated militia. you can get x type gun at y age, you have to show you’re able to operate and care for it and secure it, understand its use, have a basic grasp of the law, etc. etc.

i register my vehicle, had to pass a test to drive it, which i renew periodically. i’m required by law to have insurance. if i drove recklessly or drunk or without insurance i could lose my license and go to jail. for my weapons however, it’s a free for all. i could be the most ignorant and stupid gun owner on the planet and i’d still have them.

one day while canvassing for a voter drive i went into a house and this old man has a pistol in the open on a couch while his grandkid is running around the house in his diapers. i said nothing but holy fuck. that’s a disaster waiting to happen.

in the same city every year accidents happen because on new year some fucktard decides to shoot solid bullets into the air to celebrate their imbecility. welcome to new mexico.

unchecked private transfers and straw purchases are also problematic as they give access to felons and other unqualified persons. with registration your purchases and sales would be traceable and guaranteed to go to a qualified person. match that to ballistic records so whe know who shot what. and some sort of insurance requirements would not be unreasonable, in case anybody gets “accidentally” hurt with your weapons.

anyway, yes, driving is a privilege, while gun ownership is a right, but i’m not blind to the *well regulated militia* clause that opens the 2nd amendment. we need more reasonable regulations, education, and controlled access for guns. certain types of weapons could require a justification instead of being outright banned.

banning plastic stocks or semi-auto weapons is not really a solution to the mentally ill and the morally incompetent getting angry at the internet and shooting people to make themselves feel important.

ilduclo 02.25.2018 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

If given a choice, I would want my child to be in classes with teachers who have guns......not so the teacher could try and perform SWAT Team maneuvers in the school the teacher can shoot any intruder trying to enter the classroom. I would feel very comfortable with this!

Wal, pardner, you're from TX, so that's hardly surprising. I wish the south would secede again

Bytor Peltor 02.25.2018 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Wal, pardner, you're from TX, so that's hardly surprising. I wish the south would secede again

What does being from Texas have to do with anything? Seriously, it’s all commonsense......a teacher is teaching a class when the sound of gunshots erupt down the hallway. The teacher goes over to a safe mounted on the wall or on the floor, and that safe is only opened by the teachers hand print. The teacher retrieves the gun and points it at the classroom door. If the intruder doesn’t enter that classroom, the teacher would never pull the trigger.

This ISN’T a perfect plan, but I prefer it to the teacher instructing the students to hide or play dead. YES - in the scenario I just presented, I would rather my daughter be in classes where the teacher had access to a gun compared to classes where the teacher chose not to.

ilduclo 02.25.2018 01:36 PM

it's idiocy. Tell me there's no issues with teachers being stable and safe around kids? More guns= more death. And, TX is about the epitome of poor governance.

SonikJesus 02.25.2018 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
it's idiocy. Tell me there's no issues with teachers being stable and safe around kids? More guns= more death. And, TX is about the epitome of poor governance.

for the most part, teachers are pretty stable and professional people. I can't believe I have to say this but they won't shoot their students wtf 😂😂. teachers are there to protect and care for their students. if a teacher was trained and certified in some way, they could've just shot that fucker.

tw2113 02.25.2018 07:59 PM

If it were actually put in place, I'd fear a lot less about the teachers doing something with the arms, and more about the students getting access somehow on the spur of the moment and using it on each other.

Rob Instigator 02.27.2018 09:29 AM

schools will not arm teachers due to the insane legislation and lawsuits that could or would ensue. Teachers are barely able to discipline kids these days, much less actually carry lethal weapons on their persons.

What needs to be studied is the connection between medications for mental illness/disorders, such as zoloft, ambien, etc. that are KNOWN to cause suicidal thoughts in patients (they even have to mention it in the commercials). Most of these mass murderers were previously medicated or off their meds when they did their horror.

The Soup Nazi 02.28.2018 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
You'll need all the firepower you can get to fight the robots


Rob Instigator 02.28.2018 04:55 PM There exists not a single USA government agency that can demand a recall of faulty guns.

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