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Sonic Youth 37 07.02.2009 11:56 PM

Yeah, same hurr.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:38 AM

Life Got You Down?
If you've been a little depressed lately and have contemplated partaking in the bliss of death, here are some suggestion on how to kill yourself. Even if you don't use these exclusive royalty free suicide methods, remember to do it as creatively as possible.
Don't be boring and just take sleeping pills, go out with style and flare. All these methods require some planning but don't let that dissuade you. Your life must be pretty pathetic if you're killing yourself. Why not leave a legacy?

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:39 AM

101 Most Clever, Disturbing Ways to Kill Yourself!!

1. Slit your wrists. 2. Drink cleaning supplies. 3. Put your dad's rifle in your mouth and shoot. 4. Cut yourself along several major arteries and slowly bleed to death. 5. Fill the bathtub up with hot water and get in. Go underwater & breathe until I say stop. 6. Give yourself a homemade tattoo with toxic silver pen. 7. Fill the bathtub up. Grab a toaster & plug it in. Get in the bathtub and bring the toaster with you. Push down the button & enjoy! 8. Boil several gallons of water on the stove and "accidentally" spill it all on yourself. 9. Bash your head in with a hammer. 10. Get an axe from the woodpile & split yourself in half. 11. Use your telekinetic powers to make the house fall apart. 12. Tease the elevator by not letting it close until it buzzes loudly. Stand in the door's way and let it close. 13. Break a mirror. Take two sharp pieces of the glass and shove them in your eyes, hard and deep. 14. Shove a Chef's knife up your butt. 15. Kill someone else and plead for death by lethal injection. 16. Break a bottle of wine on a table and shove it in your stomach. 17. Have your best friend run you over with a steamroller. 18. Turn on the iron until water dances on surface. Put it on several places on your body, keeping it in each place for at least 45 seconds. 19. Jump off a building, aiming carefully to impale yourself on a lamppost. 20. Drive a wooden stake in your heart. 21. Induce vomiting until you black out and slip into a coma. This coma should last for several months, in which time your family will certainly decide to pull the plug. 22. Put your pinky, as well as any other digits that will fit, into an electrical socket. 23. Purposely catch your clothing in the escalator at a local mall and fight off anyone who tries to help. Enjoy the ride! 24. Swallow vanilla bath beads. 25. Drop a lit match down your throat. 26. Eat three tubes of toothpaste - and I'm not talking about trial size. 27. Hang yourself in your closet with an electrical cord. 28. Unbend a coat hanger and slowly & carefully shove it up your nose. 29. Crash a car into a department store window displaying a nativity scene. Merry Christmas! 30. Lodge your head in the toilet bowl and flush mercilessly. 31. Get your hand caught in the CD-ROM drive and attempt to cut it off with a dull pocketknife. 32. Make a pipe bomb and blow up your house with you inside, of course. 33. Stuff toilet paper down your throat until you choke. 34. Eat baby powder. 35. Eat deodorant. 36. Take a walk in the ghetto with a giant boom box blasting Vanilla Ice. 37. Anger a cannibal. 38. Drown yourself in a spoon full of water. 39. Get a friend to throw a few CDs Frisbee-style at your stomach and throat. 40. Swallow fifteen razor blades. 41. Drink 2 bottles of cough syrup. 42. Lock yourself in a room. After you've eaten the carpet and peeled the paint off the walls for a snack, you'll eventually starve. 43. Swerve into the left rear wheels of a moving transfer truckÆ’on your bike. 44. Break a b46. Piss off O.J. Simpson. 47. Eat a string of Christmas Tree lights. 48. Give yourself a million paper cutsÆ’if the paper cuts don't kill you, the counting will. 49. Nail yourself to the side of a federal building. 50. Scalp yourself. If you're not dead, make photocopies. 51. Cry your eyes outÆ’literally. 52. Burn plastic and breathe in the toxic fumes. 53. Charge into a big screen TV. 54. Lag behind when participating in a Bull Run. 55. Walk around in downtown New Jersey with a Target store shirt on. 56. Smash your head in the safe door again & again & againÆ’ 57. Spray a bottle of air freshener up your nose and inhale at the same time. 58. Eat a dog with heartworms raw. 59. Strategically place yourself in the middle of a very busy intersection at rush hour during daylight savings time while wearing a tight, black jumpsuit, being ever so careful to hit every car you see. 60. Go to a horse race and jump out in front of the leading horse screaming at the top of your lungs, "I'm a pony! I'm a pony!" 61. Make like Sonny Bono when on a skiing trip. 62. Get run over by an ostrich. 63. Get naked and lay on 12 150-watt light bulbs, then flip the switch. 64. Cut off all your fingers then write a ten-page report on "Polyester versus Cotton Fabrics" with the stubs. 65. Get pregnant and then have your mother perform an emergency C-section just for kicks. 66. Jam a toothbrush in your bellybutton. 67. Brush your teeth with a MACH 3 razor. 68. Drill a hole in your head. 69. Find a huge pine tree. Cut it down with a chainsaw while standing in its falling path. 70. Skinny-dip in a shark tank with your favorite rubber ducky. 71. Drive with a rabid monkey in your back seat. 72. Play NASCAR with an unsuspecting fellow driver. 73. Jump off the balcony in a school auditorium. 74. Smash your head through a wooden door, making sure you get plenty of splinters. 75. Jump in the way of a moving subway train. 76. Drip hot wax all over your body, then light matches and light your feet on fire. The flames will rise and consume your entire body, but before you do that, make sure you drip hot wax in your eyes & let it harden. 77. Do back flips in a mosh pit. 78. Attempt to leap tall buildings in a single bound. 79. Jump out of a moving bus window and do shoulder-rolls across the highway until you get run over. 80. Always use the wrong tool for the job. 81. Float on your back in the Anaconda River and wait. 82. Get in a pool with piranhas and have them tear off your flesh bit by bit, eating you alive. 83. Wedge yourself in the doggy-entrance on the garage door and have a friend press the "garage open" button. 84. Use a chain saw to cut out pictures. 85. Shove a TV antenna in one ear & out the other. 86. Strangle yourself with your best necklace. 87. Bite your arm and suck & swallow the blood. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. 88. Perform self-quadruple bypass surgery. attery open and pour it into a glass of Dr. Pepper and drink it. 45. Live on top of an active volcano. 89. Take out your own spleen, cook it for 2 minutes in the microwave, and eat it. 90. Cut yourself up and feed as much of you as possible to the family dog. 91. Cut off your limbs and put them in the crock-pot for your family to find. If your crock-pot isn't large enough, put extra flesh in the freezer for later. 92. Swan dive into the 10-gallon fish tank. 93. Give yourself a buzz-cut with bush shears. 94. Gather up a group of friends to push all your pressure points at the same time. 95. Make believe you're in a psychiatric facility with padded walls when you're really in a steel cage. 96. Straddle a neon sign. Don't let go, no matter what people tell you. 97. Go swimming in an oil spill. Don't forget to open your eyes under water! 98. Smash your porcelain "Precious Moments" dolls in the middle of the street and consume the large pieces left over. 99. Roll around nude in the street at noon. 100. Drink paint. Eat the stick you stirred the paint with. Drink paint thinner to wash it down. 101. Take all the pills in your medicine cabinet, along with at least one shot of every alcoholic beverage known to man and take a little nap. Don't bother waking up.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:40 AM

