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jon boy 12.11.2006 04:03 PM


jon boy 12.11.2006 04:04 PM


jon boy 12.11.2006 04:04 PM


jon boy 12.11.2006 04:05 PM


Kyohan 12.11.2006 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by

By the way, I read on the Dinosaur Jr. message board that Lee came out and sang on Little Fury Things! Did anyone see this/record it??!?!?!?!:D

Yep, he did on Saturday for the first Dinosaur show. It was great :) Unfortunately he didn't repeat it for the Sunday set.

sonicl 12.11.2006 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by
Wow, those are awesome reviews! Sounds like a great time!

By the way, I read on the Dinosaur Jr. message board that Lee came out and sang on Little Fury Things! Did anyone see this/record it??!?!?!?!:D

Again, wait for Moshe's return. He has a pretty damn cool story about this.

Bastian 12.11.2006 04:24 PM

We've seen Lou, J and Murph today, at Bristol airport. They were checking in and had their guitars and equipment with them.. some guy had them sign his ATP booklet.

o o o 12.11.2006 04:37 PM

the first surprise of the weekend for me was to discover that sonic youth were apparently on the same train from London to Taunton as me... when we arrived in Taunton, we some guy holding a sign with "Sonic Youth" written on it and we thought it was a joke... but then we saw them apparently waiting for a car to pick them up...

satirejohn 12.11.2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
A pic of the Friday setlist has already been posted. I think Moshe has Saturday's, but it'll probably be a day or two before he can post it as he's probably still on the way home at the moment.

oh i totally missed that.. that set has some cool tunes on it (3 from sister!) , but it looks very short and I really wanna see something from EVOL in Berlin! hmm looking forward to seeing the saturday set.

sonicl 12.11.2006 04:49 PM

Yes, the shortness of the set was rather disappointing. SY were playing at the same time as Charalambides - I had a brief chat with Kim earlier in the evening, and she said that she was disappointed not to be able to see them play (I suggested she get the guys to go into a long noise jam and she sneak off to catch Charalambides). Thurston later joked about the same subject at the end of the encore, saying that everyone could go and see Charalambides now - I doubt that's the actual reason for the shortness of the set, but you never know.

jon boy 12.11.2006 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by o o o
the first surprise of the weekend for me was to discover that sonic youth were apparently on the same train from London to Taunton as me... when we arrived in Taunton, we some guy holding a sign with "Sonic Youth" written on it and we thought it was a joke... but then we saw them apparently waiting for a car to pick them up...

haha yes i think there were a few people on that train. iain was one of them too i think.

jon boy 12.11.2006 04:56 PM

sy set (friday) wasnt as good as other times i have seen them but wasnt that bad. i was dissapointed though as it seemed to run out of steam towards the middle and end quite quickly. the energy didnt seem to be there for them and i really wanted to see charalambides. still too bad and i cant complain as i had a great weekend, apart from the ques.

other highlights were the new blockaders and corsano flaherty were really good. mv/ee were good but even better with corsano on drums and hair police impressed too.

scott v 12.11.2006 05:09 PM

Corsano rules... period.

Bastian 12.11.2006 05:55 PM
Just uploaded a little video of Bark Haze @ATP

whorefrost 12.11.2006 08:21 PM

Highlights: Dead C, Mouthus, Double Leopards, Skaters, Eye/Gustaffson, Monotract

Pretty much everything I saw was decent... I wasn't really into Nurse with Wound at all... it probably didn't help that they were playing on the huge, brightly illuminated main stage in the early afternoon..

Wolf Eyes was the loudest damn thing..

chilling with Toxic J was fun; that guy rules..

I caught SY on Friday as well and would agree that they seemed a bit subdued.

I was really looking forward to Markers, probably a bit too much. Their set was decent but I had such high hopes I couldn't help but be disappointed by the absence of really aggressive skronk/audience confrontation..

i have a buncha sweet pics that i'm gonna upload soon

porkmarras 12.11.2006 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy

That pic reminds me of the last time i saw him live,somehow.Looking forward to the gig on Sunday you lucky bastards!Great stuff all over this thread.

porkmarras 12.11.2006 08:28 PM

Can somebody give a more detailed account of the Nurse With Wound gig?I suppose i might have to wait till Nefeli is online for that.

