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Severian 10.15.2016 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
@SEVERIAN et. a.

just finished reading this so i thought i'd share it before i fuck off


Few figures in American political life have inspired such deep and decades-long contempt. But why?

eta: bonus:

Thanks. "Apple-cheeked certitude" hah. Ugh. Interesting piece. About ¾ through it.

Also, I did indeed miss your Vince foster post (I've missed a few, this has been a super active thread lately), but I went back. This must be the origin I'm looking for, of the vague conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated rumours.

greenlight 10.16.2016 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
The single biggest gripe I have with President Obama is his refusal to seriously investigate, much lest prosecute, the manifest and manifold crimes of the Bush administration.


Severian 10.16.2016 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
the Syrian war has been since 2011, Syrian military has been supposedly fighting Isis since then, Russia provided military support before getting directly involved more recently. the point remains, if the war in Syria is supposedly about Isis, how come Syrian govt hasn't stopped Isis? more importantly, why does Syrian government expend so much military effort against non-Isis political targets?

see you insinuating America allowed Isis, that might very well be true, but that exact same logic suggests we need to have the same level of skepticism and scrutiny against Syrian government itself and its Russian ally

the war is bigger than Aleppo

Yup yup. If anyone has seen House of Cards season 4, it's a pretty damn good "fictional" representation of both Putin and the countless ways politicians have manipulated ISIS and used their existence to justify new atrocities.

Drjohnrock 10.16.2016 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I gave you positive rep for the bulk of your post, but I must disagree with this portion. The single biggest gripe I have with President Obama is his refusal to seriously investigate, much lest prosecute, the manifest and manifold crimes of the Bush administration. Holding this in mind, Trump's promise to appoint a special prosecutor to INVESTIGATE, and, then, if necessary, prosecute Clinton for her own official misdeeds during her tenure in Federal office is hardly out of order. The such would not be the act of a dictator, but simply the Constitutional system working as originally intended. Further, I interpret Trump's remarks concerning the Second Amendment to the US Constitution not as an incitement to inflict harm upon Mrs. Clinton, nor to engage in any other act of terrorism, but to maintain an armed populace as the reservoir of the bulk of the nation's military potential. In other words, as has often been said, "The purpose of the Second Amendment is to remind the government of the First Amendment.".

Furthermore, Hillary's attribution of the birther argument against President Obama to racism flies in the face of my own analysis of Ted Cruz's lack of Constitutional qualification for the Presidency on the basis of his known biography, as it also applies to (born in Mexico to US citizen parents) George Romney's presidential campaign in 1968, and probably to (Panama Canal Zone-born (in off-base housing (the on-base hospital in which he claims to have been born not then existing!))) John McCain's candidacy in 2008. I agree that Barry Goldwater, born in Arizona Territory, was qualified to be President in 1964, yet stricter birthers than I would disagree.

Finally, I interpret the Democrats' knee-jerk reaction to the email hack by blaming the Russians , and then threatening them with cyber "counter-attack", to be a ploy to divert attention from the contents of the revelations themselves.

Otherwise, I pretty much agree with greenlight concerning the current US-Russia confrontation.

I agree that Obama should have pursued investigation and, if the evidence was there--I have no doubt it would be--pursued prosecution of Dubya's henchmen. But Trump hasn't issued a reasonable request for an investigation of Clinton--he has promised his fascist base that he would put her in jail. And there's a big difference with Obama: he didn't run against a lame duck Bush, who had already served two terms. Thus, he wouldn't have been pursuing a banana republic-like persecution of someone who committed the heinous crime of running against him, unlike Drumpf. And I've already made my case earlier in this thread for Drumpf's hate speech being an incitement to violence, not a call for gun fanatics to go to the polls.

I agree with HRC that the birther bullshit about Obama was based in racism.
The difference with the other examples you cited (Cruz, McCain, George Romney, etc.) is that there is no doubt as to where they were born; the only question was whether they were constitutionally barred from serving as president. With Obama, saying he wasn't born in Hawaii was total bullshit. Even fascist commentator Pat Buchanan said that a local Hawaiian newspaper's listing of Obama's birth under local births put to rest any doubt he was born in the US.

Finally, foreign interference in US elections is a very valid concern. I don't give a shit whether hacked emails are Clinton's or Trump's. Cyber counterattacks are very much in order.