I am curious about a few of these... especially 25. Drop a lit match down your throat.

Surely, that wouldn't kill you?...

Also, the very next one... 26. Eat three tubes of toothpaste - and I'm not talking about trial size.

Excuse my ignorance here, but that surely wouldn't kill you.. would it?

41. Drink 2 bottles of cough syrup.

Well, I know from experience that this isn't true!

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:44 AM

1) try soaking your head in a bucket of ammonia. in 5 minutes, if you are
still alive, repeat as necessary till dead...

2) cut your balls off (if you have them)

3) cut your head off with a razor blade and go into extreme ecstacy

4) drink a gallon of JD with a dab of Nitrogrycerin and jump up and down

5) fart in a balloon and light a match

6) eat the stuff between your toes with a teaspoon of pepper and a drop of

7) fart in front of the meanest, fattest, teacher while bending over to
pick up the pencil that you mistakenly (yeah, right!) dropped

8) eat shit and die.....

9) try inhaling a fart right out of your own asshole....

10) fuck Ronald Reagan-

11) or his wife.....

12) try to do the running long jump over the Hudson river

13) or maybe try skydiving underwater......

14) try to katch the first nuclear missle headed towards the U.S.A.

15) sit on a pitchfork

16) cement yourself into the Great Wall of China

17) attach yourself to the Good Year Blimp

18) buy a $400 piece of software and then find it up on the AE the next day

19) plug your ass with a cork and stand at the edge of a cliff and fart

20) slide down a banister with a long, fat spike at the end

21) slide down a razor blade

22) fuck a slut that has a pair of scisssors up her cunt

23) take a bath with 1 (or 2) fingers in an electrical socket

24) sit on an Exacto knife and spin!

25) cross a highway blindfolded

26) inspect the Space Shuttle's engines during takeoff

27) do whatever your parents say...

28) roll down the Empire State Building's stairway in a sleeping bag

29) sleep late on a Saturday....

30) not seeing that bullet heading straight between your eyes

31) "Hey look! What's that knife in my stomach?"

32) "No, no please don't! Please don't push me off this ----", smack!
splash! gargle... thump.

33) eat that cake that's been sitting in the fridge for 2 months

34) "Hey Jack, eat that colony of green stuff moving across your plate!"

35) Stick a straw in a septic tank and take a sip.

36) try skiing over a tree (or around it, or under it, or into it)

37) try katching a spiked boomerang...

38) try picking your brain via your nose...

39) squeeze yourself into a microwave (and don't forget to turn it on [duh!])