Katy 12.11.2006 09:45 PM

Hey, sonicl.. sorry I got cut off talking to you on the phone on Friday, I ran out of change. Fuckin phones.

The weekend would've been better if I'dve had more money all round. I spent way too much time drooling over the merch tables. And thinking about how much I was not drinking, smoking, gambling or eating.

The epic queueing and chucking outing was fucked up. I couldn't beleive that. I never had to queue once for anything when ATP was at Camber Sands. And I certainly never got asked to vacate a venue to make way for other people. I saw and talked to a lot of very fucked off folk for three days. The booing when they closed the doors for Deerhoof on Friday (to all the people who already weren't allowed in to see SY or The Stooges) said a lot. As did the big "HONK IF YOU HATE QUEUEING" sign someone made and erected outside the main venue... but, pssh, whatever. They weren't kidding when they wrote "arrive early to avoid disappointment" in the booklet.

Don't really know why i'm moaning so much.. maybe it was the weather (cold, wet, windy.. the heater in the chalet didn't work and the TV wouldn't tune in to the two festival channels... whinge, piss, moan, whinge..)

THE STOOGES on Sunday night were my highlight. They made up for everything. I touched Iggy (didn't try to stage invade though.. I still have a dent in my head from attempting that the last time.. kudos to those who made it though. That was one of the funnest stage invasions I've seen.. that girl who was humping Iggy was funny.. and the Santa who started doing push-ups? Also very funny. You could tell Iggy loved the energy. Some people get up there and don't know what to do or just start taking pictures.. not the ATP invaders! they were a fucking riot. Well done.) Oh and I got a lovely smile from Iggy when I blew him a kiss. Ahh.. I get all goosebumpy just thinking about it.

Awesome Color were awesome. Their camera pal with the smashed in head (he "took a chandelier to the head for the team") was really friendly and cool. Talked ot him at the merch table for a while. He showed me his head boo-boo. Ouch. ROCK.

16 Bitch Pile-Up were my favourite (after The Stooges). Gave the middle Sarah (bass) a big ol hand smooch at the end. Loved it. Wish more than anything I could've afforded a 16BPU teeshirt. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Wolf Eyes: LOUDER than thou.

My Cat Is An Alien: Also loud. Very quiet and sweet in person though. Best and most varied merch by far. My purse ached everytime I went near.

Saw Thurston walking around A LOT. Wearing a neon orange cap at 6ft-whatever he was hard to miss.. especially when tailed mostly by mini entourge of camera people.

Saw Lee and Kim and King Buzzo and (briefly) Mike Watt around too. And, someone confirm or deny this for me, was one of Iggy's side-stage guests Peaches? I swear it was she...

I took some pictures (no digicam.. I'll pick them up (old skool) tomorrow from the developing place. Two disposables worth. Probably nothing good. But I can't really remember much of what I snapped besides Iggy..

I've got "I'm the king of the swingers" from the Jungle Book in my head. Weird that that's the music that most sticks from the weekend.. (from all the arcade machines.. that and the "Winnie The Pooh" theme tune.)

Iain 12.11.2006 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
haha yes i think there were a few people on that train. iain was one of them too i think.

Yep...I sat to across the aisle and back one row from Thurston and Kim and across the aisle from Byron Coley and Lee. It was a bit odd and I didn't talk to them because I didn't really have anything to say. Thurston got in my way when I came back from the toilet and the other guy that was with them asked me to pass a coat from the rack above the seats which I think was Thurstons. Also Lee and Byron were talking trash about My Chemical Romance because they were reading an interview with them where they said that the soundtrack to Dune was the best piece of music ever or something. AMAZING GOSSIP HUH?

I saw loads of people from the bands walking around...probably pretty much all of them and also some people like Larkin Grimm who wasn't playing. She seemed to be at all the noise sets with her hands clamped over her ears.

Also, just got back from seeing Sunburned/Six Organs/Josephine Foster/Richard James which was really fantastic. It was great to be able to see Six Organs up close and I enjoyed it much more than the bit of their set I caught at ATP. Sunburned were also really fantastic again but really different from last night. There was only 5 on stage and they started with quite soothing/droney electronics and started up a beat and got into a groove, despite the absence of their bassist, and went into some almost thrashy/punky bits. Also had another chat to John Moloney and he was really nice and gave me a cdr and an ecstatic peace sticker and said that they were going to take a break from touring for 6 months, in Europe at least, because he played 150 shows this year and his hearing was fucked up.

