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EVOLghost 11.25.2008 09:43 AM

w00t DL at 87% and stillk hasnt moved. How awesome is that! WTF this damn installation is taking forever! Did anyone else upgrade online?

floatingslowly 11.25.2008 10:00 AM

try turning off yr firewall...they hate the blizz background downloader (make sure you have WoW and blizzard dl'er "allowed" under yr firewall exceptions). routers can also play hell on it.

are you downloading a patch or the expansion itself?

patches can be found on mirrors that don't get cock-blocked.

EVOLghost 11.25.2008 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
try turning off yr firewall...they hate the blizz background downloader (make sure you have WoW and blizzard dl'er "allowed" under yr firewall exceptions). routers can also play hell on it.

are you downloading a patch or the expansion itself?

patches can be found on mirrors that don't get cock-blocked.

The expansion itself. I got it running again...I stopped it and restarted the thing again. I'm at school and it's kind of cool seeing this shit dl at 1mb/s. But yeah. You have any links for the patches post.WotLK? I'm not sure which ones I need. I did indeed open up the ports for the WoW Installer.

floatingslowly 11.25.2008 10:15 AM

of course, use the "us" one. :p

after I installed from the disc I had a 340mb monster to download. not sure which patch that was. there was a smaller one (about 30mb) after that was finished. you should be able to look in yr WoW directory and see which patch you have. once you download, just double-click and it will self-install.

last night was "oh, hey, let's gank ghidrah" night. the results:

me vs. 75 pally and 74 hunter: them
me vs. 73 shammy: ME
me vs. 71 hunter: ME
me vs. 70 death knight: ME

those poor bastards JUST DIDN'T KNOW.

EVOLghost 11.25.2008 10:18 AM

What level are you now?

floatingslowly 11.25.2008 10:24 AM

71 1/2! I should hit 72 tonite.

EVOLghost 11.25.2008 04:41 PM

I think I will be staying on Deathwing.

phoenix 11.25.2008 05:42 PM

does that mean joo wont play with us? :(

phoenix 11.25.2008 05:43 PM

jakeonguitar started over.. you should :P I'm happy to come and hang out for a while if you get really pissy lvl low.. : /

phoenix 11.25.2008 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

me vs. 75 pally and 74 hunter: them.


EVOLghost 11.25.2008 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
does that mean joo wont play with us? :(

Maybe, if I do I have to convince my cousin to join me in joining you guys.

phoenix 11.25.2008 09:13 PM

dooo it.

✌➬ 11.25.2008 09:54 PM

WOW I am bored.

phoenix 11.25.2008 10:45 PM

play some wow

EVOLghost 11.25.2008 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
dooo it.

heh. I'll try.

But chea....3 days upgrading this stupid thing and still no expansion. So I'm now finally talking to someone about my installation problem. I'm was on hold for an hour!!!! GAH! but chea. Still haven't logged on my own damn comp. Gah this is pissin' me off.

phoenix 11.25.2008 11:41 PM

The tech guys are really sweet tho. or maybe that was just because I was a female from another country playin wow. I dunno. But I had to call earlier this year because I hadnt logged on in almost 2 yrs since I first bought the game.. and I couldnt remember what my username was. :confused: They were helpful in no time.

EVOLghost 11.26.2008 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
The tech guys are really sweet tho. or maybe that was just because I was a female from another country playin wow. I dunno. But I had to call earlier this year because I hadnt logged on in almost 2 yrs since I first bought the game.. and I couldnt remember what my username was. :confused: They were helpful in no time.

Yeah the guy was really nice, though, my installer still doesn't work. I sent the guy an e-mail and...well....I'm hoping I get a reply before I get back from work. I have to drive 6 hours all over the state of Illinois and also unload everything at stupid restaurants. Heh.....

floatingslowly 11.26.2008 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
I think I will be staying on Deathwing.

awww that sucks, but I don't blame you. without being able to transfer, I wouldn't want to have to reroll.

if you change yr mind, you can always make a deathknight. starting at 55 isn't so bad.

EVOLghost 11.27.2008 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
awww that sucks, but I don't blame you. without being able to transfer, I wouldn't want to have to reroll.

if you change yr mind, you can always make a deathknight. starting at 55 isn't so bad.


floatingslowly 11.27.2008 10:24 PM

the free transfer was just renewed for Laughing Skull to Drak'Tharon until Monday (I'm still half-way considering it).

I didn't see Deathwing on the list of free transfers though...

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