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EVOLghost 11.27.2008 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
the free transfer was just renewed for Laughing Skull to Drak'Tharon until Monday (I'm still half-way considering it).

I didn't see Deathwing on the list of free transfers though...

Kargath is and that's where I have my 70.

floatingslowly 11.28.2008 12:23 AM

well I went ahead and move my priest. Laughing Skull is just too much. takes an hour to complete so it's sitting in limbo. think I'm going to move my lock too.

EVOLghost 11.28.2008 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
well I went ahead and move my priest. Laughing Skull is just too much. takes an hour to complete so it's sitting in limbo. think I'm going to move my lock too.

WHAT!!! SO IT'S HAPPENING??? Cool, I'll move teh Mage ova!

phoenix 11.28.2008 11:43 PM

did you all move to dark theron or to kargath?

EVOLghost 11.29.2008 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
did you all move to dark theron or to kargath?

Drak Theron DO it NOW PHOENIX

EVOLghost 11.29.2008 05:21 PM

Jake you should do the free character move too!

EVOLghost 11.29.2008 05:45 PM

P.S. Post yer Drak Theron names

mine is Dcopperfield

phoenix 11.29.2008 06:19 PM

i don't wanna move i was just askin cos i couldn't figure it out heh

jakeonguitar 11.29.2008 06:47 PM

I'll move if that's the plan.

I gotta be honest, though. I cannot really "get into" Alliance. I've been playing a few of my Horde characters for a tiny bit and they're loads more fun. I'm just way more familiar. I'll still try to put in some time on the Dwarf, though.

EVOLghost 11.29.2008 08:11 PM


EVOLghost 11.29.2008 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
i don't wanna move i was just askin cos i couldn't figure it out heh

oh.....well it's under character move if yer wonderin'.

floatingslowly 11.30.2008 05:06 PM


you keep all yr stuff. the only thing you lose is a 20:1 asshat/you ratio. I was ok with 10:1. it got worse.

drak'theron is nice. numbers are about even. pvp still exists, but it's not hour after hour of avoiding gangrape.

me llamo Ghidrah.

phoenix 11.30.2008 07:15 PM

but :(

EVOLghost 11.30.2008 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
but :(


phoenix 11.30.2008 10:10 PM

i moved too. heh
peer pressure.

EVOLghost 12.01.2008 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
i moved too. heh
peer pressure.

post yer name.

EVOLghost 12.01.2008 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by jakeonguitar
I'll move if that's the plan.

Um the plan seems to be happening...I think you should transfer now?

jakeonguitar 12.01.2008 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Um the plan seems to be happening...I think you should transfer now?

Antipov, Dwarf Paladin now on Drak'Theron.

Think I'm just gonna continue to level my main until 55 and then Death Knight it up with you all. Shouldn't take longer than a few weeks I assume.

EVOLghost 12.01.2008 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by jakeonguitar
Antipov, Dwarf Paladin now on Drak'Theron.

Think I'm just gonna continue to level my main until 55 and then Death Knight it up with you all. Shouldn't take longer than a few weeks I assume.

Cool. I got two characters on Drak. Evol and Dcopperfield. I'll add you when I go online later.

floatingslowly 12.03.2008 01:55 PM

I respec'ed holy last night so that I could get into instances. I could spend all night in the queue as shadow but now that I'm healing, I'm in demand. I took some talents to LOLSMITE with, so I hope that solo-questing won't be too hard.

about guild: I don't know that we have enough to even sign a charter, besides that there aren't enough of us to field a solid instancing-group with. I have /gquit macroed to a button, but I went ahead and joined some randoms (OverClocked). we'll see how long that will last.

if anyone here DOES happen to find a good guild (with a minimum of droolers) let me know.

I want the Kill Yr Idols tag though. :(

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