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You clearly didn't read what I said, I didn't say anything about the demonstrations outside, I clearly referred to disruption of meetings. You clearly avoid that whole subject. I don't know if it was twitty organized or through fascibook but 100's of people showed inside the stadium with the intention of constantly disrupting the proceedings. Their goal was to deny Trump and any of his supporters their right to free assembly. Do you allow its ok for the antiabortionists to disrupt any activity they feel so compelled about? That is the politics of children. small children. Waaah! Real political organizing involves person to person one-to-one interactions and not hashtag ME ME ME - real world politics revolves around economics because that is the engine of society and requires the structures of the State with 300+ million fucking people in the goddamn country and 7 billion little cancerous humanclots running around the globe? I hate to tell you but marching in the streets doesn't impress anyone anymore, its basically treated like hosting a parade of criminals and used to test out the latest in surveillance and crowd control and probably rightfully so. That quality that makes distinct civilization from the jungle is probably thinner than a dollar bill these days...and it is not by accident |
I just listened to the last hour of Trump speaking at rally in Bloomington IL - the guy can go on and on - at least 5 disrupters during the speech - there was a level of surrealism when he horribly read a poem about the broken snake and the gentle woman - his plan includes getting Christmas back - No TPP - no Obamacare - at one point he brought up a nameless legal immigrant who spoke about how the MSM won't differentiate between the legal immigrants and illegal border crossers - "We rebuilt China, the greatest theft in history" - he is clearly speaking about not rewarding corporations for leaving the USA and enacting tariffs to level the playing field and this is why the transnational death corporations are lining up against him.
He also tellingly said he'd rather run against Clinton than Sanders - I don't think he can win against Sanders - but Clinton has so much baggage and there are things hanging over her head - Honduras and Syria for 2 - the US's foreign policy has basically allowed if not outright backed another killing field, this time in Honduras |
Trump is a crude beast and his supporters are savage brutes so they deserve the savage treatment. If you believe otherwise i find that hilarious.
wow, at the end of the day, you're just a name caller, too. |
Seriously, have you ever spoken to a Trump supporter? Or are you just making judgement based onthe selection presented to you on the msm? maybe you work with some loudmouth? I'm sort of the school that says let these guys buy their own length of rope and hang themselves...I believe it is very healthy to have the even half witted excuse for public dialogue that is going on - but unfortunately the stalinist tendency to shout down and name call is very strong. As for being a "closet conservative" I prefer "free thinker" When I was young, I was infected with this certain fire and we felt that all it is going to take is to tell people about this fire and they'll catch it too and we'll be in the soup. We called it taking 'taking personal responsibility'. Jello Biafra had part of the answer and to some extent I live that way when he simply suggested consuming as little as possible. Terence McKenna suggested each person only reproduce once, only one child, to save the environment, until we reached a stable population, perhaps served by robots, and chosen by natural selection and not oligarchical shit. Trump had a weird moment when he started talking about 'the elites...they always talk about the elites..." he was trying to disrespect the media construction of 'elites' but it just kind of seemed like he was goofing on himself. Look, the socialists approached us. I was an 18 year old corn dog from maine. The Youth Socialist Alliance would heavily recruit in the punk circles at my college (circa 1985) in NH. The CP was always trying to sell its newspaper at punk shows around Boston, especially around the Channel. We didn't know the YSA or SWA "movement" was a shell of the group it once was. I didn't really like their answers to my questions and refused to "join". They had a storefront in Boston which contained boxes on boxes and piles of theri booklets and pamphlets and handouts. We went down to volunteer but there wasn't really anything to do. I think I weasled out to go to Newberry Comics which had probably moved by that point out of the converted apartment it originally was. Maybe that was the night we saw Reagan Youth and the NYC Killdozer at The channel, NYC Killdozer were oddly also very heavy and monstrous but in a different way than the WI Killdozer, and the singer kept jabbing himself in the forehead with a phillips head screwdriver even after it was bleeding, like I think if he had found a soft spot he would not have hesitated to plunge the screwdriver right into the center of his brain, gone into a spasm, removed the screwdriver, and then gone on with the song... |
Dude Trump is the epitome of corporate slime, tax dodging, loophole finding, low lives. He is part of why every thing is outsourced. He is part of the problem and his party is where "free trade" came from! Or what, do you honestly believe even a single word that drops out of Trump's mouth? |
This Ohioian was an inch away from voting for Trump. Pussied out and went for Bern.
Because some naive part of me thinks Americans aren't stupid enough to give him the win in November, but they might to Kasich or Rubio. Of course I hold out the possibility that I'm totally wrong.
government is NOT business.
Yeah, that drives me up the fucking wall. "If a company was run like Washington, it would be out of business!" Is that the sort of shit you're talking about?
Originally, I was going to do the same thing, for the same strategic reasons. I figured Trump, barring assassination, would be the easiest Republican to beat in November, and that he would take down a lot of down ticket Republicans with him. But (1) the fuckhead is so evil I couldn't bring myself to do it, and (2) Even though I know a lot of it is media hype, and that the primaries bring out extremists, I'm starting to get concerned about the huge number of mindless sheep who have voted for the fuckhead. |
Yes. Plus it's winner takes all. Some crazy shit'll go down today.
yes Business is only one aspect of what needs to be considered in governing, especially when ti comes to foreign policy, but the business of the USA is business. Our government has been co-opted by corporations for decades and decades. |
what I'm hoping for is for Trump to get stiffed at the convention, go for a 3rd party run, split the asshole vote, and Demo for the easy win!
