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pbradley 09.04.2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
alright big boy, what makes you so fucking special?

Not that I consider myself special but maybe it is because I consider attraction a thing that overcomes a list of qualities, many of which being so depend upon context as to be close to meaningless? A lot of you seem to want people just like how you see yourself, which is funny when mentioning egoism as a turn off. A lot of the time, a person's strength is also their weakness and vice versa given the situation. The ideally perfect soul mate is a lie because they, too, are human.

demonrail666 09.04.2009 03:59 PM

Turn Ons:

Driving license.
Finds nothing wrong with statements like, "Can't we just stay in and watch The Gorgon again?"
Unquestioning loyalty.

Turn Offs:

Finding Kramer funnier than George.
Constantly telling people how "crazy" they are.
A love of the outdoors.

terriblecanyons 09.04.2009 04:31 PM

-Being smart is probably the biggest turn on for me.
-You better like my piercings/blue fullet or you're out. Bonus if you have your own piercings/multicolored fullet/tattoos.
-INCREDIBLE TASTE IN MUSIC and can play instruments WELL (there's nothing worse than some retard kid acting like he can play guitar well and then fucking SUCKS)
-Retarded/weird/awesome sense of humor
-Please have a sense of style. Wife beaters/ugly shoes/ugly hair/clothes that don't fit right are not acceptable

-Someone who pretends to know what they're talking about just to get tha chix
-Conservative/intolerant of misbehavior (we've gotta fuck shit up for this to work)
-Likes any of the following: Nickelback (and their clones), U2, Bono, Coldgay, or listens to only one genre
-Boring as fuck/is a complete pussy


Rob Instigator 09.04.2009 04:57 PM


did you know Family Guy this year became the first cartoon/animated series to be nominated for a "best comedy" emmy since the Flintstones back in the last 50's?

what the fuck!

terriblecanyons 09.04.2009 05:44 PM


It's not even funny. It does NOT deserve an emmy.
And that Cleveland bullshit looks just as fucking dumb.

notyourfiend 09.04.2009 05:59 PM

Family Guy was only funny when I was a stoned 15 year old. It quickly lost it's novelty. Now I just find it offensive to both my humanity and my taste buds.

Satan 09.04.2009 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Not that I consider myself special but maybe it is because I consider attraction a thing that overcomes a list of qualities, many of which being so depend upon context as to be close to meaningless? A lot of you seem to want people just like how you see yourself, which is funny when mentioning egoism as a turn off. A lot of the time, a person's strength is also their weakness and vice versa given the situation. The ideally perfect soul mate is a lie because they, too, are human.

there are specific things that i find really really sexy though, you know what i mean? and the opposite qualities i find to be really, really off-putting. i think this goes for most people but just because there are specific qualities that i find attractive doesn't mean i like one type of person. i find a very wide array of different folks to be attractive.

i find a man in a sharp suit (suit does not translate to boring or conservative) to be incredibly sexy.

notyourfiend 09.04.2009 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
there are specific things that i find really really sexy though, you know what i mean? and the opposite qualities i find to be really, really off-putting. i think this goes for most people but just because there are specific qualities that i find attractive doesn't mean i like one type of person. i find a very wide array of different folks to be attractive.

agreed completely.

artsygrrl 09.04.2009 07:14 PM

Ditto. The guy I've been with for the last 12 years has a little bit of nose hair, but I love him dearly. He has so many great qualities that comepletely offset the nose hair. So I know what you mean. The qualities you list can sometimes contradict themselves.

Toilet & Bowels 09.04.2009 07:26 PM

Pink Hair
hands (of a certain variety)
certain smells
an interest in weird stuff
good sense of humour
a girl who makes me feel slightly dumb (because she is so intelligent)

all different/uneven length fingernails
lamestream interests
bad taste in shoes
retro 50s style hipster chicks
money motivated
sexually conservative
any kind of conservative (this is probably the biggest boner kill for me)
girls who just want to get married, buy a house & have kids.

Toilet & Bowels 09.04.2009 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
Ditto. The guy I've been with for the last 12 years has a little bit of nose hair, but I love him dearly. He has so many great qualities that comepletely offset the nose hair. So I know what you mean. The qualities you list can sometimes contradict themselves.

didn't he used to post here?

artsygrrl 09.04.2009 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
didn't he used to post here?