40) listen to E.F. Hutton

41) leap off a 20 story building onto a sharpened steel sewage grating

42) sleep at the bottom of an elevator shaft

43) stick your hand ,or foot if desired, in a food processor

44) get your ear caught in the spokes of your bike while riding down a hill

45) stick your hand in a paper shredder

46) have your car compacted at a junkyard, and give the guy a buck to let you
sleep in it

47) sit on a scorpion

48) get your head caught in a beehive

49) sleep in your washing machine (or dryer for extra fluffyness)

50) loose the only key to your father's brand new Rolls Royce

51) sleigh ride off your roof

52) straddle a 'No Parking' sign

53) drink a gallon of gasoline and have some tabasco sauce

54) fall asleep at the bottom of a garbage incinerator [you know, the shutes
you throw the garbage down if you live in a high rise]

55) skydive into an exploding volcano (if you live through this, contact me
on the Circus BBS 201-592-0456)

56) cement yourself into the middle of a highway

57) volunteer to be a subway brake

58) light a smoke bomb and swallow.!$%&*!^%*#&$*?%!@.?

59) drag yourself along the road, hanging on the back of a Mack truck

60) wait at the bottom of the Empire State Building while your friend drops a
spear off the top, straight through the center of your head (and the rest of

61) glue yourself to the way bottom of an ocean liner [while it's going]...

62) lounge in a pool obNasoline and light that big fat cigar in your mouth

63) climb up the telefone pole and lick the electric wires

64) look in the mirror [ha ha! just kiddin'!]

65) go to Russia

66) slingshot yourself into the Sun [not quite..]

67) put some iodine crystals in a whoopy cushion - sit on it!

68) volunteer to be a nuclear warhead

69) <- eat your girlfriend out when she uses a sulfuric acid douche

70) eat a piece of Uranium

71) lick a scientist's chemical lab table before he cleans up!

72) get your nose caught in an exhaust pipe while the car is running

73) go swimming while wearing Mr.T's heavy jewelery around thy neck

74) run a razor blade down the middle of your face!

75) take a chainsaw, cut your head into thirds

76) get caught on the nose of the Concorde

77) in your science class, turn on all the gas outlets, light a match

78) get drunk and be processed through a doughnut molding factory

79) volunteer to rent out your head as a soccer ball

80) eat your school cafeteria's poison of the day

81) slurp nuclear waste

82) stab yourself in 100 (and 1) places

83) try to swallow a (King) Cobra

84) get your arm caught in the wheel of a train

85) your running 40 m.p.h. - your foot katches onto a bloody sewage grating

- you trip and fall - 40 m.p.h. - on your face!

86) bend both your knees and elbows - backwards! [snap!]

87) ski off a cliff

88) shuv a pipebomb up your ass

89) fart and smell up a crowded elevator [watch the reaction!] - announce
that you let it go - kiss your ass goodbye!

90) cut your circulation off with a giant Band-Aid (tm)

91) mail yourself to the smallest P.O. box in the country

92) pick a fight with Sylvester Stallone

93) try to catch a Roadrunner

94) beat the shit out of yourself [take a spaz!]

95) you take a final relaxing dip in a pool of gasoline - you hang yourself
from a branch of a tree - light the bonfire under you!

96) tie each of your ankles to the bumper of 2 cars and let them back out
in different directions - Slowly!

97) go to your local deli and by mistake put your best hand on the meat
slicer, and of course turn it on - press down firmly as the slices of your hand
fall neatly into the palm of the other hand

98) try writing this G-Phile

99) put it this way - commit suicide!

100) Do all of the above [in order!]

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:45 AM

Here are some other fun ways to die:

Hanging Yourself From A Sidewalk Curb!

Decapitation By Way Of HBO!

Water-And-Cayenne-Pepper Concoction Overdose!

Eardrum Explosion Via Upped Bass On Godsmack Song!

Spontaneous Combustion During A Graduation Speech!

Eaten By A Venetian Blind!

Dissection By Ian McKellen's Cold, Steel-Blue Eyes!

Eye Strain! And A Lot Of It!

Two Words: Intramural Whaling!

Pushing Your Roommate To The Brink Of Insanity Then Screwing His Brother With The Koran!

Forgetting The Function Of The Conjunction!

Traveling A Thousand Miles To Destroy An Evil Ring By Throwing It In The Volcano Of Mount Doom Like Tom Hanks In "Joe VS. The Volcano" But Instead Of It Throwing You Out Unrealistically Like The Movie The Lava Instantly Eats Through Your Searing Skin And Corrodes Your Bones As Your Last Thought Of Realized Foolishness Is Burned Away Like So Many Botched Microwave Popcorn Attempts!

Stabbing Yourself With A Ked!

Dressing Up Like The Joker And Challenging Everyone In Spanish Harlem To A Dick-Size Contest!

Tripping Onto Howard Stern's Nose!

Starve In Front Of The Hostess Foods Inc. Headquarters!

Three Words: Really Old Age!

Finger Infections On A Universal Scale!

Dying Twice (If You Can Manage It Somehow)!

Vicadin Mixed With Flamethrower!

