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ZEROpumpkins 05.12.2008 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Death & the Maiden
When did you decide I didn't like you? Was it because I said Lee Is Free wasn't a Lee track?

Also because we didn't hang at the Sydney show.

Death & the Maiden 05.13.2008 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Also because we didn't hang at the Sydney show.

I was in the seated area, and my friend wouldn't have wanted to hang around there any longer.

afreespirit 05.13.2008 02:44 PM

I met a real Nazi once. About 20 years ago, at my favorite pub I got to talking with some old German guy who was giving me some pretty good advice about women. His name was Rudi and was born in east Prussia and at the time he was about 80 years old. I drank with him a few times. The last time he got drunk and started raging about dirty Slavic hordes taking Berlin, filthy Jews and how niggers had polluted the Italian race. I told him my mother was Ukrainian so that made me one of those dirty Slavs who had kicked German ass so completely and thoroughly.

His wife dragged him out of there pretty quickly at that point. They never came back.

demonrail666 05.13.2008 06:17 PM

I met a proper white supremacist in a bar in NY. He looked like the wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin, but he bought me a few drinks and even got me into a club his brother worked the door for, so, what can I say? It wasn't as though we ended up talking about Auschwitz all night, and he didn't try to beat me up, fuck me, or convert me, either, so no really big deal. He was a really nice guy actually. His politics were fucked up but, so are 99% of people's when I think about. It's just that this guy had a tattoo advertising the fact, while most people keep their racism to whispered discussions at work or unspoken prejudices they're too scared to really confront.

floatingslowly 05.13.2008 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
a proper white supremacist

pretty ugly.

m1rr0r dash 05.13.2008 06:46 PM

i date only humans.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.14.2008 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
I have.

You probably haven't.



Toilet & Bowels 05.15.2008 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous



needless to say it was our only date

MellySingsDoom 05.15.2008 05:28 AM

I personally deny that the great "Dutch Elm Disease of 1979" holocaust ever happened. (Whispers: Damn trees had it coming to 'em anyway).

Gulasch Noir 05.17.2008 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
Israel should have been set up in Germany where that Holocaust happened, but the US and USSR were to busy carving the conquered nation up for their own political purposes.

Do you think this would have been likely to be accepted by the majority? By any majority, let alone the Jews themselves?

Once I was out with a young girl, who I presume hadn't heard much of the Holocaust before. Maybe I could have convinced her, if I had tried. The question is, convinced of what.

Cantankerous 05.17.2008 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
I did it with her before the subject of holocaust denial came up (lovely girl, never would have guessed she was a racist), not sure i'd have been able to keep it up had i known.

was it good then?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.17.2008 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
needless to say it was our only date

I'd hope so.

sarramkrop 05.22.2008 08:31 AM

My holocaust denying date that I've posted about turns out he was born in South Africa to English parents, apparently.

Toilet & Bowels 05.22.2008 10:50 AM

i can't believe you went out with a south african!

sarramkrop 05.22.2008 10:54 AM

I only went out on a date with him once and he was brought up in London, so he has an English accent, not South African.

✌➬ 05.22.2008 10:56 AM

I only date white people. I have yet to date a racist.

sarramkrop 05.22.2008 10:59 AM

I'd do anyone who wants me, if it wasn't for the aids and the crabs.

Rob Instigator 05.22.2008 11:14 AM

ahhh! pubic lice!


you know how crazy it is that there is a lice specifically evolved to li ve in human pubic hair? it lives nopwhere else! it's legs are made to grip what, to it's body size,, are wide spread apart hair strands. it could not survive in the pubes of any other animal! that means that for at least 1 million years of human evolution, we have had these fucking gross ass things gnawing on our pubic regions!

!@#$%! 05.22.2008 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
ahhh! pubic lice!


you know how crazy it is that there is a lice specifically evolved to li ve in human pubic hair? it lives nopwhere else! it's legs are made to grip what, to it's body size,, are wide spread apart hair strands. it could not survive in the pubes of any other animal! that means that for at least 1 million years of human evolution, we have had these fucking gross ass things gnawing on our pubic regions!

more than that even, it presents some interesting conclusions for our claims to morality-- the existence of public lice means that the claim that monogamy is the "natural" way of humans to live is at best a nice fiction-- there's no way for a whole species to develop like this unless people have been fucking each other in every direction for millions of years. biology vs. morality-- which one wins?

lucyrulesok 05.22.2008 12:10 PM

just like any other animals humans wanna reproduce as frequently as possible.

it can be argues that the only point of human existance is to perpetuate the human race. but not by me. well, not well anyway.

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