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edward_sick 09.21.2007 01:39 AM

nice touch

ALIEN ANAL 09.21.2007 01:40 AM

stop it boys your giving me an erection

cryptowonderdruginvogue 09.21.2007 01:41 AM

It's A Trap!@

edward_sick 09.21.2007 01:42 AM

rigimortis of the third leg

edward_sick 09.21.2007 01:45 AM

the right knee of my jeans smell like a vagina. Yark

king_buzzo 09.21.2007 02:09 AM

what is this dramamine you speak of?

atsonicpark 09.21.2007 04:50 AM

you guys just need to drink sum fuckin robo.

HaydenAsche 09.21.2007 09:25 AM

Diphenhydramine is way better if you really want to trip balls.

Unisom or Benadryl.

HaydenAsche 09.21.2007 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
who me? yeah i just cracked open the box and went at them. another thing that happens is that your short term memory gets to be as fucked up as it could ever possibly probably only lasted a few hours.

Word. You can't even remember the last word you said.

floatingslowly 09.21.2007 11:26 AM

I can't believe this thread is 5 pages long.

I can't believe that someone would take dramamine to get off. it puts you to fucking sleep FFS.

edward_sick 09.21.2007 01:31 PM

it makes you very drowsy yes. but when i tried to o to sleep my body kept twitching me awake and i was very restless.
so if anone does it then take the less drowsy formula or drink coffee.
stay awake somehow, caffiene pills would even work.

Alex's Trip 09.21.2007 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
you guys just need to drink sum fuckin robo.

*Popping in to the forum out of boredom.*

I had 4 oz and two hydrocodones while taking some bullshit military administered test. It was fun!!!!!!!!!

screamingskull 09.21.2007 05:33 PM

As far as Drugs go, the only one i haven't taken that i am interested in taking in Acid. But i think i might be too scared to ever do it.

My parents have told me lots of good and bad stories about dropping acid, some great some horrible. (Same goes for mushrooms)

Alex's Trip 09.21.2007 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
As far as Drugs go, the only one i haven't taken that i am interested in taking in Acid. But i think i might be too scared to ever do it.

My parents have told me lots of good and bad stories about dropping acid, some great some horrible. (Same goes for mushrooms)

I want to try something like that, but I too am scared.

screamingskull 09.21.2007 05:37 PM

People say some horrible things about it, really scary trips that last for hours and hours and hours.

I've had some bad times after smoking pot, and i found that hard to cope with whilst it was happening. I don't know if i could cope with that times 100.

But i would hate to die having never experienced it.

Danny Himself 09.21.2007 05:41 PM

Want to get higher than you've ever been in your entire life?

screamingskull 09.21.2007 05:42 PM

Nasa is part of the US military, so NO THANKS!

atari 2600 09.21.2007 05:45 PM

Are you like those nerds in the PSA raiding their parents' medicine cabinets?
Lick a Remeron if you're that hard-up, dunderheads!
Get a connection and smoke the kind buds.
If all else fails, kill yourself with a lethal crack/heroin combination.


edward_sick 09.21.2007 05:49 PM

i dont have a connection dick suck.

and i want an acid trip.

this is an informational and story sharing thread anyway

screamingskull 09.21.2007 05:56 PM

One story my mum told me about an acid trip of hers was

Her and her partner and their friends were living in this house, they dropped acid and were enjoying the whole experience when the doorbell rang and one of them had to go answer it.
It turned out to be a mail man delivering a package, anyway the noise from the road outside freaked the guy out and his nice acid trip turned into a bad one. He spent the next 7 hours in the corner of the room crying, throwing up and freaking out.

Some of her friends never came down, and now have mental illnesses. Some are dead because they got into harder stuff like heroin. Some are like her and are fine and dandy, and some are like my dad and get acid flashbacks often.

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