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al shabbray 08.09.2008 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by uhler
the mccarren park show will be my first time.

prepare for one of the best shows you can get!

thesilverrocket 08.10.2008 09:21 AM

it's interesting that some of the people with hundreds, some with thousands of posts on this board yet they've only seen SY live once or twice. I think that's pretty rad.

Yes, rad. over and out.

atsonicpark 08.10.2008 09:23 AM

Do what?

This Is Not Here 08.10.2008 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by thesilverrocket
it's interesting that some of the people with hundreds, some with thousands of posts on this board yet they've only seen SY live once or twice. I think that's pretty rad.

Yes, rad. over and out.

I've never seen them live dammit, never! And it is many things, but rad is not one of them.

Poor Immigrant 08.11.2008 03:01 AM

Once. Saw them at the Way out West festival on Friday. 'twas amazing!

Trasher02 08.11.2008 03:15 AM

I've seen them 3 times and I've seen Lee's Drift performance which was cool.

al shabbray 08.11.2008 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
I've seen them 3 times and I've seen Lee's Drift performance which was cool.

was it different to the dvd? or did they recreate that?
must have been great

screamingskull 08.11.2008 06:09 AM

three times, once in 2004, twice in 2007

Derek 08.11.2008 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by thesilverrocket
it's interesting that some of the people with hundreds, some with thousands of posts on this board yet they've only seen SY live once or twice. I think that's pretty rad.

Yes, rad. over and out.

Yes because you aren't a true fan if you haven't seen them live more than 5 times.

MellySingsDoom 08.11.2008 07:35 AM

I saw them once at The Forum in April 1995. They were boring, and also were blown off stage by the support band (Descension).

Pookie 08.11.2008 07:40 AM


1986 (supporting JAMC)
1991 (Reading Festival)

thesilverrocket 08.11.2008 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Yes because you aren't a true fan if you haven't seen them live more than 5 times.

I hope that's not what I sounded like with my post. I'm just saying it's cool that people are so into a band they've (possibly) never seen perform live. SYs shows are quite a different experience than studio AND live recordings.

Anyhow, each show is unique, like each venue. Go to the show.

Torn Curtain 08.12.2008 06:20 AM

SY - one time (St Nazaire last Saturday) + Two dollar guitar with Steve on drums quite a few years ago.

shentov 08.14.2008 04:31 AM

once, on the Nurse tour. the Istanbul show.
and i saw them backstage and they were uber kool and signed my shit and took pictures w/ me, it was awesome.

but a SY fiend wants more.

al shabbray 08.14.2008 05:32 AM

why were you backtage?

shentov 08.14.2008 09:30 AM

because i'm cool

_slavo_ 08.14.2008 10:01 AM

they signed your shit.
that's so cool.

al shabbray 08.14.2008 10:42 AM

how did you safed it from drying out?

shentov 08.15.2008 01:45 AM

it's simple. my shit is cool too.

pedestrian 08.15.2008 10:09 AM

Growing up in Nashville, TN, moving to Charleston, SC, and then Norfolk, VA, has really limited my opportunities as compared to those on the Southeast. But I've made a few minor road trips to see them. Since 1995 I've been to 11 shows. Not one of those from 1996-1999 - they were hard to catch for a while. I've found that I really enjoy the evolution and maturity of their output over the years and think they get better everytime. But that's just me.

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