And also I only got 3 hours sleep last night and was going to have a nap this afternoon but didn't and then had a cup of tea which sorted me out but maybe it was the fried breakfast which Naomi kindly bought me In a Taunton cafe which was entirely populated with ATP people. And then I was fine when I went out and felt really awake all night and it was really nice to go and see just 4 bands in one day with my friends who aren't really that into a lot of that kind of stuff but liked it anyway...and telling them about ATP and then all laughing a lot because they were pretty drunk and making wild plans for New Years Eve and then going to Adonis for a Falafel...and agreeing to buy a battered accordian from my housemates brother for cheap after christmas and then going home where I am now (although the accordian talk was earlier, I messed up the timeline a little). And now it's 3am and I'm pretty much awake but really looking forward to a good nights sleep in my own bed which is wider than a plank of wood.

Cantankerous 12.11.2006 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I'm less than concerned. I just miss Cantanky.

god damn, you should have been there. it was so great. I HAVE RELINQUISHED MY HATE OF DINO JR. AFTER SEEING THEM LIVE.

being stateside again sucks but i have some chocolate pretzels so it's all good in the hood.

Iain 12.11.2006 10:43 PM

I only saw 2 songs by Dino....I wasn't that into them. I thought they were OK before the fest and I still do. Which of the Dinosaur sets did you see?

Inhuman 12.11.2006 10:45 PM

I'm really into Dino, but when I saw them live I found it really boring

Iain 12.11.2006 10:54 PM

Yeah, dino jr weren't that great but I wasn't really in the mood because it was about 1:30 in the afternoon so I went and checked out the merch tables which, by the way, were quite badly organised. They had different stuff on as the day went on but you had no idea what was going to be appearing next and I didn't even realise they were there until Sunday(or was it Saturday?) And then I ate some fish and chips which were pretty mediocre at best.

And please grammar nazis, give me a break on this and the above post. It's late.

You should have sought the company of the other board members Cantaknerous. Toilet totally would have done a morris dance for you...

Iain 12.11.2006 10:56 PM

And thanks and congratulations to anyone who actually reads the above 2 chunks of late night babble of the the kind of magnitude which has not been posted by myself in a long time.

Cantankerous 12.11.2006 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Iain
I only saw 2 songs by Dino....I wasn't that into them. I thought they were OK before the fest and I still do. Which of the Dinosaur sets did you see?

saturday, in between gang of four and sonic youth (who were both very good i might add.)

Cantankerous 12.11.2006 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Iain
You should have sought the company of the other board members Cantaknerous. Toilet totally would have done a morris dance for you...

i didn't see anyone! i was in the same damn spot for hours and my back is killing me from standing around and being hunched over in airplanes and so forth.

krastian 12.12.2006 01:57 AM

Sounds like a blast!

SynthethicalY 12.12.2006 02:16 AM

She took a 35mm camera, kegmama.

Cantankerous 12.12.2006 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
So where are YOUR pics Miss Lily?

i'm getting them developed tomorrow. i think i got a pretty disgusting closeup of Iggy but i have no idea if it turned out or not.

Cantankerous 12.12.2006 02:30 AM

no peanut butter, unfortunately.


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
She took a 35mm camera, kegmama.


i took that one and another really nice (new) nikon 35mm i got for my birthday. best cameras i've ever used. i thought they were going to take all my shit away in the airport. my digital is also a nikon, albeit a piece of shit, but it's old.

SynthethicalY 12.12.2006 02:33 AM

I heard nikon is not good for digital.

sonicl 12.12.2006 04:16 AM

I have the day off work today to properly recover (I am SO fucking tired! - far worse now than at any point over the weekend). I'm uploading a few more pics to photobucket and while that's doing I just thought I'd send out lots of love to all the people I met over the weekend:

Greenlight (my roomie!)
Jon Boy
o o o
Toxic Johnny
Toilet & Bowels
Moshe's friends from Israel (join the board guys, we're quite nice people)
and even Glice

It really was a pleasure.

I feel like I've missed some people out. No slight intended, I promise.

