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uhler 12.09.2007 09:45 PM


i haven't shaved for a few days.

flophousefloozie 12.09.2007 09:56 PM

You don't need to. Facial hair is quite sexy

dionysusundone 12.09.2007 11:52 PM


me in one of my Adam Ant phases. Think I was getting ready for a show.

dionysusundone 12.10.2007 12:43 AM

Hahahaha. I get mistaken for a bitch a lot, but whatever, it gets me play with the ladies.

Cantankerous 12.10.2007 01:34 AM

nothing personal against anyone, but this reminds me of how much i hate facial piercings save for nostril piercings.

Norma J 12.10.2007 01:48 AM

Yeah, the "I'm trying to shock my parents" look doesn't do much for me. Although I do have my nose pierced.

Cantankerous 12.10.2007 01:51 AM

that's acceptable. i used to have my nose pierced but i got tired of it. though i might revive it because it suited me. i recently got my belly button pierced (yeah i'm officially white trash now) and i still have the cartilage in my right ear pierced plus two in each lobe.

✌➬ 12.10.2007 02:18 AM

No needle is ever getting near me unless it is by a doctor or nurse. I am so afraid of them.

Cantankerous 12.10.2007 02:26 AM

i got a tattoo with my mom. no big deal really. she was wincing in pain, though.

Norma J 12.10.2007 02:50 AM

Somedays getting tattooed hurts, other days is doesn't. Depends how I'm feeling.

✌➬ 12.10.2007 02:51 AM

How many tattoos do you have Norma?

Norma J 12.10.2007 02:53 AM

It's hard to say 'how many', it's easier to say something like over 50 hours all up.

✌➬ 12.10.2007 02:55 AM

I see, I could never get one since I am terribly afraid of needles, when I was a kid, I would cry, and had like 8-10 nurses hold me down.

uhler 12.10.2007 09:40 AM

i don't like piercings and i was never attracted to girls that have piercings (aside from the ears). i do have one tattoo and it didn't hurt.

Rob Instigator 12.10.2007 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by amyvega
i got married last week


sweet! congratulations!

screamingskull 12.10.2007 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i got a tattoo with my mom. no big deal really. she was wincing in pain, though.



Originally Posted by amyvega
i got married last week


It looks amazing, congratulations!

luxinterior 12.10.2007 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by dionysusundone

me in one of my Adam Ant phases. Think I was getting ready for a show.

I like this. It's hot. Do you always shave? I think you would look good even if you didn't.

Rob Instigator 12.10.2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by dionysusundone

me in one of my Adam Ant phases. Think I was getting ready for a show.

adam ant is no excuse for eyeshadow my friend.

luxinterior 12.10.2007 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
adam ant is no excuse for eyeshadow my friend.

Personally I feel bad for the boys, in terms of makeup, because they aren't supposed to do it, so more power to the ones who do it anyway. It's fun, is it not? The first time I even wanted to wear makeup of any kind was after seeing David Bowie do it. I don't like the idea that it's only about masking your insecurities or making yourself look better. For me it's more fun. Or "funner", if you will. This boy can have fun.

Rob Instigator 12.10.2007 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Personally I feel bad for the boys, in terms of makeup, because they aren't supposed to do it, so more power to the ones who do it anyway. It's fun, is it not? The first time I even wanted to wear makeup of any kind was after seeing David Bowie do it. I don't like the idea that it's only about masking your insecurities or making yourself look better. For me it's more fun. Or "funner", if you will. This boy can have fun.

that's all fine and dandy. I just think that on a man it looks stupid and desperate for attention and ridiculously femme and weaknut and hopelessly small dicked.

IMO of course.

Anngella 12.10.2007 03:58 PM

I don't like makeup on either gender.

luxinterior 12.10.2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
that's all fine and dandy. I just think that on a man it looks stupid and desperate for attention and ridiculously femme and weaknut and hopelessly small dicked.

IMO of course.

Of course, and you wouldn't want to make generalizations either.

✌➬ 12.10.2007 04:04 PM

I think make up is a personal choice, if people want to wear them I am down with it.

Rob Instigator 12.10.2007 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Of course, and you wouldn't want to make generalizations either.

where's the generalization?

nicfit 12.10.2007 04:11 PM

I think it's in the "on a man" bit of your sentence.

Rob Instigator 12.10.2007 04:18 PM

well, that may be.
I could actually get much more specific.

Rob Instigator 12.10.2007 04:21 PM

so you're telling me that there are times when people see a man with girlie make-up on and think

"wow, his fabulous make-up makes him look so intelligent!"

"wow he looks like he wants to be left alone!"

"wow, his eye shadow makes him look so MANLY!"

"wow, That mascara and foundation make him look so physically strong!"

"wow, that guy with the eyeliner and eye shadow on MUST have a large heavy cock!"


come on...

luxinterior 12.10.2007 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
so you're telling me that there are times when people see a man with girlie make-up on and think

"wow, his fabulous make-up makes him look so intelligent!"

"wow he looks like he wants to be left alone!"

"wow, his eye shadow makes him look so MANLY!"

"wow, That mascara and foundation make him look so physically strong!"

"wow, that guy with the eyeliner and eye shadow on MUST have a large heavy cock!"

1. I don't see what makeup has to do with intelligence, at all. Then again, if the makeup in question has been put on in a fabulous manner, I would think highly of the person who is wearing it, because a lot of people just don't know what to do with the stuff, period.

2. What's wrong with wanting attention? I prefer being around people who want attention rather than people who don't want my company at all.