The Soup Nazi 10.16.2016 06:20 PM

Bill Maher on Fareed Zakaria GPS today:

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.16.2016 06:24 PM

the difference is whether anyone agrees with the decision or not Overlord Hillary WAS formally investigated and right or wrong won her case. Trump could have his special investigation, likely she would win that one too..

why isn't Trump talking about special investigations for police brutality?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.16.2016 06:34 PM

and Robert i respectfully disagree about the 2nd Amendment. While i am also in minority of those who don't think Trump was insinuating threats of violence, i neither think he thinks 2nd Amendment is about protecting people from government.

firstly that was NOT the intent of the Framers of Constitution, in 18th century the US relied heavily on a self armed military, on people bringing thwir own arms to their military service. it wasn't until the Civil War thst US finally developed something like a professional military, and it was so disconcerting that the military complex was disassembled until WWI..

secondly haha do any gun owners actually believe they could stand up to the US military? i mean honestly, that is suicide right? the military or government is NOT in ANY SINGLE way intimidated or threatened by an armed population, indeed it works to tjeir advantage with how much so many people actually seem to openly support police brutality the government would have a license to kill any armed insurrections with absolute impunity. go ahead gun nitzw, start your revolution, it would be effective population control to weed out the total dumbasses

Severian 10.17.2016 10:35 AM

More dead in Aleppo.
Wait... even more now (as of this morning).

Moscow vetoed the UN Security Council resolution to halt strikes to allow medical personnel access to the region.

My question: why are the US and UK not making economic sanctions an absolute top priority?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.17.2016 11:39 AM

that is actually a fantastic question

!@#$%! 10.17.2016 12:04 PM



ilduclo 10.17.2016 02:34 PM

great coverage of the campaigns on Hate Watch/SPLC

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.17.2016 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!


its frankly pathetic, how much on ALL SIDES conspiracy theories are seemingly legitimized by the effect of the Internet. I mean, 15 years ago who could have imagined that David Icke would essentially control the national narrative?

The Bernie crowd and leftists tend to argue that the Overlord Hillary rigged the DNC! I mean you can't make this stuff if you tried

greenlight 10.17.2016 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
More dead in Aleppo.
Wait... even more now (as of this morning).

Moscow vetoed the UN Security Council resolution to halt strikes to allow medical personnel access to the region.

My question: why are the US and UK not making economic sanctions an absolute top priority?

another Bush and Blair, nothing's changed. do these two muppets really believe that anyone believes one single word that comes out their mouths?

the look on Boris' face is one of he is trying his best to remember his own first name.

“we are outraged by what is happening in Aleppo, which is in year
2016, beginning of the 21st century, horrendous step back in time to a
kind of barbarianism, a use of force that is an insult to all of the
values that the United Nations and most countries believe should guide
our actions,” John Kerry told journalists - John Kerry, you are a low-life, filthy, vile hypocrite.

dear Boris.
imagine if an Al Qaeda force managed to take half of London territory, causing 3/4 of the people in that part of London to flee to the side still protected by the government. now imagine also that those who were left behind were subjected to Sharia law and not allowed to leave.
after 4 years the government having gained the assistance of a larger power is now in a position to liberate the people from Al Qaeda and allow them to rejoin with relatives in Western London, which now holds 80-90% of the city's population.
each day Londoners are dying from the shelling coming from within East London, and every time there is a ceasefire , Al Qaeda resupplied by Westerners.
as a former mayor of London, do you:
a) impose a no fly zone over London, allowing Al Qaeda to invade West London?
b) create an immediate ceasefire for English forces but allow Al Qaeda to continue shelling and to invade West London.
c) bomb the centre of East London, killing the relatives of people in West London, creating huge demonstrations in the streets?
d) attack from many flanks specifically targetting the PERIMETER of East London, and call for fighters to lay down arms and be transferred to Scotland ?
be aware that if you choose "D" you will be labelled a barbarian and accused of war crimes.

and Saudi Arabia in charge of human rights????????!!!!!!!!!!

does anyone buy this bull anymore? its getting ridiculous.
I give up. peace!

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos talks to BBC News about Syria the MUST.. (4min)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.17.2016 04:12 PM

greenlight, you keep missing a fundamental point here. If the UK government was bombing and shelling civilian populations in London, even if in the midst of a rebellion with armed militias, it would STILL BE A HUUUUUUGE PROBLEM. The problem in Syria is not the government fighting against ISIS or militias, its the excessive and disproportionate use of military force against non-violent civilian populations, period. Also last time i checked, this is an internationally recognized war crime.

Also you did realize it was the Syrian government violating all the imaginary cease-fires yes? Not the militias

dead_battery 10.17.2016 05:22 PM

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.17.2016 06:28 PM

i find the growing sympathy for Putin to be the hilarious frankly. folks did realize that supporting a corrupt oligarch dictatorship like Putin's Russia supposedly in reaction to American political corruption is the definition of stupid yes?

!@#$%! 10.17.2016 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery

oh shit, only plays in the UK. i have the opera vpn on the ipad but it doesn't have a UK exit-- i tried coming out of germany but nope-- germany pays no tv tax.

!@#$%! 10.17.2016 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
i find the growing sympathy for Putin to be the hilarious frankly. folks did realize that supporting a corrupt oligarch dictatorship like Putin's Russia supposedly in reaction to American political corruption is the definition of stupid yes?


but growing where??

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.17.2016 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

but growing where??

all over the internet.. the rise of Russoialtry is depressing

!@#$%! 10.17.2016 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
all over the internet.. the rise of Russoialtry is depressing

lol the interwebs

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