Nine Words: Rickets Rickets Rickets Rickets Rickets Rickets Rickets Rickets Rickets!

Carpel Tunnel Of The Cerebral Lobe!

Swallowing Niagra Falls!

Electrocution By Way Of Swallowing Niagra Falls And A Plugged-In Toaster!

Carbonating Your Own Blood At A PepsiCo Tour!

Tiki Torch Deathmatch Against Your Boss And His Favorite Middle-Aged Celebrity!

9,000 Orgasms!

Dying Three Times (If You Can Manage Two Times, This Should Be A Piece Of Cake)!

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:46 AM

Eating styrofoam [expands and bursts your stomach.]

Drinking bleach [corrodes your insides, burns your organs to pieces.]

Jumping in front of a fast moving object [trains are good for this.]

Blocking all the ventiliation and turning your carbon monoxide oven onto full [absorbs oxygen and slowly drowns you]

Taking barbituates after placing a plastic bag around your head [sends you to sleep and the bag then causes you to asphyxiate]

Drinking so heavily you pass out, spew in your sleep and choke on it [a la Hendrix]

Have someone wrench your heart directly from your chest with a crowbar.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:47 AM

Jesus Christ died for our sins,
And if you don`t sin,
Then he died for nothing.
Do it for Jesus

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:48 AM

Try leaving Iraq towards kuwait during the gulf scramble that was issued.

Dress up as an elephant in noel edmonds back yard

Ask Ian Huntley to give you a bath.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:48 AM

I think the best way to kill yourself, was done by someone who I knew.

He hung himself outside his house which was right next to the main street the night before halloween. He hung there for 4 days before people wondered why the halloween decoration was still there and checked it out.

Nearly everyone in the town had seen it and had remarked on how awesomely real it looked.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:49 AM

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.

Whoever cannot take care of themself without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I Live, I will kill you, If I Die, You are forgiven."

Such is the Rule of Honor.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:49 AM

I ate all the pills in my medicine cabinet and a bottle of whiskey and all i got was the stupid effin nurses telling me why i had so much to live for...i was pissed i will have to try another one on that list up there. oh and wrist cutting doesn't work either i cut pretty deep then passed out.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:49 AM

10) Bungee jumping tied to a concrete block.
9) Soak your clothes in gasoline and then walk through the company's Smoking Area.
8) Try to jump across the Grand Canyon on a motorized scooter.
7) Move during the Knife Throwing portion of the Magician's act.
6) Jumping into a vat of beer at the Anheuser-Busch brewery.
5) Rollerblading onto a Nascar Race Track during a race.
4) Rolling in an office chair down a hill into oncoming traffic.
3) Sliding naked on a SlipNSlide that has glass all the way down it.
2) Wearing a "KLAN RULES" T-Shirt into South Central Los Angeles (Wait...that belongs on the How to Get Yourself Killed List).
1) Listen to MMMBOP on your stereo headphones until your ears bleed!

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:50 AM

  1. Gas yourself to death with Mother’s hairspray. If she tries to stop you halfway through, spray it directly into her face and continue on as normal.
  2. Go outside and find a large rock. Now run a hot bath. Bring the rock with you into the bath and use it as a sponge. Don’t stop until all of your skin’s been eroded (you’ll lose consciousness a long time before this point).
  3. Turn up at a Nazi meeting, dressed as your grandmother, draped in an Israeli flag. Make a pass at the first skinhead you see. If he doesn’t acknowledge you, dance over to his genitals and kiss him on the balls.
  4. Go on a hunger strike and lock yourself in the cupboard. If anyone tries to rescue you, threaten to ring the police.
  5. Visit your local zoo, strip naked, scale the fencing to the tiger enclosure and go for a piggy back on the alpha male.
  6. Go and see Coldplay play. Your heart is bound to stop from abject misery 20 minutes into the set. Even before they get to ‘Yellow’.
  7. Lie on the freeway with a massive notice by you with the message ‘The first person to run me over, wins $20,000″. Be sure to write down your parent’s phone number down, clearly in big characters.
  8. Arrange a meetup with ANYONE from Dark Starlings. The member-base is solely comprised of serial killers and cock-doctors.
  9. Run into your nearest military base draped in the Iraq flag. If this doesn’t get you shot, ask for the sergeant and call him an unpatriotic, commie, horse lover.
  10. Fly to Tennessee with your girlfriend/boyfriend, enter a bar and announce that your lover isn’t a relative.
  11. Buy a bottle of vodka, pour all it into a tall container, break the bottle over your own head and pour all of the broken glass and blood into the vodka. Drink and bleed until the lights go out.
  12. Eat at McDonalds for a year, crap into a black bag and at the end of it all, ingest the contents of the bag. If your body hasn’t already went into toxic shock after 6 months of the diet, you are Satan and therefore invincible. I recommend placing the bag over your head, travelling down to Houston, Texas, once there announcing you’re the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
  13. Arrange for Michael Moore to squat and fart on your face.
  14. Join the US military before the troops withdraw from Iraq. You’ve got to be quick as this is imminent! Once you make it out to Iraq, dress up as the Statue of Liberty and stand as still as possible just like one of those street performers. Ask one of your colleagues to write “If Allah was real, you’d shoot me in the balls!” in capital letters (preferably in Iraqi).
  15. Clean your asshole with a hedgehog twice a day for a year. Beware, this is a slowwww, painful way to die.
  16. Go to your local water supply dressed as Osama Bin Laden, ring 911 and tell the authorities that you’re about to take a crap in the water supply. Wait until the swat team arrive and lunge wildly at the tallest one there.
  17. Lock a boa constrictor in your neighbours mail box, sneak out at night and taunt the snake by waving your ass in at it.
  18. Drive to a forest outside Mountain Hat in Canada dressed solely in a jacket made of ham. Do not move until the bears arrive.
  19. Buy 500 rolls of black lipstick and eat them all over an hour long period. Refrain from vomiting or calling the emergency services and you should die within the next 96 hours.
  20. Masturbate to this picture of Condoleezza Rice for 24 hours straight without cumming. After the 24th hour your heart will explode out of principle.
  21. Change your name officially to Jesus Christ, move to Houston, Texas and wear a pink toga with the words “I’m A Queer, Darling!” scrawled on it in black ink. Dance into the nearest Baptist Church and scream “The Rapture Cometh” before masturbating furiously in front of the minister. God will strike you down before your balls explode. Either that or one of the old ladies at the front will gouge your eyes out with a pen.
  22. Put your head in a microwave and get a friend to repeatedly slam your head shut in the oven with the door. Inform them that they must not stop no matter how much you scream.
  23. Eat “Kraft Dinner” for every single meal for the next decade. By 25, your arteries will be that saturated with fat that your heart will explode.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:51 AM

