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the ikara cult 11.09.2007 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I thought it was good. Certainly not great. The problem was that the good songs were really good, and the bad songs were really bad... so you ended up with just a middle of the road record when you thought about it as a whole. But I still look forward to their next.

Yeah i think thats why i was put off by it initally, "Reformation" is really a poor mans "Blindness". But theres songs like Scenario which are fantastic. Couldve done with some trimming i think

nick2767 11.09.2007 03:57 PM

Yes, he's a bit of drunken old fool and Fall gigs in recent years have been more miss than hit but I think the new line up has given him a lease of life. I saw the Fall in March and it was up there with some of the best I've seen over the 20 odd years I've been a fan of the mighty Fall.

MES is a fucking genius (and an ace wind up merchant!) and that's all there is to say.

Rob Instigator 11.09.2007 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Rob, explain to me how my statement is ridiculous, yet you haven't even heard the Fall.

It's not an opinion, a FACT: The Fall have more GREAT albums than sonic youth. They happen to have more albums, period, this is true -- but they have a wide, wide group of albums that are consistently amazing.

so the Fall have more GREAT (your word) albums than Sonic Youth?


those are my choices for GREAT sonic youth albums, and I love them all.

what are the GREAT Fall albums? and by GREAT I mean influential, no filler, pinnacle of the band's output kind of thing.

atsonicpark 11.09.2007 04:11 PM

There's no winning this argument -- if you haven't even heard The Fall!

"Influence" and how "great" an album is are two different things -- not to mention that, while I really enjoy the albums you listed, calling those albums (except Confusion and Sister) "fillerless" is a bit much.

I'm not going to debate this, I just wonder how you can come to the conclusion that my statement is ridiculous when you haven't even heard The Fall. I'm not trying to be a dick, but you really have no idea what you're talking about: I've heard 100% of what Sonic Youth has done and probably 85% of what The Fall has done. So, I know what I'm talking about... I think, all in all, the Fall is a better band. Not by much. But yeah.

atsonicpark 11.09.2007 04:18 PM

For the record, here are my 10 favorite Fall records:

1. Nation's Saving Grace
2. The Peel Sessions
3. Hex Enduction Hour
4. Grotesque
5. Dragnet
6. Perverted By Language
7. Real New Fall
8. The Light User Syndrome
9. Room to Live
10. Live at the Witch Trials

Whoo, that took some thinking...


SYRFox 11.09.2007 04:34 PM

Come on guys, is it really that important to determine whether Sonic Youth or The Fall is the most important? I mean, those are obviously two great bands that have made a lot of masterpieces, why try to compare themselves (Sonic Youth obviously wins =D)? Enjoy the music...

avantgarde1 11.09.2007 06:41 PM

i tried to watch the video but i can't understand what he's saying. i've always read that mark e smith is a real jackass, so i never even bothered to listen to the fall. although i think it's funny that 2 days ago SY changed their myspace quote thingy to "we love the fall", lol. i wonder if they meant the band to piss him off, or the season, since it's fall/autumn now. or maybe it's a double entrendre? either way, it's funny.

ps-there's no way the fall is better than sonic youth... becuz their the greatest band to ever grace this earthly plane w/ their presence! i'm sure we all know that.

Everyneurotic 11.09.2007 07:46 PM

yes, pr-tlc is a very long record, i like the more kraut moments of it, i guess, and, to me at least, the so so to bad songs go by quite quickly and unnoticeable.

i myself think that the fact that the person behind the music is a jerk doesn't affect the his/her talents and skills, so i tend to separate the person from the music (and seriously, who can say they listen to music done 100% exclusively by nice people?). mark e smith is an asshole, and an entertaining one at that.

and for the record, not only are sonic youth fans of the fall, the are also greatly influenced by them, if not overtly, they are in many details.

avantgarde1 11.09.2007 07:48 PM

i still say bollocks to the fall... i've never listened to em before and i won't be starting anytime soon.

Everyneurotic 11.09.2007 08:00 PM

good for you.

why do people flaunt their refusal to listen to a band so much? it's actually your loss because you might be missing out on your new favorite band.

