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atari 2600 09.02.2008 05:26 PM

Haha, not bad. I have a slightly humorous one I've been wanting to use for awhile.

uhler 09.03.2008 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
uhler, I get the feeling you haven't been around as much as usual. Why is this so?

i work basically 8 days a week and i have no internet. so right now i'm sitting in a park at 1 in the morning typing this. also, there's more things for me to do here so i usually don't sit still for long unless i'm sleeping.

i used to be a huge fan of hwm. i saw them so many times back in the day. they still have some good songs i listen to. twleve hour turn was my favorite band from that era, well actually discount is. both are two very good emo/punk bands from florida that were all related to the no idea records label. alison from the kills was the singer of discount. she looks way different than she used to and the kills suck.

as you can tell i used to be a huge fan of the hardcore/screamo/emo scene from that time period. every band that i wanted to mention already has been so there's no reason to mention anymore. wait reversal of man. there.

Norma J 09.03.2008 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
being the ian mackaye fan that ya are, id assume youd have a bit more knowledge as to where "emo" came from.


rights of spring

"emocore" < term ian used in mid 80's to describe a certain music (i.e. the dischord bands mentioned above), a certain "post hardcore" strand of music.

i dont know, i always thought the term was silly. pretty much all music is "emotional" in some sense.

You need to read the rest of my OLD posts in this thread.

and it's RITES of Spring.

pbradley 09.03.2008 02:25 AM

Ian MacKaye on emocore.

acousticrock87 09.03.2008 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
dir en grey over fall of troy? what the fuck?

while fall of troy are horrible now, at least their first album is good, like if at the drive-in didn't break up and omar actually bought an yngwie mälmsteen instructional video and got obsessed with don caballero.

but dir en grey? ewwww!

I said I'd never heard Fall of Troy beyond a few seconds.

But I love Dir en grey. The last couple albums were kind of stupid, but Kai and Macabre are fucking amazing. Kisou/Vulgur is a pretty good era, too, but has a lot of filler.

I'm just assuming I'd like Dir en grey more.

fugazifan 09.03.2008 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
I wanted to have a band called Brian Emo for years, but I think the time has passed now. Shame.

you should start an ambient hardcore band and call the genre
enotional hardcore

acousticrock87 09.03.2008 02:50 AM


atsonicpark 09.03.2008 02:52 AM

Dir en Grey's not bad, yeah, they've got some great stuff. I was into visual kei a few years ago. Buck-Tick and stuff. Some of that stuff was really weird. Plastic Tree, were they visual kei? They were awesome.

I still listen to Metronome.

My girlfriend saw Psycho le Cému live.

Also, Blam Honey... damn... for visual kei, they're amazing... actually probably my favorite industrial (or whatever) band of all time.

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 03:06 AM

Yeah rite!

kingcoffee 09.03.2008 04:43 AM

All I can recommend is Lou Barlow or Elliot Smith. ANything else would just be total trash. Emo is shitty music. A bunch of whiny pussies who cut themselves and pretend to be deep and artistic but are really just a bunch of emotionally weak babies. FINISH THE JOB!!!! CUT DEEPER INTO YR WRIST AND FINISH IT!!!!

atsonicpark 09.03.2008 05:05 AM

That wasn't even funny.

ZEROpumpkins 09.03.2008 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by kingcoffee
All I can recommend is Lou Barlow or Elliot Smith. ANything else would just be total trash. Emo is shitty music. A bunch of whiny pussies who cut themselves and pretend to be deep and artistic but are really just a bunch of emotionally weak babies. FINISH THE JOB!!!! CUT DEEPER INTO YR WRIST AND FINISH IT!!!!

You're thinking of the wrong kind of emo, fool.

We aren't talking about MCR or anything, just hardcore punk from the late-80's to 90's with emotion.

GravitySlips 09.03.2008 07:08 AM

Moss Icon rule!!!

Everyneurotic 09.03.2008 10:29 AM

lou barlow is whinnier than 30 seconds to mars.

uhler 09.03.2008 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
being the ian mackaye fan that ya are, id assume youd have a bit more knowledge as to where "emo" came from.


rights of spring

"emocore" < term ian used in mid 80's to describe a certain music (i.e. the dischord bands mentioned above), a certain "post hardcore" strand of music.

i dont know, i always thought the term was silly. pretty much all music is "emotional" in some sense.

actually i think thrasher used that term and ian mackaye just made fun of it and called it a shit term. it's funny cause the end of the palatka record there's a sample of him saying how it's "all caca". the video is now on youtube.

uhler 09.03.2008 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley

opps you beat me to it.

Derek 09.04.2008 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by kingcoffee
All I can recommend is Lou Barlow or Elliot Smith. ANything else would just be total trash. Emo is shitty music. A bunch of whiny pussies who cut themselves and pretend to be deep and artistic but are really just a bunch of emotionally weak babies. FINISH THE JOB!!!! CUT DEEPER INTO YR WRIST AND FINISH IT!!!!

And I thought this forum was mostly people who were musically mature.

atsonicpark 09.04.2008 11:06 AM

Yeah, he's an idiot. That's dumber than anything western equinox ever wrote.

I'm sure he's joking and if so.. it's still not funny.

Norma J 09.05.2008 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
You're thinking of the wrong kind of emo, fool.

We aren't talking about MCR or anything, just hardcore punk from the late-80's to 90's with emotion.

well if it's hardcore punk then it's not 'emo'.

but come on. 'emo' is MCR, Fallout Boy, Panic at the Disco and the likes. we can all try and be uppity indie kids and go on about where the name first originated, but it's taken on a whole new image and sound all of it's own. 'Grunge' was a term first used for the likes of Neil Young, but we all know Seattle owns that term. same as 'emo'. it may have been used for a band or two at a specific point in time, but it's nothing compared to what that the monster that is known as 'emo' is nowadays. the term may have been stolen, but they can keep it, in my opinion. It's a lame term, no matter what the music sounds like.

Norma J 09.05.2008 02:59 AM

your girlfriends undies. same place as you.

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