3. Usually when guys try to be manly they end up looking like retards. So, I don't think desperate attempts at manliness are necessarily a good thing. A little bit of facial hair is all most guys need to look "manly," and even then, some people look much better clean-shaven.

4. Judging from that guy's picture, it doesn't seem like he would look all that physically strong even without makeup. That's not a criticism, it's just an observation. He could be strong, but it doesn't seem like he has the kind of body type that conveys strength immediately anyway.

5. This is just ridiculous and dumb.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.10.2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
so you're telling me that there are times when people see a man with girlie make-up on and think

"wow, his fabulous make-up makes him look so intelligent!"

"wow he looks like he wants to be left alone!"

"wow, his eye shadow makes him look so MANLY!"

"wow, That mascara and foundation make him look so physically strong!"

"wow, that guy with the eyeliner and eye shadow on MUST have a large heavy cock!"


come on...

not here in texas

Rob Instigator 12.10.2007 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
1. I don't see what makeup has to do with intelligence, at all. Then again, if the makeup in question has been put on in a fabulous manner, I would think highly of the person who is wearing it, because a lot of people just don't know what to do with the stuff, period.

2. What's wrong with wanting attention? I prefer being around people who want attention rather than people who don't want my company at all.

3. Usually when guys try to be manly they end up looking like retards. So, I don't think desperate attempts at manliness are necessarily a good thing. A little bit of facial hair is all most guys need to look "manly," and even then, some people look much better clean-shaven.

4. Judging from that guy's picture, it doesn't seem like he would look all that physically strong even without makeup. That's not a criticism, it's just an observation. He could be strong, but it doesn't seem like he has the kind of body type that conveys strength immediately anyway.

5. This is just ridiculous and dumb.

none of this has any bearing upon what I stated to begin with.

luxinterior 12.10.2007 04:42 PM

Also, I feel like you are offended by me saying that I liked his picture. So what? Everyone has gotten in their little comments about it, and I say something positive, and that's wrong? Or is it something else, like the fact that he's lacking the obligatory Dinosaur Jr. t-shirt and unkempt hair characteristic of so many other photos posted in this thread?

luxinterior 12.10.2007 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
none of this has any bearing upon what I stated to begin with.

Uh, yes, it does.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.10.2007 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Also, I feel like you are offended by me saying that I liked his picture. So what? Everyone has gotten in their little comments about it, and I say something positive, and that's wrong? Or is it something else, like the fact that he's lacking the obligatory Dinosaur Jr. t-shirt and unkempt hair characteristic of so many other photos posted in this thread?


mangajunky 12.10.2007 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Also, I feel like you are offended by me saying that I liked his picture. So what? Everyone has gotten in their little comments about it, and I say something positive, and that's wrong? Or is it something else, like the fact that he's lacking the obligatory Dinosaur Jr. t-shirt and unkempt hair characteristic of so many other photos posted in this thread?

Dammit, I'm buying a comb.

Y'know I wear a helmet a lot of the time and well...


never mind...

...I don't own a Dinosaur Jr. t-shirt.

Rob Instigator 12.10.2007 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Also, I feel like you are offended by me saying that I liked his picture. So what? Everyone has gotten in their little comments about it, and I say something positive, and that's wrong? Or is it something else, like the fact that he's lacking the obligatory Dinosaur Jr. t-shirt and unkempt hair characteristic of so many other photos posted in this thread?

no way! whether or not you liked his pic has nothing to do with anything lux! I was just talking shit about guys who wear makeup. I hated it in the 80's watching glam metal fucks do it and I hate it now. no big whup if you like it.

luxinterior 12.10.2007 04:52 PM

I was just curious, because it seemed as if it was in response to what I said. If it's not, fine, though I still must disagree with your judgments.

davenotdead 12.10.2007 04:54 PM

i agree with both of you at the same time

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.10.2007 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
no way! whether or not you liked his pic has nothing to do with anything lux! I was just talking shit about guys who wear makeup. I hated it in the 80's watching glam metal fucks do it and I hate it now. no big whup if you like it.


Norma J 12.10.2007 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
yeah, shots are a bitch. i had to be held down too, atleast in elementary school...and even in HS i remember my mom having to be with me if i was getting a shot...just because i wanted her to be (of course...ive since had a couple shots without her being there...being that she lives so far away).

however...tats dont hurt...nearly as bad. i found the experience (i have two...but one i did myself) relaxing. the needle doesnt go nearly as deep as when yr getting a shot or having blood drawn or whatever.

HAHA. Shots sting alittle, but that's it, and that'd be because when you jhave all that shit done you're a kid. As for taking blood, that doesn't hurt one iota. My girlfriend never had her blood taken and dreaded the idea, until a few months ago and she said it didn't even hurt her at all either.

Anyone who says tattoos don't hurt are either trying to sound tough, or have never had their chest tattooed. haha.

Norma J 12.10.2007 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Also, I feel like you are offended by me saying that I liked his picture. So what? Everyone has gotten in their little comments about it, and I say something positive, and that's wrong? Or is it something else, like the fact that he's lacking the obligatory Dinosaur Jr. t-shirt and unkempt hair characteristic of so many other photos posted in this thread?

I think the guy is an attractive guy, from a completely heterosexual point of view. Although, I think he'd be even more attractive if he didn't remind me of the guitarist from Good Charlotte. But people can dress and look however they want and I'm not criticising or trying to offend with any of my comments. Truth.

Oh and I don't overally care for Dinosaur Jr and am not the stereotypical Sonic Board member. and I can think of a few others who aren't either.

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