And sorry I didn't get to meet you, Katy. Maybe at some gig in London some time, eh?

Moshe 12.12.2006 04:28 AM

Best weekend ever! Here is Saturday's set list. More details later...

sonicl 12.12.2006 04:36 AM

You got home safe then, Moshe - excellent. Are you missing the rain yet?

Jane says hello. We're looking forward to our Israeli picnic this evening.

sonicl 12.12.2006 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Dan Evol
so what cool stuff were they selling at the merch booth? you guys pic up any cool cd's, shirts, vinyl, posters? pics would be awesome.

SY's merch was nothing to write home about. A few T-shirts, most of them old designs, and three or four side-project CDs. There was tons of excellent merchandise for bands on the smaller stages though. I picked up CD-Rs by Charalambides, Clint Takeda, Tom Carter and Soil Sing Through Me, a 3" CD by Gareth Hardwick, and the Ecstatic Peace "Sweet Release #" zine/CD.

greenlight 12.12.2006 07:39 AM

I pretty agree with most of what have been allready said. Nobody mentioned Magik Markers yet. I think they were interesting and good (maybe because it was first time i saw them). Yeah, Iggy and the Stooges were fucking excelent - real rock&roll with real entertaiment. Couldn't believe how Iggy still rocks in his age. And he is sexy mother....Nurse with Wound were ok, Melvins were good, bit dissapointed by SYs friday set (i catched the end of the their saturday set and it sounded so much better+better vibe), but still great, Dead C were excelent, they just played bit late for me (my body was ready for the rest at that stage). Deerhof were sweet. New, real dark noise, that's how i would call it. Don't know what to think of it. Love it or hate it. Brutal noise set (Thurston seemed to enjoying it). Hair Police were allright, Mats Gustaffson + EYE were excelent, so rest of the second evening on the second stage, Corsano/Flaherty/C Spencer Yeh, Peter Brotzman/Han Bennik were mindblowing, also MV/EE + The Bummer Road after Corsano joined them in the middle of their set. I liked Dinosaur Jr. very much (first time seeing them), MCIAA were fantastic (pissed me off that White Out with Nels Cline played same time), Barkhaze - excelent (man first time seeing Thurston doing his non sy stuff live), Notekillers were good, so Alexander Tucker, Six Organs Of Admittance, No-Neck Blues Band, Sunburned Hand Of The Man. Gang of Four were excelent as well.

Great weekend. So walk in the bar, or be shoping or just hang around and you see SY members walking around. I have pics with all sy members. They're so nice, especially Steve is really nice person (i have pic with him taken by Mark Ibold, hehe). Man, Thurston's palm is huge (we shake a hands).

Lots of love to all boardies. You are very nice.
Sonicl ( what can i say. thanks man, great weekend)
Moshe (man, how you do all that! you lucky, lucky!)
Jon Boy (hey man! hows yr. new job?)
o o o (men, that's unbelieveable how you met us - world is small)
Bastian (hi Bastian!)
Toxic Johnny
Pokkeherrie (can't wait for yr. recordings, enjoy yr. next festival!)
Tris1979 (same here, can't wait for yr. recordings, good job you do man! Enjoy Brussels and Paris man!)

disappointed with sy merch table - very, very poor.

oh yes, steve sheley told me that they're going to tour europe much more next year, which is great.

more sonic gossip from moshe and sonicl.

greenlight 12.12.2006 07:47 AM

Bark Haze





greenlight 12.12.2006 07:58 AM

My favourite pics ever ala "mission done", hehe (bit drunk on each foto).





greenlight 12.12.2006 08:35 AM

o yeah, how could i forget.

THANKS Thurston for this great festival!!!

Glice 12.12.2006 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by greenlight
o yeah, how could i forget.

THANKS Thurston for this great festival!!!

I think we should be thanking Barry Hogan as well. Thurston did a great job on the line-up, but this is about the millionth utterly brilliant festival that Hogan's had his oar in. The two festivals I've been to in the last year (ATP and Music Lover's Field Companion in Newcastle last year) were utterly outstanding. He's a credit to this fine nation, methinks.

I read from the blurb in the guide that they were trying to get Les Rallizes Denudes to play at ATP this time. It's a bit churlish to say, but that would've been utterly, totally awesome beyond belief.

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