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phoenix 02.24.2010 10:36 PM

ok, because you were appologising and one would therefore infer I dislike your rants.

I miss demanding that you read science magazines at me over aimchat. Or tell me about random theories that inerest you. You've no idea.

phoenix 02.24.2010 10:38 PM

while we're on subject, I'd like track #7 on my mixtape to be a selection of interesting space travel related articles from the past 6 months and or opinions on them.

the only problem is there would be no conversational element to it, so I'd miss out on the ".. uh, YAH. AND.." 's and so on.

floatingslowly 02.24.2010 10:40 PM

yeah, I'm chock full o' random theories. hah

and like Hawking, I have a morbid fascination with entropy.

nothing sweeter than wasted talent.

floatingslowly 02.24.2010 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
while we're on subject, I'd like track #7 on my mixtape to be a selection of interesting space travel related articles from the past 6 months and or opinions on them.

the only problem is there would be no conversational element to it, so I'd miss out on the ".. uh, YAH. AND.." 's and so on.

oh god no!!! it's near perfect now. there are complex algorithms involved. my okie dissonance would ruin it.

phoenix 02.24.2010 10:45 PM

uh, NEOOoH it would NOT.

floatingslowly 02.24.2010 10:46 PM

yank wank seppo tank.

phoenix 02.24.2010 10:47 PM


Sonic Youth 37 02.24.2010 10:51 PM


"Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?"

floatingslowly 02.24.2010 10:53 PM

there's a wash- in there, but I prefer Texafornian.

phoenix 02.24.2010 10:53 PM

I think I have some weird fascination with voices/accents.

I used to demand alastair(glasgow) read me literature from his coursework.

It's far less work to get you to rant though.

floatingslowly 02.24.2010 10:59 PM

I'm really less into ranting these days. I internalize it all. besides, nobody cares. the boy might, but he's smarter than I am, so I don't wish to corrupt his mind.

these days, it's all about encoding cryptic messages, setting them out to vibrate and waiting to rot.

phoenix 02.24.2010 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm really less into ranting these days. I internalize it all. besides, nobody cares. the boy might, but he's smarter than I am, so I don't wish to corrupt his mind.

these days, it's all about encoding cryptic messages, setting them out to vibrate and waiting to rot.

pls to be opening port 2258 so I can punch you.

Pookie 02.25.2010 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix

You win first prize, a poem.

phoenix 02.26.2010 07:14 AM

you are a strange one.

Pookie 02.26.2010 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
you are a strange one


Originally Posted by phoenix
I think I have some weird fascination with voices/accents.

I used to demand alastair(glasgow) read me literature from his coursework.

phoenix 02.26.2010 08:02 AM

I'm happy to be filed under a large assortment of words.. Strange is probably one of them.

Pookie 02.26.2010 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
you are a strange one.

I was taking it as a compliment.

phoenix 02.26.2010 08:23 AM

oh, I thought you were saying the same to me. sorry, it's friday, late, etc..

Keeping It Simple 02.26.2010 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I'll take that as a compliment.

He was a bit bonkers.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.26.2010 12:51 PM

A trickster pupil wished to test his venerable Sage-Guru by letting lose a raging elephant to see if his master would stand in the path confident in the illusory nature of reality, or flee in fear like a petty man. He let loose this elephant and it went charging towards his Guru who lept up a tree as quickly as an ape..

The student-King believed that his Guru must have been aware that the elephant was of a purely illusory, phenomenal character. The Sage replied, 'Indeed, in highest truth, the elephant is non-real. Nevertheless, you and I are as non-real as that elephant. Only your ignorance, clouding the truth with this spectacle of non-real phenomenality, made you see the phenomenal me go up a non-real tree."

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