If you are seeking easy ways to kill yourself, do not do it. The pain you are feeling is understandable but changing. We all get to a point, if we are honest, where we feel that maybe we cannot go on any more. The pressures and disappointments of this life can leave you empty.
When you are emptied of everything that you have to give this is the point where you may want to stop living. Things may not have worked out the way you thought they would, everything has gone wrong. You do not like yourself very much; this is the point where living does not make much sense to you. You may be feeling why should you go on. The answer is that when you are emptied you see the world through a lie. It seems that nothing could change the situation that you are in but that is a lie. Life changes every second nothing stays the same, your body is changing right now but you do not even realize it. Each second is a new revelation. If you are seeking easy ways to kill yourself you believed the lie that things do not change. Everything changes nothing in the universe does not have a movement in it. Amazingly even your bad situation is changing right now it is just that you cannot see it.
It may seem hopeless but this is also a lie, there is always hope if you give it a little time.
You have been emptied by these world disappointments but you can be filled again. The lie is a bad life or situation will not and cannot get better. You need to fill back and be healed. Medication can help but do not stop there you can go further and heal. If you need to do take medication or call a suicide hotline if this is an emergency. There is also good news if you are seeking suicide help. There is an answer to this problem that goes beyond the traditional methods of medication and therapy that has been helping those who need suicide help. It is a deeper root revelation that has been helping and curing the suicidal. You will learn why you are suicidal. It is basically deep rooted revealing that opens you to the real reason why you have suicide thoughts. If you are seeking easy ways to kill yourself you must get help fast. Do not play with this feeling, there is a new way that is scientifically proven to stop the bad thoughts.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:52 AM

What are quick painless ways to kill yourself?

i have to do research on it for an essay. list serious ways though because my teacher said that he'll take points off for jokes.
  • 6 months ago
Additional Details

"hmm i dont think this is for a essay i dont think anyone should anwser somehow i would feel bad if u killed urself over advice i gave"
it wouldn't matter either way. IF it wasn't for an essay i'd do it anyway even if no one gave advice, but thats only IF it wasn't for an essay..

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:53 AM

As a Ordained Minister i am here to let you know about A True Painless Method of Suicide (Easiest and Simplest Painless Suicide Method)-最簡單﹐最容易﹐無痛的自殺方法

How to Commit Suicide (A Painless Suicide)

Are you looking for a painless method to end your life; a quick way to commit suicide; and/or a clean way to die? If so, you have come to the right place!

1) Methods like slitting wrists, cutting throat, poisons, suffocation, jumping off a cliff or tall building are not painless methods of suicide. Not even inhaling carbon monoxide. Why?

Because the real pain comes after death, being burnt eternally in hell. The Bible teaches that all nonbelievers are destined for hell. Most people misunderstood that once a person dies, that's the end of life. This is not true. All non-believers will be resurrected in the last days (Dan 12:2, Acts 24:15, John 5:28, 29) and punished by burning in hell eternally (Matthew 25:46). A true believer does not commit suicide for humans were made in God's image, thus God disapproves suicide

2) True Painless Death- Would it be nice to put your life behind you, and start all over again? Would it be nice to start with a clean slate?

