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davenotdead 05.19.2009 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
davenotdead secretly mimics madonna's moves.

only the ones from Body of Evidence.

i stole luxinterior's willem dafoe life-size doll

NaiveMelody 05.19.2009 08:35 PM

He also loves Madonna's 26 big dicks in his right ear.

davenotdead 05.19.2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by NaiveMelody
He also loves Madonna's 26 big dicks in his right ear.

good thing i naturally have a lot of earwax. some form of lube would be necessary for 26 madonna dicks

NaiveMelody 05.19.2009 08:54 PM

It is also good that earwax helps protect against bacteria. I have a feeling some of those might be dirty.

terriblecanyons 05.20.2009 03:40 AM

I think all of you are secretly HUGE Girls Generation fans.

I know I am.

demonrail666 05.20.2009 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
I think all of you are secretly HUGE Girls Generation fans.

I know I am.

How do Japanese men find the time between masturbating to make such decent cameras?

terriblecanyons 05.20.2009 03:51 AM


demonrail666 05.20.2009 03:53 AM

That'll explain why camera production isn't troubled while the Korean economy is having a bit of an all round wobble right now.

terriblecanyons 05.20.2009 04:10 AM

You're probably right.

terminal pharmacy 05.20.2009 04:56 AM

I bet Glice one day grows up to be Carnegie Hall....

I bet Savage Clone is neither savage nor a clone but rather a Top Hat and tails dungeon loitering opera singer...

I bet Noisereductions is made either by klark technics or dbx

I bet Kegmamma is not a keg but a well shaped Reidel...

I bet Ploesj is really invisible so the wonder woman costume looks like it is moving around by itself

pbradley 05.20.2009 05:34 AM

All I have is a bunch of silly ideas but no idea who to attach them to.

_slavo_ 05.20.2009 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
All I have is a bunch of silly ideas but no idea who to attach them to.

Do something about summer. You like that dude, don't you?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.20.2009 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
I think all of you are secretly HUGE Girls Generation fans.

I know I am.

I am now.

jon boy 05.20.2009 04:21 PM

i think that glice has a robot version of himself that he sends to work in his place so he can go about his business as an international spy.

floatingslowly 05.20.2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
i think that glice has a robot version of himself

quoted for posterity.

mayhap you feel my pain now, glicemeister.

Glice 05.20.2009 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
i think that glice has a robot version of himself that he sends to work in his place so he can go about his business as an international spy.

It was a robot version of myself that went off to work as an international spy, but he was decommisioned after, y'know, that Litvinenko affair. International laws of arse-protection #1: Never, ever get your own hands mucky.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.20.2009 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by NaiveMelody
I think Dr. Eugene Felikson is really Divine.

I wish.


Originally Posted by NaiveMelody
Or likes to eat poop off of sidewalks.


terriblecanyons 05.20.2009 07:46 PM

I bet pbradley is really a sexually frustrated astrophysicist.

Dead-Air 05.20.2009 08:32 PM

I'm suspect Savage Clone has a secret room in his house with a nothing in it but a poster of Prince from the Lovesexy cover and a little red g-string...

I believe that Cantankerous was really a fake identity created by Pork Marras to get male board members to send him photos of themselves naked.

I'm positive that floatingslowly is actually a Domino's delivery driver.

I suspect that Glice is really a well adjusted seminary student who is undercover writing a thesis paper about all of us and our lack of spiritual redemption.

I've already said before that I'm sure that DeadDiscoDildo and phoenix are one and the same person, and the recent flirtation in the post-a-pic thread proves it!

I suspect Dr. Eugene Felkinson is actually a registered nurse and uses the "Dr." title entirely out of jealousy and to write phony prescriptions for medical marijuana.

pbradley is secretly a long haul trucker with a bunch of Keuroac books and '60s era Playboys stuffed in the glove box in his cab.

I think terriblecanyons has a separate harddrive next to her computer that only contains davenotdead's posts copied and lovingly translated into French, Portugese, and Mandarin Chinese.

astonicpark is of course not-so-secretly that dude from the Magik Markers and dreamt up the Adam Cooley persona for laughs and self-promotion...

Kegmama is actually a 300 lb. homeless black dude logging on from the computer in the Pittsburgh public library, and his street name is "Big Daddy".

I bet that Derek is actually swa(y)'s little brother, but isn't allowed to say so because swa(y) is horribly embarrassed to have him tagging along...

Rob Instigator danced a mean lambada in his chippendale days.

Toilet & Bowels actually saw Nirvana with only three other people in the audience but doesn't want to say so for fear of looking like he's trying to look cool...

floatingslowly 05.20.2009 08:39 PM

^^^ that's spooky. you nailed my dream job. well, maybe not nailed, because I don't like Domino's (unless, by Domino's, you mean bones).

ps: there's a nice punk rock venue / pizza kitchen in austin that I've been eyeing.

