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Pookie 08.11.2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
You've raised some curious points, porkmarras, so let's discuss pretension. Let's debate the merits of people that pretend to be more intelligent than they are for effect. Let's discuss the title of a thread called "Sonicl's sonnets VS Jim Morrison's poetry." Let us get down to the nitty-gritty & discuss a person that obviously deems themselves a literary critic to the degree that they start a topic called "The wrongness of Jim Morrison's 'poetry' Vol. 1."

"poetry" in quotes?
Vol. 1?

Give me a fucking break.

I, on the other hand, pull no punches & wrote only just yesterday that, "we are on an internet message board, so naturally, all of us are self-absorbed to some degree."

I, on the other hand, was merely defending & explaining myself as a result of multiple attacks from you & your ilk.
That's what you people do. That's your method. In rather "jailhouse mentality" fashion, you constantly needle someone until a button you can push is revealed.

All of this should be rather obvious, but it isn't because you are in D-E-N-I-A-L. It should be clearly ridiclous to yourself for you to call out someone & label them pretentious when you yourself are over-the-top with your pretension. How many fucking topics do you start per day? How many of those are designed to make you the focal point of attention? And out of all those countless topics, how many have anything to say at all? How many of those topics & posts imply that you are king shit? I've got news for you, & that news is that lots of people undoubtably think you are extremely full of yourself & the fact that you seem oblivious to it only serves to prove the point that you are deep in denial.

It cuts both ways, princess.

You quote yourself a lot.

atari 2600 08.11.2006 03:05 PM

you write nothing of interest...

a lot
a whole lot.

Pookie 08.11.2006 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
you write nothing of interest...

a lot
a whole lot.

That link doesn't go anywhere. But thanks for taking the trouble anyway.

atari 2600 08.11.2006 03:14 PM

No, that link brings up all of your posts so that anyone so inclined can explore the mediocrity you regularly spew forth.

Pookie 08.11.2006 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
No, that link brings up all of your posts so that anyone so inclined can explore the mediocrity you regularly spew forth.

What did I just say about your grammar?

krastian 08.11.2006 03:19 PM

Thanks for my first neg rep there atari......pretty cool. Sorry for not wanting to get in dumbass arguments over the internet merely over taste. I've stated more than enough times my love of The Doors/Jim on here.

atari 2600 08.11.2006 03:47 PM

You're welcome, limp dick.

Cantankerous 08.11.2006 03:49 PM

i should probably make it clear that i fucking hate the doors.

krastian 08.11.2006 03:54 PM

Wow, thanks.....just kind of a shocker considering I just hooked you up. I thought we were cool......I guess I was wrong. The Cartman thing was pretty clear about what I thought about the thread.

Cantankerous 08.11.2006 03:55 PM

i am in dire need of an explanation.

Pookie 08.11.2006 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i am in dire need of an explanation.

Fun thread.

Atari 26 joins after having a really bad day = not fun thread anymore.

Atari 26 gives everyone negative rep.

The end.

atari 2600 08.11.2006 03:58 PM

hooked me up?

with what?

a fantasy football league that you started for free anyway?

dude, I have real friends that have a league.

I've always been simpatico with you, yes, but today you must have felt conflicted with sticking "with your own kind" or sticking up for the art of Morrison & calling porkmarras on some bullshit.

please, cut me from your little league.

krastian 08.11.2006 03:58 PM

Ha the positive rep. There are tons of things that I love that he shits on (as well as a lot of people on here), but I don't like to argue about's all good. I don't expect him to like stuff Zappa and Pearl Jam or whatever. Ha didn't have anything to do about the queer thing.....I just don't like getting into arguments on here.

Pookie 08.11.2006 03:59 PM

See what I mean?

atari 2600 08.11.2006 04:04 PM

It's sad you're all so prejudiced. But, I guess that's what happens when you get starts to get tightly knit with "birds of a feather."

Socrates, who was perhaps the wisest man that ever lived, was gay.

You guys should try to be more like him and less like Thrasymachus.

krastian 08.11.2006 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
please, cut me from your little league.

Come on man! It didn't have anything to do with it.....stay, it'll be fun.

atari 2600 08.11.2006 04:57 PM

Frank Zappa & John & Yoko did a show together once. There's a video of it that I don't have, but I have the songs because they are on Sometime in New York City.

I have, I don't know, about 10 Zappa studio albums. I even have Francesco & Thing-Fish. Also, I have these:
4/27/75 Music Hall Boston (with Capt. Beefheart)
Guitar (Rykodisc, 1988) x2
Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar (Rykodisc, 1981) x3

I used to have some Pearl Jam studio albums, but I traded that stuff back to the store.
Now I have this:
Pearl Jam
DIY various demos, outtakes, & live performances compilation x2

acousticrock87 08.11.2006 05:41 PM

I think Lewis Carroll was a great children's writer.

Tokolosh 08.12.2006 04:39 AM;jsessionid=7919BF5D07F1C2E84818B 9D799B50CCF?v=e90715h6aXgrHc

The Crystal ship

Before you slip into unconsciousness
I'd like to have another kiss,
Another flashing chance at bliss,
Another kiss, another kiss.

The days are bright and filled with pain.
Enclose me in your gentle rain,
The time you ran was too insane,
We'll meet again, we'll meet again.

Oh' tell me where your freedom lies,
The streets are fields that never die,
Deliver me from reasons why
You'd rather cry, I'd rather fly.

The crystal ship is being filled,
A thousand girls, a thousand thrills,
A million ways to spend your time;
When we get back, I'll drop a line.

Take note Pookie.^ It rhymes.
As for your daughter, she still has a lot to learn so I'll forgive her.

Tokolosh 08.12.2006 05:04 AM


You won't regret reading my books, kids!

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