When we put our faith in God, and accept Christ as our savior (Acts 4:12), we become a new person ( 2 Corin 5:17, Roman 6:4-5). All your sins and transgressions are forgiven. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (to die for our sins), that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

3) How to Be Born Again and be a New Person-

The Bible teaches that 'if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from death, you will be saved (Romans 10:9) that whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame (Romans 10:11).

To a non-Christian, it may seem that Christianity is condemning him or her, by saying that the only way to be saved is to embrace Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). However, before you come to this conclusion, please realize what Christ had done for you. He died for your sins as well as mine through a torturous death so that we can be saved. Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with God. The following are a few facts about Christianity
1) It is the only 'religion' that God comes to you (Christ came and died for our sins), instead you trying to reach God by being good enough
2) It is the only 'religion' that you are accepted not because of how good you are, but what Christ had done on the cross. All you have to do is to repent from your sins and accept Him
3) It is the only fair 'religion' that both the love and judgment of God are served, with Christ dying for our sins! (sins have to be punished - Judgment, but the punishment was bore by Christ instead of us - Love)

If you have decided to accept Christ, would you let us know so that we can pray for you?

Important: People who are suicidal may have serious depression and / or chemical imbalance that need immediate professional attention. Please contact your physician as well as other professionals listed below immediately.
American Academy of Pediatrics
141 Northwest Point Boulevard
P.O. Box 927
Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007

American Association of Suicidology
2459 South Ash Street
Denver, Colorado 80222

National Committee of Youth Suicide Prevention
666 Fifth Avenue, 13th Floor
New York, New York 10103
(212) 957-9292

National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association
P.O. Box 753
Northbrook, Illinois 60062

National Suicide Hotline

Jesus Christ

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:53 AM

Pills aren't painless no matter what anyone says.
I took 96 aspirin and the doctor told me that it would have taken two more days of excruciating pain to actually rid myself than the three hours I sat through.
Afterwards they pumped my stomach and I could only drink LiquidCharcoal.
Drinking the LiquidCharcoa was the worst part.

Hanging yourself isn't as painless as you think it would be.
You'd have to hang a loose noose around your neck and jump from a very high distance to break your neck.
And even then there is no garuntee that it will kill you immediately.
Just kicking over the stool leaves you to suffocate and creates a nasty scratch if someone cuts you down in time, and trust me there will be time.

Slitting your wrists hurts more than I can describe.
And if you don't remember down the street not across the road, well you're just going to be in a lot of pain.
And your blood flow may not be fast enough for it to even kill you in a hour.

Overdosing feels like the best and worst high of your life.
Depends on how close you are to dying as to when the best starts.
Or if it even does start at all.

Fire, just ouch.

I can't think of a painless way. Sorry.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:54 AM

– Suicide isn’t the goal society or your parents had hoped for you, but you’ve set the bar because you can think independently and have enough self-confidence to believe in your decision. My opinion though, is that suicide isn’t the best way to die. My preferred method of execution is either old age, or being taxed to death, generously and patriotically supporting the needs of your community and your country. Because you have little time remaining, allow me to give you a friendly tip to save you some of that precious time. Suicide is severely similar to murder. If this how-to document doesn’t give you the answers you’re seeking, don’t spend your time Googling “painless ways to commit murder.” Murderers are an ill-bred lot who are unlikely to be concerned about the amount of pain they inflict on their victims. Generally speaking, they lack the typing skills necessary to create web pages due to their possession of itchy trigger-fingers, hands cramping from clutching knives too tightly, or suffering of pulled muscles caused by throwing murder weapons into rivers.
A good method of implementing your imminent demise is to make yourself a target of assassination. Choosing this technique, you’ll avoid the nuisance involved with having to obtain any tools which would otherwise be required. In addition to that benefit, opting to permit capable, professional assassins to plan the details and logistics in matters regarding the imposition of death is often a wise decision.
Begin investigating high-profile politicians. Conduct your research through legal channels, please (I can’t be held responsible for what you do or what I write). You’ll need to look for something hidden, some skeleton not yet released for public viewing, something for which they haven’t yet been caught or apologized. Common things for which to look: sex-related or money-related activities, illegal drugs or illegally-obtained pharmaceuticals, something to do with toilets and honey, or how well their pastor conducts religious services.
If viable blackmail material can’t be discovered, consider bluffing. Call your Congressperson; inform him or her that you’re a registered voter, and that you’ve recently acquired evidence of who conspired in the assassination plot of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Within sixty seconds your doorbell will ring.
From that moment, you’ll have approximately three seconds to decide whether to proceed with your plan or jump through the nearest window. If you live on or above the second floor, emergency egress through your window is not the best choice in your current medical condition, however, it will provide a better chance of surviving than answering the door carrying a friendly and hospitable demeanor. To elaborate – your surprise guests haven’t come from the high school loaded with candy bars to sell.
There really are no truly painless ways to commit suicide. After you kill yourself, people who knew and loved you will live on in pain. One may argue that because they’d be experiencing emotional pain, suicide would be physically painless, however, I believe that to be a weak argument. If, on the other hand, you feel everyone hates you, I hope you found this handy survival guide informative, and that it helps you kill yourself in a pleasant and joyful manner. Don’t forget to hit the light switch, power down your computer, and visit your friends, family, bank, employer, doctor, and your local law enforcement agency to say goodbye.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:54 AM