Dead-Air 05.20.2009 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
^^^ that's spooky. you nailed my dream job. well, maybe not nailed, because I don't like Domino's (unless, by Domino's, you mean bones).

ps: there's a nice punk rock venue / pizza kitchen in austin that I've been eyeing.

Domino's is fucking ketchup on top of wonderbread with melted string cheese on top. But you'd look cute in the outfit.

floatingslowly 05.20.2009 08:57 PM

I don't do uniforms very well.

but enough about me...

I bet Dead-Air's off-air time is spent supplementing his income with gypsy fortune telling and seances...or is that Savage Clone...?
I bet swa(y) spends 40% of his waking hours in the bathtub (he only gets out to dump the ashtrays).
I bet Toilet & Bowels once earned ¥35,000 performing as Han Solo at a Sci-FiCon just outside of Tokyo.
I bet kegmama was once crowned "Corn Queen of Iowa", until the judges found her secret stash of highly illegal sexual torture devices.

Kloriel 05.20.2009 10:50 PM

ted_kennedy : ghost writer of 85% of Stephen King's books

groar: when finished teaching high school art class in a suburban colorado town, groar hides himself in the dark room so the photography teacher can't find him to poison his coffee with cyanide. (she has been trying to do this for years, keep going groar, you're close to retirement)

hune.prut: waxed Bernie Madoff's testicles in a Borneo pool filled with eunuch sharks and was paid $7,000.00 never to speak of it.

Neverstop: Your average hypocrite.

narlus: famous NYC pizza chef that's been playing Quake deathmatch for over a decade. He's quite good but his pizza craft has gone down hill.

AtticusRyan: Lives the stereotypical American Dream in Mongolia

Rentacarankaraa: Once cutting edge scientist on the pioneer track of stem cell research. Disappeared from Italy and reappeared in the Bronx with hooks for hands, works with Bison.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 05.21.2009 12:03 AM

Dead-Air has trouble breathing underwater.
Kloriel's father never played catch with him.
Naive Melody has bad breath.

ZEROpumpkins 05.21.2009 06:51 AM

I bet that ZEROpumpkins cries when he is not mentioned in threads like these...

terriblecanyons 05.21.2009 07:05 AM

I bet crayons does the same thing, even though SHE MADE THE THREAD.

ZEROpumpkins 05.21.2009 07:55 AM

I bet Crayons is dissapoint

afterthefact 05.21.2009 07:59 AM

I bet ZEROpumpkins knows the power of love

ZEROpumpkins 05.21.2009 08:02 AM

I sure do. Turns out you do need a credit card to ride this train

summer 05.21.2009 08:10 AM

I bet ZEROpumpkins jacks off to pictures of Coco Hayley Gordon Moore

ZEROpumpkins 05.21.2009 08:12 AM

Dude...that's a bit too far :confused:

summer 05.21.2009 08:14 AM

Okay okay.
I bet ZEROpumpkins jacks off to pictures of Lea Thompson.

ZEROpumpkins 05.21.2009 08:16 AM


floatingslowly 05.21.2009 08:25 AM

I bet floatingslowly jacks off to pictures of Lea Thompson.
I bet ZEROpumpkins owns the URL rights to not one, but five separate Smashing Pumpkins websites (despite letting his go-daddy account lapse).
I bet crayons was voted "most likely to kill you in yr sleep" by her senior class.
I bet summer is actually Coco Hayley Gordon Moore, and masturbates to pictures of floatingslowly.

ok. spent for now.

davenotdead 05.21.2009 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I bet floatingslowly jacks off to pictures of Lea Thompson.
I bet ZEROpumpkins owns the URL rights to not one, but five separate Smashing Pumpkins websites (despite letting his go-daddy account lapse).
I bet crayons was voted "most likely to kill you in yr sleep" by her senior class.
I bet summer is actually Coco Hayley Gordon Moore, and masturbates to pictures of floatingslowly.

ok. spent for now.

i bet floatingslowly was masturbating as he typed this post.

i bet terriblecrayons has a nipple piercing

i bet michael j fox has parkinson's disease

terriblecanyons 05.23.2009 05:52 AM

I bet davenotdead is really a rabbi and is only on this forum for educational purposes.

gmku 05.23.2009 08:39 AM

I bet gmku sits at his computer all day constantly checking the SY forum threads he started.

terriblecanyons 06.28.2009 11:32 AM

I bet all of you are just a figment of my imagination.

Dead-Air 06.28.2009 11:46 AM

I bet terriblecanyons is actually a therapist hired by floatingslowly's mom to watch him on this board and make sure he doesn't use it to hurt himself.

Sonic Youth 37 06.28.2009 02:05 PM

I bet one of the forum members owns this cat:

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