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Washing my hands of what?
I linked a story from a newspaper. Are you questioning the accuracy of the reporting? YES - a couple of times over the past year or so I said I believe President Trump will easily win re-election. This is my opinion and guess what, I could be 100% wrong. Also, opinions shouldn’t necessarily be considered support! I appreciate your acknowledgment that I’m not defending our President. Quote:
it’s okay, you don’t need to pretend to understand this—it’s just the rest of us, so we know how to treat you keep either playing or being dumb, whichever applies |
your behaviour is petulant and there's a beautiful irony to you being obscenely juvenile here, and it's frankly just not worth engaging with you. saying that the actions of clinton are tantamount to the frequent assaults on democracy (much less basic human decency) of which the trump administration is inarguably guilty is totally ridiculous, and that you continue to resort to this little soundbite at the expense of actually having to engage with the shit you're proffering means it's an absolute waste of time trying to talk to you. I didn't attack mister schlunk by any means, and until very recently no one attacked you until it became abundantly clear that it's like talking to a brick fucking wall. |
Trump vs. Trump: Kurds Edition
flip flop ;) Also, this morning in Dutch press there was this article: US Ambassador Hoekstra: 'The Netherlands jointly responsible for chaos in Syria' let me know if that link ain't working for you. It's a Google translation. I don't see the video interview on the bottom of it, see the original article if you still want to watch it (but it might be that it's not possible for you). It's still interesting to watch, the interviewers of the Nieuwsuur program ("News Hour") have a great relationship with the ambassador, NOT. See in this older interview between 6:20 and 7:20 I guess there is some truth here, but we only had some F-16's there as far as I know, no ground troops or anything else. |
NOT ONE quote and reply!
So you don't think your constant obsession with calling Barack Obama "Hussein". The argument that "well that's his name" doesn't wash. You wouldn't call Trump "John", you wouldn't call Mike Pence "Richard" (I would call him Dick though). Fact is you were uncomfortable that the President of America had a middle name that was the same surname as Saddam. Your racist ass equates the two as being the same and that Obama is a terrorist. So to double down in that you call him Hussein instead of his first or middle name.
Not once did I say or imply terrorist.
Multiple occasions I questioned if he might be proven a traitor. Granting immunity so Hillary’s attorney could destroy emails is the reason. Why would you think I was uncomfortable? I was very active on SYG during all eight years of the Obama administration and I never said word one......no disparaging comments by me! Quote:
So why constantly call him Hussein?
I used it once and it drew such ire and aggravation, I returned to that well......perhaps too many times? When others are referring to you as racist, wishing that your kids were taken and you were dead, one must be subtle in how they land a punch. Who knew Nick Caves remarks about Antifa would be the straw to break guest’s camel? (should have been posting such things all along) Quote:
Not really......just a few who are so easily baited : ) |
drunkle bob tl;dr: make the 19th century great again
You and a few others are doing the twisting!
This usually happens when one is filled with anger and bitterness. All they know to do is lash out at others. Poor losers......probably never got picked for kickball on the playground. Eight years of Obama and no disparaging comments by me, that’s the TRUTH!!! Quote:
So why start after his terms were over?
Cripes - I know Sonic Youth fans are thought of as pretentious, but have you ever thought about toning it down a bit, Rob?
Right, now try and say that in a way that doesn't make you sound like some smartass Socrates wannabe.
You're right about this new 'woke' Left representing a kind of controlled rebellion but, given that industrialisation was the very thing that gave Marx's concept of class any real meaning, do you (as a self-proclaimed Marxist) really think that class, and especially class-conflict, is a viable idea within the context of an increasingly de-industrialised West? After all, many of those we'd traditionally consider working class moved away from the very kind of manual and manufacturing jobs that Marx saw as key to their revolutionary potential towards a very different kind of employment: within the service industries, or in white collar jobs, or in many cases continuing in manual or manufacturing work, but as their own bosses. Nor should we forget those made unemployed as a consequence of de-industrialisation, who became part of the lumpenproletariat as a result. These people (whatever we want to call them) definitely deserve far better political representation than I currently see them getting from the 'woke'/'progressive' Left but I'm no longer sure that an emphasis on class, especially in terms of Marx's rather narrow and historically-defined concept of it, is particularly helpful to them either right now. |
class without accounting for race?
this is what happens when you’re middle class, even upper middle class, and black in america http://powerreporting.com/color/color_of_money.pdf |
And Bernie had 25,000 people turn up to his rally in Queens yesterday :rolleyes: Many such numbers |
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