SuchFriendsAreDangerous |
06.10.2015 09:24 PM |
I never thought she is a moron, just a self destructive bitch. But i think kurt admired it about her.. after all, she is the business mastermind behind all the legal scheming and scandal that has surrounded Nirvana since she first realized they would be a more successful band than hole and yet kurt wasn't that into the business side of music. She essentially became his cut throat dickhead manager, the kind Kurt himself made fun of once when talking about the rock and roll machine, "ok people get back, we need a straight line to the van." Kurt i think adored people liking his band and music, i think he also liked all his money, but im under the impression he wasn't fond of the mechanics and backroom dealing that makes that money, where as then and now its clear Courtney is a master shark and "suit"