IS IT distressing to experience consciousness slipping away or something people can accept with equanimity? Are there any surprises in store as our existence draws to a close? These are questions that have plagued philosophers and scientists for centuries, and chances are you've pondered them too occasionally. None of us can know the answers for sure until our own time comes, but the few individuals who have their brush with death interrupted by a last-minute reprieve can offer some intriguing insights. Advances in medical science, too, have led to a better understanding of what goes on as the body gives up the ghost.
Death comes in many guises, but one way or another it is usually a lack of oxygen to the brain that delivers the coup de grâce. Whether as a result of a heart attack, drowning or suffocation, for example, people ultimately die because their neurons are deprived of oxygen, leading to cessation of electrical activity in the brain - the modern definition of biological death.
If the flow of freshly oxygenated blood to the brain is stopped, through whatever mechanism, people tend to have about 10 seconds before losing consciousness. They may take many more minutes to die, though, with the exact mode of death affecting the subtleties of the final experience. If you can take the grisly details, read on for a brief guide to the many and varied ways death can suddenly strike.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:55 AM


Okay, that's enough of that!

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:56 AM

some cool things I found out today:

EGM is back!

Polysics new album in September!

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:58 AM

so the last time i was on here, i saw a post that i could have been from me.. so i asked him if he had been on lately and he said no. and hes like why? and i told him cuz i saw a post i was hoping was from him. and he made me read it to him. so i did. and he was like yeah, that wasnt me. and i go yeah, prolly something you wouldnt say huh? and he goes yeah, thats why i dont go on anymore.. i get let down too much too. i was like, ouch.
so i havnt been on since then.
and now im on here, and it made me think of that
and well, now im sad. =/
bye group hug. im leaving this site again for a while.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:59 AM

I’ve been carrying this baggage all day. There are things we should talk about, like how you still don’t respect my request that you not bring up your exes while we’re naked. You’re such a great boyfriend, except for this one thing. I don’t want to seem jealous or insecure, but it eats away at me.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:59 AM

People think of me as this really sweet, intelligent, caring girl, but really I am a total slut. My boyfriend and I are planning on having a threesome and I cannot wait!! I’ve never slept with anyone else before.. I am a really sexual person and I’m glad my boyfriend is too.. I can’t stand sweet guys because I love my men to be manly.. and I love that he worships me. I know it sounds incompatible for a guy to be manly with you, yet still worship you in every way.. physically and emotionally.. Trust me, it’s possible.
My confession is that even though I seem really sweet, shy, reserved, and intelligent.. don’t be fooled. I may read Neitzsche, Descartes, Locke, and all that other great stuff, but it doesn’t mean I’m not a total slut in bed. I think my boyfriend is lucky to have me sexually, because I’m not a real slut, it’s all for him ;)

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:59 AM

Dude if you think I’m in love with your girlfriend, you are gravely mistaken. i’m just her friend and I care about her!

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 12:59 AM

I am hereby finished with promiscuous sex, with drinking, with all manner of drugs, and with any and all self-destructive behaviors.
I have promised myself that I will find what I am looking for - REAL love - before engaging in any kind of sexual relations again.
And until that day, my heart and body belong to God. I have just recaptured my faith and, in spite of what my liberal, atheist, self-righteous friends would have to say about it, reading the Bible suddenly makes me happier than I have felt in years.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:00 AM

you are a piece of shit and i don’t understand why anyone likes you. you have an old weathered face, and a terrible attitude. it’s a wonder why anyone hangs out with you at all. you are all excuses, and shitty excuses at that. maybe we’d like you more if you stopped trying to make the entire world feel sorry for you. you are right. you probably will never get married or have children. the world is better off that way.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:00 AM

I love you, but at the same time I hope you get your shit together.. because I just don’t think we can get married unless you finish school. You’re so intelligent, and it’s not your fault at all for the predicament your parents placed you in, but still… I hope you get the ball rolling soon because I’m going to be a junior next year, and then onto law school..
I know the plan was all along that we would marry after we finished school, but I’m worried you won’t be in school until much later.. I hate myself for feeling like that, especially because it is already so tough on you..
Ugh, I mean, obviously I want things to work out for your sake, but there’s that part of me I never express that wants things to work out solely for selfish reasons.
I actually.. may end up graduating in 5 years because of this.. well I mean, I probably will graduate in 5 years instead of 4 simply because I am double-majoring and I fucked up a semester, but also because.. then it will give you more time and you won’t feel as bad..?
I don’t want to bring down your manhood. I know how hard it is for you to visit me on campus knowing you could have went to Yale or Juliard easily had it not been for finances.
God, the system is so fucked up.
Please, let things work out so we can be happy together and I won’t feel like I’m on a train leaving you behind on a platform.. I fucking love you and I want to marry you!