OMG YES!!! T & B, you are absolutely, everlastingly, FUCKING BRILLIANT!

artsygrrl 09.04.2009 07:35 PM

Where is Rob's pee bag when I need it???

Toilet & Bowels 09.04.2009 07:38 PM

what was his name here?

girlgun 09.04.2009 07:41 PM

pretty face
brains. no, really. totally straight up smart. you better know something i don't already know.
evil sense of humor
hair that says "i don't care" (but clean)
bleeping and flashing lights


cleft chin (sorry?)
looking too put together.. trendy clothes, hipster clothes, just really all out paying too much attention to their "look"
hair that has been "fixed" or "styled"
more thin than not. not a fan of skinny boys.
bad hygiene

amerikangod 09.04.2009 07:42 PM

1. Being hilarious. Having a good sense of humor is one thing, but actually being funny is a huge plus. Sadly, I've met very few women that are just outright hilarious.
2. Being bad-ass. Being able to stand up for yourself, having no qualms with telling someone to fuck off and getting in someone's face when they deserve it. Also, being able to be sweet in the right moments while maintaining this bad-assness.
3. Being into sex. All kinds. Dirty, fucking sex. Hard fucking. Being dominated and dominating. Gentle sex and also fist-fighting sex. Being excited to try anything. Wanting to get fucked in the ass and then swallow my cum. Wanting to choke on my cock and wanting to smother my face in your pussy. Wanting to get pissed on, wanting to piss on me, just for the sake of doing it even if it's not something either of us get off on. Being game for anything and reveling in it. Wanting to watch a movie with me afterwards with an anal creampie still inside of you.
4. Not dressing too girly. Not specifically dressing like a tomboy, but I'm over this sundress shit. A chick in a sleeveless Black Flag shirt and torn up jeans will give me a rock hard boner.
5. Self-suffience. I don't want a girl that needs me. I want one that wants me. If you have your own life in order (or are at least working on it), can solve your own problems, and can make yourself feel better without the help of others... that's fucking hot. Then I will gladly be there for you, as it will feel like an equal relationship versus a parasitic one.

1. A lack of self-confidence / self esteem. Woman, if you don't value yourself then I sure as fuck won't.
2. Over-inflated sense of self worth. Thinking you deserve the best, you are the best, and that you call all the shots, especially when you don't have much to back it up with except for a vagina and tits. If you're this kind of lady, at best you'll get a hate-fuck from me. And I will be putting it in your ass.
3. Feminazism. There's a difference between being open-minded, forward-thinking, and interested in mutual rights and thinking you're the better sex, totally superior and a constant victim just because you've got tits. I especially get turned off by this if it's at the sacrifice of a sense of humor. Getting easily offended is a disgusting trait.
4. Shyness. Whether it's due to low self-esteem or any other reason, it's just fucking BORING.
5. Little emotional self control. When your emotions regularly trump your logic... fuck you and get out of my life. I've had enough crazy women for a lifetime. This one is super important to me.

artsygrrl 09.04.2009 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
what was his name here?

Yeah. His username was "Pincho" because his last neme is Slavic and sounds similiar to that.
I'm gonna show him this thread. Right now he is busy watching a Spanish soap opera called "Without Breasts There is No Paradise". haha

wellcharge 09.04.2009 07:54 PM

from balkans

too fussy about clothing
interests too similar to my own or is just generally similar to me
trying to change the subject when an important point remains unresolved
doesn't dance
short hair

amerikangod 09.04.2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
Right now he is busy watching a Spanish soap opera called "Without Breasts There is No Paradise". haha

Sometimes Spaniards are quite apt.

flophousefloozie 09.04.2009 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
Ladyfreaks of the board, would you list 5 things about men that turn you on. Then, list 5 things about men that turn you OFF. Guys, you do the same. Remember, "beautiful/ugly" does NOT count. Same goes for "Rich/poor".
For example, here's mine:
1. Clean shiny hair, whether long or short.
2. A great sense of humor.
3. Good listener.
4. Clean fingernails when with me. Ya never know where those fingers are gonna end up!
5. One who has goals and aspirations.

1. Scraggly, unkept beards.
2. Krud in teeth.
3. Super-tight jeans/muscle shirts.
4. Overt bigotry/judgemental.
5. Mommy syndrome.
6. Obvious nose hair.

Jeeez. I could go on and on. So don't limit yourself to just 5.

Why don't finance and physical looks count?

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