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Signpost 03.29.2006 10:02 AM

School sucks.
Next week i have two big tests and i haven't got enough time to prepare.

marleypumpkin 03.29.2006 10:04 AM

The old school days. So many memories.

Hip Priest 03.29.2006 10:09 AM

I hated school, I was bored s***less. Geology was good though.

marleypumpkin 03.29.2006 10:10 AM

Hell, I'd go to school drunk & fucked up on something. I didn't give a damn.

truncated 03.29.2006 10:22 AM

I didn't mind school so much. I was in some kind of accelerated program, and we never had to do anything. I didn't go half the time anyhow. I had "poor participation skills."

marleypumpkin 03.29.2006 10:24 AM

Same Here. I would always make up an excuse not to go to school.

Alex's Trip 03.29.2006 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
My worst is a 3 hour sculpting class which I have today. All my classes are 2 or more hours :(

How long are your school days in Canada? I only have 2 hour classes on block days.

I don't mind school so much...I'm in the 'honors/ap' programs (all the ones I can do, which is only 2 classes right now) I hate my other classes because I just get real impatient with the morons in there (not trying to sound arrogant, but oh well)

nomadicfollower 03.29.2006 08:09 PM

I'm going to shoot the Oprah Winfrey. I'm going to shoot her. In the head no doubt...
I'm going to be the one to kill Oprah.

Anyway....School sucks. I might go crazy. No joke. Imma drop out. 'Cept I don't have a choice. Damn, guess I'll be back at school tomorrow. Smile at all those fuckers. Those smooth guys with their crossed arms and their leaning against the wall and their nice clothes and their damned stupid girls. I can't stand. I might fight someone. I can't fight. But that doesn't mean I won't. God I gotta quit. I'm making myself more and more pissed.

schizophrenicroom 03.29.2006 08:17 PM

Can I help you kill Oprah? There are no words to describe my hate for that woman.

I like school, I just hate the fucking people. At least most of my classmates I've known forever, but going to lunch, it's hell.

soapbars 03.29.2006 08:20 PM

i didnt realise most of you were still in school, supose i didnt really think about it,

anyway related to some crap on the first page of this thread, my local council are holding a buskers idol, which should be interesting,

for more information to go:

i shit you not,

marleypumpkin 03.30.2006 06:07 AM

I thought this would be a great time to talk on this subject again.

Hip Priest 03.30.2006 06:12 AM

Basically, I read a lot when i was a kid, and went to museums and art galleries etc a lot too. So I was pretty much home and self-educated from the start, and I found that I already knew a lot that was being taught, that's why I was so bored all the time. Geology more challenging though, very academic for a school subject in the way it was structured and taught.

marleypumpkin 03.30.2006 06:15 AM

Hip Priest:

What schools have you attended?

Hip Priest 03.30.2006 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
Hip Priest:

What schools have you attended?

Standard primary, middle, and secondary (high) schools, plus college and all of that.

I value self-education much more. School would have taught meless than half the stuff my upbringing and my own studies did.

marleypumpkin 03.30.2006 06:22 AM

I agree, self-taught knowledge is much more valueable, in my opinion.

What college was it that you weet to?

sellouteater 03.30.2006 10:41 PM

Hooked on phonics worked for me!

atari 2600 09.26.2006 08:24 PM


Cantankerous 09.26.2006 08:25 PM

i'm itchy.

Savage Clone 09.26.2006 08:25 PM

Haven't had your shots today?

Cantankerous 09.26.2006 08:27 PM

which ones?

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