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soniknirve 08.27.2006 01:46 AM

you all need to check out "High Tension." that movie was insane. and no one has mentioned "It." i know it's not the scariest movie but i fucking hate clowns so it really creeps me out.

krastian 08.27.2006 01:51 AM

Yeah I love all that trash......I have a buttload of horror movies. I've always been fascinated by horror characters from the old ones (Dracula/Creature from the Black Lagoon etc.) to the late 70's/80's slashers (Jason, Michael Myers, the Cennobites etc.).My favorite movie ever is The Shining, but I've prob. said that about a million times already on here.

acousticrock87 08.27.2006 01:56 AM

I have Dracula on DVD, saw it at Blockbuster used for cheap, but the lack of music makes it surprisingly hard to watch. I think it comes with an optional score, though. I should watch it with that. That guy that went crazy in the boat was awesome, but that's really all I can remember. That and the worst bat I've ever seen.

krastian 08.27.2006 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
That and the worst bat I've ever seen.

Ha ha.....check out the Gary Oldman (1992 version) if you haven't already seen it. It's pretty good minus Keanu.

Oh and you guys can satisfy all of yr horror/gore desires here.....good site for referencing at the very least.

jon boy 08.27.2006 05:59 AM

the woman in black is the scariets film i ever saw. audition was more disturbing than scary, i was scared though.

max 08.27.2006 08:13 AM

how could you guys forget...


Thetuth and Kegmama's taste rule badly. Thetuth's list includes many of the best movies ever.

David Lynch deals with the HORROR. and imho, that's THE HORROR. that's SCARY. not some bullshit, poorly acted, overproduced SAWcrap.

sandwich mulroney 08.27.2006 02:06 PM

Of the people who've seen The Changeling-

Anyone else somewhat amazed at all the similarities between it and The Ring (either incarnation, really)? It's not the same movie or anything, but there are a bunch of points that are alike if nothing else.

porkmarras 08.27.2006 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by max
how could you guys forget...


Thetuth and Kegmama's taste rule badly. Thetuth's list includes many of the best movies ever.

David Lynch deals with the HORROR. and imho, that's THE HORROR. that's SCARY. not some bullshit, poorly acted, overproduced SAWcrap.

SAW overproduced?Really?Do you know how much it was made for and who wrote the original script then?EH????

TheDom 08.27.2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
I keep hearing bad things about the Blair Witch, but I think it looks good. Especially considering the circumstances it came out under. I keep putting off seeing it because the price of buying it is the same as renting it, and I'm not sure which to do. I don't want to waste money renting it and then have to buy it if I like it, or buy it and then end up stuck with a crappy movie...

Look around, man. I always see multiple copies of Blair Witch for only $1 at video stores. On VHS, though..

porkmarras 08.27.2006 08:20 PM


LifeDistortion 08.27.2006 09:51 PM

George Romero's Night of the Living Dead is the best horrer film of all time.

Psycho-Pure classic.

Frenzy-Probobly Hitchcock's darkest film, love it.
I may like Frenzy even more then Psycho though. Loved both.

Seven-I definately think that was a horrer. Supernatural movies don't scare me. But some of those serial killer films are really great. The first Saw was eh. And I haven't seen "Hostel", but if "Cabin Fever" was any indication, the movie can't be that great, CB was ridiculously laugahable, and I don't really think bloody gory films are that scary.

thethuthinnang 08.27.2006 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Landry
Mulholland Dr. and Blue Velvet aren't either.

The Changeling is a classic though. I'd forgotten about that one.

Most all David Lynch movies are psychological horror.

Norma J 08.28.2006 02:24 AM

I like Scary movies.

And that's all I have to say on this matter.

Tokolosh 08.28.2006 04:10 AM

The Shining
Halloween 1-2
Hellraiser 1-2
The Vanishing
Tourist Trap
Black Christmas
When a Stranger calls
The Fog
The Exorcist
The Hills have eyes

jon boy 08.28.2006 04:34 AM

i didnt think the ring was scary at all. dark water wasnt scary either, apart from maybe one little bit or something.

candyman scared me.

porkmarras 08.28.2006 04:51 AM

The ring didn't scare me either but i rate it as a movie.Dark Water(i assume that we are talking in both cases of the japanese versions of these movies) is no scary movie for sure.What a ridiculous concept,get a good plumber in,folks!!.And that ending is just soppy.

nicfit 08.28.2006 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
they don't scare me. nothing really scares me outright.

not even michael jackson?

nicfit 08.28.2006 05:27 AM

i'd say (beside many already mentioned) oldboy and mr.vengeance are quite unsettling movies.

sonic sphere 08.28.2006 05:42 AM

i'm a bit of a horror veteran at this stage! saw one the other night called "parts of the family" by troma which i thought was pretty good. you should check it out

fishmonkey 08.28.2006 06:14 AM

Saw is excellent, Saw 2 is even good.

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