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Cantankerous 09.01.2006 05:29 PM

you're the hottest mama ever. i wish you were my mom.

Norma J 09.01.2006 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue

You most definitely have an 'emo' haircut.

Approx 90% of society does these days. Here anyway.

HaydenAsche 09.02.2006 12:43 AM

He has black hair. That doesn't mean he has an 'emo' haircut. Jesus Christ, you motherfuckers need to lay off of him.

Daycare Nation 09.02.2006 01:29 AM

the story of my life:



Norma J 09.02.2006 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
He has black hair. That doesn't mean he has an 'emo' haircut. Jesus Christ, you motherfuckers need to lay off of him.

Woe, woe, woe. Seems you're the only one who needs to lay off him.

It's an 'emo' haircut. But like I said, it suits him. But it is 'emo'.

touch me i'm sick 09.02.2006 05:55 PM

bya hya i dyed me hairr

porkmarras 09.02.2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
(Loads of alcohol)


(The grrls and I outside the bar)


Is it me or you've been hanging around with Geri Halliwell Kegmama?

Cantankerous 09.02.2006 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Norma J
You most definitely have an 'emo' haircut.

Approx 90% of society does these days. Here anyway.

i can rest assured that i don't have an emo haircut. thank god.

touch me i'm sick 09.02.2006 06:30 PM


Cantankerous 09.02.2006 06:31 PM


touch me i'm sick 09.02.2006 06:31 PM

i've seen that same picture a bajillion times. of course they were different people but it's all the swame godamn picture

Cantankerous 09.02.2006 06:39 PM

dear god.


touch me i'm sick 09.02.2006 06:41 PM

oh god that's right on point.

hipsters are silly

Norma J 09.02.2006 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i can rest assured that i don't have an emo haircut. thank god.

I know you don't.

To get that picture of that guy with the same haircut as Cryptouwriwu you typed in something to do with 'emo' in google. Didn't you?

Cantankerous 09.02.2006 06:54 PM

yes i did.

Toilet & Bowels 09.02.2006 08:01 PM

hmm, i've got a hoodie, and i know about 5 hot asain chicks.

Norma J 09.02.2006 08:06 PM

It depends on the time you see. It's all time related. I too own hoodies, sweaters, cardigans, and I used to wear Chucks. But that was before this craze. I been wearing all these things since I was a wee teen and even before. So you see, I'm not involved in this scene tomfoolery. I even used to have long dyed black hair - but since that craze hit, I cut it off and got my natural hair colour back. Don't fear, you're not emo. You're emo if you try and look emo by getting things that are apparently 'emo'.

Cantankerous 09.02.2006 08:30 PM

my hair is black.
too bad it grows in that color.

Toilet & Bowels 09.02.2006 08:38 PM

i'm not in the slightest bit worried about being emo, because i know i'm not emo. i bought a pair of chucks when i was 14 because i saw kurt cobain wearing them. i died my hair pink/purple when i was 15, but my mum made me wash it out.

Toilet & Bowels 09.02.2006 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
my hair is black.
too bad it grows in that color.

what would you like your natural colour to be?

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