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Wall Street economics. Hillary is partly responsible for the criminal hell in Honduras. When she was Senator did she do anything for NY other than vote yes for every version of the Patriot Act? It is bizarro world. |
Darlin' You don't have to call me Stalin Or even Mao Tse Tung 'Cause I'm far too young; My rising Sign is Capricorn; is that Surprising? You know that I was born So very soft and easy going I make no trouble at all I was listening Yeah, I was listening to the Devil's Radio I was listening Yeah, I was listening to the Devil's Radio And it went na na na na na na I'm the Devil's radio Evil Its tentacles are bland It's like a weevil It burrows through the land And everybody smiles Everybody smiles Michael don't you KNOW someday a Spike'll Grow right through the woodwork And come out through your palm We was listening We was listening to the Devil's Radio We was listening We was listening to the Devil's Radio And it went na na na na na na I'm the Devil's Radio Sun sets on the Devil Sun sets on the West He's listening to the FM talk show It's what he loves the best Limbaugh He was talking through a bimbo But don't Touch that dial Or that hateful smile Kate said "The flowers of intolerance and hatred Are blooming kind of early This year Someone's been watering them" We was listening Ah, we was listening to the Devil's Radio We was listening Yeah, we was listening to the Devil's Radio And it went na na na na na na I'm not the Devil's Radio Na na na na na na I'm the Devil's Radio |
I won't get into every vote she cast or every action she took. But to imply there's no difference between her and the average fuckhead GOP politician is quite a stretch. As I said at greater length upthread, she won't appoint Scalia types to the SCOTUS, attempt to trample women's reproductive rights, or tinker with the Affordable Care Act except to make improvements. Least of all evils is a very valid concept. You can waste your vote on Sanders if you like but I don't have any time for naive idealism. I live in the real world. If you really think Sanders has a chance in hell of being president, read about the trouncing of George McGovern in 1972. And Sanders is even further to the left than McGovern was. The stakes are too high, so HRC will have my vote come November. |
Yes, but...
Hillary says coal's got to go. Then, she's in front of an audience in Appalachia where many coal miners work. She backtracks like, I don't know, Romney or something. Yes, but... Quote:
Yes, but... She's considering Sherod Brown as VP. Why? So the liberal dems will actually come out and vote for her. Fucking pathetic. Yes, but... Quote:
etc. |
Or she just wants to win Ohio--and having Brown on the ticket would certainly help. I never said she was a saint, evollove. We'll just have to agree to disagree, as we often do. Maybe you can write a song for your band, something like "Drjohnrock Is Hillary's Pimp". |
trump just thanked his soninlaw who is a carpetbagger slumlord well loathed n the east village...
http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/...icle-1.1861391 |
No, we're just not communicating well, which is my fault. I was just trying to illustrate the annoying back-and-forth that I assume goes on in most liberal democrats minds. For every reason to loath her for her wimpy, moderate and sometimes cowardly stances, there's this: Quote:
It's an elegant list and I can't disagree. I'd vote for her in the general, but will you allow me to not enjoy doing so? |
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Of course I will grant you that indulgence. I might even join you in not enjoying myself in that endeavor;) |
What does Trump say about Apple? This article suggests the attack on Apple is an FBI plan to force the source code to be revealed to help out dictators around the world.
http://www.softwar.net/cryptowar2.html |
I've said for awhile that it's more or less a 1 party system in 2-party clothing. You're getting screwed one way or another. However, I'm also highly cynical and apathetic.
Why in the world would it in any way matter? |
thanks! |
For some reason it makes me think he's dancing to "Do The Hustle". |
This classic treehouse of horror episode keeps coming to mind this election season. |
The already fractious relationship turned nasty this week when Trump inserted Heidi Cruz into the race with a tweet Tuesday night that the Texas senator should "be careful" or he would "spill the beans on your wife." That was a response to a Facebook advertisement targeted to Mormons that shows Trump's wife, Melania, posing nude -- an ad was produced by an anti-Trump super PAC, Make America Awesome, which has no known connection to the Cruz campaign.
Trump really needs to spill the beans. Weird republican sex magic. |
This is fucking junior high level bullshit. Wait, make that infantile bullshit. Are Trump's rabid supporters (and Cruz's) really that mindless? Can the fuckhead really say and do anything he pleases and still have their unwavering support? Trump's minions are just looking for a Hitler type to blindly follow. I don't care what your politics are, this should be enough for anyone to say, "that's it, I'm not voting for this grossly immature asshole." But very few if any will reconsider their support for the unfunny clown. So many are so stupid... |
Trump isn't a politician so he doesn't know or have experience in keeping his cool under such microscopic and hyper criticism. GOP is literally destroying themselves like the democrats did in the 1960s with Segregationists.. it will be fun to see them collapsed under the weight of their own bigotry and stupidity ;) |
I suspect that he probably can, I reckon his narcissistic behaviour is the result of parental bullying, if he can deal with that he can deal with the media doing whatever. |
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