(and just in case, i could give a fuck if anyone listens to the fall, i love them and probably know like 3 other people who know them in real life, doesn't change my appreciation for the music).

SYRFox 11.10.2007 01:02 AM

Anyway, funny thing is that you (avantgarde and Rob) try to compare two bands, when you've never heard anything by one. avantgarde: forget Mark E Smith and listen to The Fall. Really that's not that hard, and I'm sure you'll like it (Perverted By Language is their best in my opinion). Personnally, I find Mark E Smith really funny now...

PAULYBEE2656 11.10.2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
For the record, here are my 10 favorite Fall records:

1. Nation's Saving Grace
2. The Peel Sessions
3. Hex Enduction Hour
4. Grotesque
5. Totale's Turns
6. Perverted By Language
7. Real New Fall
8. Are You Missing Winner
9. Dragnet
10. Live at the Witch Trials

Whoo, that took some thinking...

for whats its worth here is my top 10 fall releases.....
1. the complete peel sessions box set- essential for a fan or a newcomer
2. perverted by language- it has garden and eat yerself fitter
3. hex enduction hour- hey there fuckface....
4. fall heads roll- 29th album and totally rockin, blindness greatest ever fall song
5. dragnet- ive been in the pub too long....
6. nations savings grace- a hit fest classic
7. live at the witch trials- we are the fall
8. the light user syndrome- underrated and forgotten
9. country on the click- english chelsea fans, this is your last game, we are not galatasary we are sparta f.c.......genius! elenas first album too.
10.grotesque- noisy and abrasive.... like mark himself....

if all else fails, get the compilation 50000 fall fans cant be wrong, its damn good!

PAULYBEE2656 11.10.2007 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by nick2767
Yes, he's a bit of drunken old fool and Fall gigs in recent years have been more miss than hit but I think the new line up has given him a lease of life. I saw the Fall in March and it was up there with some of the best I've seen over the 20 odd years I've been a fan of the mighty Fall.

MES is a fucking genius (and an ace wind up merchant!) and that's all there is to say.

saw them last summer and they were fantastic. noisy and so dead pan. marks fooling around with the drum kit when the drummer fluffed a roll was hilarious. totally totally life affirming show. i went to see them 3 tears ago in dublin and the fucker never showed up for the gig.....

Moshe 11.10.2007 02:08 PM

"we love the fall". it says so on the sy myspace. :)

Bal 11.10.2007 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Moshe
"we love the fall". it says so on the sy myspace. :)

moshe youre getting slow like my grandpa.
i posted this aaaaaaaaaages ago ;)

avantgarde1 11.10.2007 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
Anyway, funny thing is that you (avantgarde and Rob) try to compare two bands, when you've never heard anything by one. avantgarde: forget Mark E Smith and listen to The Fall. Really that's not that hard, and I'm sure you'll like it (Perverted By Language is their best in my opinion). Personnally, I find Mark E Smith really funny now...

actually from what i've read mark e smith IS the fall... everyone who's ever been in his band has either quit or gotten fired, and he's the only consistent person in the band. and i'm not comparing 2 bands... i'm simply saying one of them is very good and i've never heard the other. and i've never listened to them becuz the guys a dick, and i don't listen to bands that have dickheads as the iron fisted ruler.

Moshe 11.10.2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bal
moshe youre getting slow like my grandpa.
i posted this aaaaaaaaaages ago ;)

oops. :)

PAULYBEE2656 11.10.2007 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by avantgarde1
........and i've never heard the other. and i've never listened to them becuz the guys a dick.....

no offence here at all sir but hats a lame excuse not to have listened to a bad. you must only listen to about 5 acts then? as for arguing the toss about the fall if you havent ever heard them?? thats like arguing politics when you dont go and vote... listen to them, you may be suprised...........

im sure you are not a closed minded person so what harm will it do, i cant understan your antiness for a band youve never heard. they arent coldplay or james fuckin blunt!

atsonicpark 11.10.2007 05:40 PM

Oh shit, I've never heard Falls Head Rolls.

PAULYBEE2656 11.10.2007 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Oh shit, I've never heard Falls Head Rolls.

man, amazing album....... has blindness and what about us. 2 of the finest fall songs since garden and eat yerself fitter.....

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