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youthoftomorrow 11.10.2006 05:31 PM

i am shocked that no one has mentioned this yet:

"Bull in the Heather" is a godawful piece of shit.

Trasher02 11.10.2006 05:34 PM

Bull in the heather has grown on me and I like it now.
"Betting on the buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuull in the heather."

zedius 11.10.2006 05:54 PM

I get the feeling panty lies is the most loved unloved sy song!

I love it.

nomadicfollower 11.10.2006 06:01 PM

Little Trouble Girl

screamingskull 11.10.2006 06:55 PM

bubblegum - worst sonic youth song ever!

Neongod 11.10.2006 08:43 PM

The worst attempt at a real song in this list is StreamXSonikSubway. I can forgive My Friend Goo and most of the others since they are playful Kim songs or songs Thurston wrote that he gave to her. But I have come to expect quality from a true Thurston song. The lyrics are clever in sXss but the music makes me want to punch holes in my ears with dull pencils. And this is coming from someone that loves Renegade Princess (Lee's 10-string riffs...oh yeah!!)

Pax Americana 11.11.2006 12:27 AM

Out of the ones listed "My Friend Goo" is my least favorite. Why aren't there any Rather Ripped tracks up there?

Also, Bubblegum is cover. I don't know if that's been pointed out...

MARKJONES 05.26.2009 03:33 PM

StreamXSonik subway, Plastic Sun, and Renegade Princess...they all rock hard. Plastic Sun makes it on my top ten list of songs, by the way; it's fun, catchy, and fresh. I don't know why hardly anybody likes it.

dionysusundone 05.26.2009 03:52 PM

My Friend Goo is terrible. I've always liked Bubblegum personally.

SYRFox 05.26.2009 04:06 PM

Mary Christ

Derek 05.26.2009 04:32 PM

God, Mary Christ is horrible. Fucking horrible.

deflinus 05.26.2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Spiritual Amnesia
the two worst SY songs are
Unmade Bed & Little Trouble Girl

you have no soul.

nobody mentioned Kim Gordon & The Arthur Doyle fucking cream thing. probably the only sonic youth track i ALWAYS skip. it's horrible

Rob Instigator 05.26.2009 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Toxa
They dont have bad songs

but I always skip drunken butterfly, kool thing and pattern recognition

pattern recognition is the best fucking song on that album!!!!!!!!!!!!

drunken butterfly is a fucking amazing song tooooooooo

so is kool thing. people rag on it because it was a "hit" but that is bullshit.

chrome noise tape 05.26.2009 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Toxa
They dont have bad songs


- not worst but "do you believe in rapture?"?????!!!!!

Jasónico 05.26.2009 05:59 PM

''StreamXSonik Subway'' is like Sonic Youth & Wire.

EVOLghost 05.26.2009 06:03 PM

Bubblegum sucks.

canabero 05.26.2009 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
pattern recognition is the best fucking song on that album!!!!!!!!!!!!

drunken butterfly is a fucking amazing song tooooooooo

so is kool thing. people rag on it because it was a "hit" but that is bullshit.

pattern recognition is the best song played live.

canabero 05.26.2009 06:06 PM

The wosrt song is What a waste or maybe Quest for the cup. I love Kool thing, Stramxsonic subway and renegade princess.

dionysusundone 05.26.2009 06:32 PM

I would love Renegade Princess except for that god damned line.

samuel 05.26.2009 06:34 PM

Youth Against Fascism :(

...not feeling it. Plus it's pretty repetitive.

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