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demonrail666 07.07.2013 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Maybe Nigella wants to be a sister-wife in the Instigator house of the Church of Latter Day Marios? She could cook me and my wife dinner, and then we could cook it up in the bedroom, and I would never choke her unless she asked for it... ;)

She's just announced she's divorcing him. You're in.

keep poppin pimples 07.07.2013 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

As far as his being involved in satanic sex rituals,

this is like the flimsiest and worse written conspiracy ever linked on this site. when you see the words david icke and illuminatti on a page it means you can't cite it without being dumb

bad enough this site has somehow become some conspiracy theorist talkabouttheconstitutionalotandmakefunofwomenalot hideout, but if the conspiracies are slipping to this level i think it may be offcially dead

Savage Clone 07.07.2013 08:47 PM

YAY TMZ celebrity gossip fuck yeah this is what I came here for.

!@#$%! 07.07.2013 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
YAY TMZ celebrity gossip fuck yeah this is what I came here for.

of course! we see you here every morning, biting your nails waiting for the latest gossip, and we deliver. like clockwork.

Savage Clone 07.07.2013 09:07 PM

What's up with Brad/Angie, Kim/Kanye? Oh SYG, please give me the latest updates and fuck Haino interviews.

!@#$%! 07.07.2013 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
What's up with Brad/Angie,

they were on a goo tshirt last i recall


Originally Posted by Savage Clone

no idea but cheeto follows her


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Haino interviews.

yeah! where did you write about that? do show.

Savage Clone 07.07.2013 09:15 PM

Genteel posted a link in the Non-SY music thread. Worth a read.

!@#$%! 07.07.2013 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Genteel posted a link in the Non-SY music thread. Worth a read.

oh. that board. okay. this here basement is where we discuss (non-auto) erotic strangulation vs. domestic violence. or nefeli's thoughts on sex. or (because, eh-- 'merica!) the reptilian alien satanic illuminati conspiracies of the paranoid.

your thoughts on any of those subjects?

Savage Clone 07.07.2013 09:24 PM

Ask the 25 year old me about illuminati. Not so obsessed now.
Celebrity gossip is the scourge of our time.

!@#$%! 07.07.2013 09:28 PM

ps- okay, i read that interview and the only comment i liked and could reply to was nefeli's. otherwise i could write "nice!" and "thanks!" but eh...

okay, i'm gonna go read now. nice! thanks! (ha).

but seriously. back to the subject of nigella's neck (it has a life of its own).

!@#$%! 07.07.2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Ask the 25 year old me about illuminati. Not so obsessed now.

it's from too much weed, isn't it?


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Celebrity gossip is the scourge of our time.

yes but i don't see that happenning here unless it's about the divorce of kim an thurston. in this thread the thing was just an excuse and a point of departure for all manner of rants and digressions and disquisitions. which is the fun part.


ps- in jg ballard's "the atrocity exhibition" he can't stop talking about politicians and celebrities and seeing their body parts in the landscape.

e.g., i looked up at the moonlight between the black clouds and i saw nigella's neck being strangled in the paroxysms of carnal intercourse. or some such shit (horrible, this one, but you get the idea).

i'd find you an actual quote but i'm moving my library.

Rob Instigator 07.08.2013 10:36 AM

fuck celeb gossip. This is a 70 year old asshole choking one of my cream-dreams in public.

If I saw thurston do that to Kim I would flip out too!

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