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:01 AM

I take that back. I could have wrote this one:
“…I know you will never say anything to me. I just can’t help but wonder what is it, exactly, that you’re thinking when you’re speaking to me. Your eyes seem to say things your mouth won’t let you.”

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:01 AM

“I have something to tell you…”
“…I don’t think this is right for me. I want to be, I need to be, studying photography.”
“…I could write volumes upon volumes of my sheer hatred for you. The amount of cruelty, abuse, humiliation, and heartbreak that I’ve endured while with you will never completely leave me. You disgust me.”
“…I know you will never say anything to me. I just can’t help but wonder what is it, exactly, that you’re thinking when you’re speaking to me. Your eyes seem to say things your mouth won’t let you.”
“…I’m sorry for how I have been lately. You truly are a wonderful person and I can see my life with you and your family. Please be patient with me while I sort my mind out. I know you will, but I shouldn’t assume so. I do love you, I’m not entirely sure why I’m holding it back all of a sudden. Just know how much I love you beneath all the madness.”
“…I’m not convinced he’s the man for you. Please don’t marry him.”
“…I really was a bratty child and teenager. You have done nothing but love me and bail me out every single time. I’m sorry, please forgive me.”

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:02 AM

hate that I love you, because I’m with someone who is so good for me, and I love him too. But I can’t help but think about you sometimes, and I miss you so much, and I know we’d make a great couple and we’d be almost perfect for each other, but I don’t want to risk breaking up with him and then going through the same bullshit I went through with you 2 years ago, and have nothing left. It just pisses me off so much because you’ve changed so much since 2 years ago, and you’ve become such a wonderful person, and it’s so hard for me to not imagine my life with you. I know you understand and you want me to stay with my boyfriend, and I know that it hurts you when I talk about him or even when the topic of him comes up, because I know you love me too, but I have to talk about him with you, otherwise I feel like I’m cheating on him. I want to talk about him with you because it makes me think about him and about why I love him so much and why he’s so perfect for me. I can’t not love you, it’s impossible for me to not love you, because there are things about you that he doesn’t have, and there are things that I love about you that I don’t love about him, but the point is that I’m with him now, and I’ve been with him for over a year, and I love him so much and I want a life with him, and I’m certain about him, but I’m not certain about you. You change your mind a lot, and you make spontaneous decisions, and as much as I love that about you, I can’t spend my whole life on spur-of-the-moment choices. I know how much of a big deal it is for you to tell someone you love them, and I know it was a really big deal for you to tell me, but if you had realized you loved me sooner (because I always knew you did), I would never have gotten together with him. And I hate myself for thinking that.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:02 AM

Last night when we were standing by my car, you smoking a cigarette, me leaning back to look at the stars…
I caught you watching me.
‘Nothing… Just thinking…’
I went back to looking at the stars without asking what you were thinking about.
But I wanted to know.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:03 AM

i’m talking to this adorable, sweet guy .. who has a girlfriend .. who my best friend has a crush on. i know he wants me, but i’m really not that into him. i feel like leading him on just to feel superior to the other girls. i know how wrong that is, but it’s a self esteem boost i rarely get.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:03 AM

I’m more miserable with you then I am with out you, but I want to be with you so much, want this to work so badly, that I’m just suffering.
I’m depressed. I’m the most alone that I’ve ever been, and I can’t say anything to anyone, because I know what they will say. And I don’t want to leave you.
I wish the world would just swallow me whole, because the pure nothingness that that would entail would feel infinitely better then this.
I am alone, and I am depressed, because I have the one thing I’ve always wanted. You.
I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know if being with you is worth this much pain.
I’m sorry.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:03 AM

I think, just maybe, that I’m depressed. I have random bouts of sadness, have cried myself to sleep off and on for months, and feel generally hollow inside. But my life is the best it has ever been. I should feel alive, blessed, and thankful. I try to act like I’m on top of the world. And I can’t tell anyone I’m falling from grace because it’d either hurt them, or they’d call me dumb because it is dumb….. =/

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:04 AM

Im not the one needing another chance. I thought you were a smart girl. That problem you have dont worry it will go away one day. It may be years from now and with no warning so be ready its painful.
Adieu to you both
I didn’t write that! I want you two to stay together, I am happy for him if he is happy with you. As long as he is happy. That is all. I will never ever do anything about what I am feeling as long as you two are together. I promise you that.
But, there is nothing I can do about the times our eyes meet. That just happens. And I will continue to be his friend (without benefits) and hopefully your friend too.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:04 AM

I’m so happy I found you, that we don’t hate each other anymore. You’re an amazing girl and I am so lucky you’re mine. I love you with all I have and I just want you to see that, I do. I know sometimes I don’t act like it, and I fuck up a lot but you’ve helped me so much. You really are a true hero, and you have saved me more than once.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:04 AM

I am hungry. I am going to make Ramen Noodles. I will then be full. Please God forgive me.

atsonicpark 07.03.2009 01:05 AM

I have a positive pregnancy test in eye-view.

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