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I don't think this is your first time here...
It's so hard to choose my favorite SY album. Most of it depends on mood at the time. But everyone has a Sonic Youth album/song of some sort that reminds them of the worst time in their life and the best.
So enjoy the SY you do like & don't listen to the SY you don't like. It's really that simple. |
dude Ive been hearing that "lack of edge" since 1985..... |
haha, thats true. |
Well you're right, technically yesterday was my first time. I can see I won't be able to slip anything past you. And judging from whoever it was that called me 'dude' I can see that you all probably knew too that I am a girl. Now to recap my original point since it has obviously gotten lost in the sea of namecalling so unoriginal that my little brother could have come up with better insults when he was 5... I have been to many many SY shows, many shows of them in other bands, have many many SY records on vinyl, and have a lot of other SY memorabilia from my days of liking them, including the cross from Sister tattooed on my arm. Would I ever get it removed? Of course not, it is an awesome tattoo. BUT...I have been more and more disappointed with their releases though I have bought them all anyway, until this one, which I cannot bring myself to buy. They are just out of ideas. But the fact that they keep putting out bad records takes away from their good ones, at least for me, because they do not know when to quit. The only one who has any real talent is Lee, although I have nothing against Steve either. Now their music seems to appeal to people that don't really know the first thing about music but like to think they do, aka scenesters. So before all you sonic brats get your panties in a bunch, for god sake listen to any Glenn Branca record and then you will realize that Thurston is not as innovative as you thought. So in closing, does anyone want the two set lists of SY that I have? They are from 2004 one from Missouri and one from D.C. Obviously you all would enjoy them more than I am here, because they are sitting in a box in the closet. |
what's wrong with this board theese days? another CRAP thread!
They ripped off Glenn Branca? I guess you'd say Nirvana were just ripping off the Pixies and the Melvins then... :(
blah blah blah
we all are just bunch of fucking idiots some of us more, some of us less |
to the thread starter............
you are entitles to yr opinion but a couple of points of FACT. lees solo stuff are indeed an aquired taste but to call em wankery is just ignorant..... 2 ok you are a fan of the old stuff. by old do you mean confusion or dirty??? i dunno cuz youre kinda sitting on the fence on that one. you said you had vinyl so im guessing youre into the old blastfirst stuff so they are never gonna make another daydream or evol. do you wanna know why, THEY ARE ALL HITTING 50 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!! its called maturing, its called not wanting to rehash the same shit over and over again!!!! 3. you said you were a fan, so why sign up and post a fairly opinionated view and not stick around to discuss it with people. i like rather ripped. i like nurse. and i love murray st and nyc g&f. i like most of lees solo stuff. i love daydream, i love evol, i love confusion. im 31 years old. ive been listening to sonicyouth since i was 14... you do the math!!!!! im glad they arent dishing out the same record for the last 15 years. it shows a band who just record and play what feels good at the time thats why every sy record has a different feel to it, but is still quintessentiallty sy. dont mean to cause offence to the guy starting the thread but ambiguity is a clever way of not getting yr facts wrong! |
ok ok ok, scensters. scenesters could pick up on someone with a lot more fashionable sense than sy. like the strokes or someother shit.... their music appeals to someone who knows notheing about music???? wtf????? out of ideas????? THEYVE BEEN GOING 25 YEARS, THEY ARE HITTING 50 WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are making records to please themselves. you obviously havent read any interviews regarding rathr ripped! and youre note about comparing branca to thurston....... 2 completely different things. branca was a huge influence on thurston along with rhys chattam so obviously he is not going to be "as good" as them, nit picking. you dont like sy anymore fine ok but dont brand those who still do with your brush of ignorami! |
agreed! |
^^^^^^ok, who is that aimed at^^^^^^^^^^^
you're the man, pauly |
Please People this used to such a peacefully, Happy board (on the few on the internet...we are better than those wankers who argue all day). Stop arguing dudes....SONIC LOVE! lol
For the last time, I am a GIRL. Anyway, I've said what I have to say, and you all have proved your lack of ability to understand things and form a coherent and thoughtful reply time and time again. So thank you all for a lovely 3 days on this board. You have also reiterated to me in case I had any doubt, part of the reason that I don't like SY anymore. Boring, whiny fans. Adios. |
Don't bring Belle and Sebastian into this, dickhead. |
Yeah,please don't.There is a time for Nokturnal Mortum but there is also a time for Belle and Sebastian.
yeah i second that! this is like one of those occasions where your drunk/off the head with someone you dont really know and they turn around and say " i used to think you were a right dickhead" why bother? i case you havent noticed indeed. |
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