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Keeping It Simple 10.21.2011 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
the fine for that in my city is $1000....or 623 pounds


Pookie 10.21.2011 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I just received a £50 on the spot fine for dropping a cigarette butt outside a tube station. Welcome to 21st Century Britain.

Don't get me wrong, I loves ya man, but what are you doing littering? Pick your rubbish up and put it in a bin for fuck's sake.

I don't know what it's like where you are but the streets here are littered with fag butts and if fining the stupid fuckers gets them to pick up their shit then so be it.

Keeping It Simple 10.21.2011 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Don't get me wrong, I loves ya man, but what are you doing littering? Pick your rubbish up and put it in a bin for fuck's sake.

I don't know what it's like where you are but the streets here are littered with fag butts and if fining the stupid fuckers gets them to pick up their shit then so be it.

Personally, I'd taser the scruffy bastards then make them work a day collecting the trash. :cool:

Genteel Death 10.23.2011 04:20 AM


Genteel Death 10.23.2011 04:43 AM

Pelle 10.23.2011 07:02 AM

Adolf lives!! ^

Genteel Death 10.23.2011 12:04 PM


EVOLghost 10.23.2011 12:20 PM

You folks in London enjoying the presence of DA CHICAGO BEARS.

Genteel Death 10.23.2011 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I just received a £50 on the spot fine for dropping a cigarette butt outside a tube station. Welcome to 21st Century Britain.


dirty bunny 10.23.2011 01:23 PM

enough with the zeppelin already

dirty bunny 10.23.2011 02:53 PM

damn you

Diesel 10.23.2011 11:45 PM

This thread: Facebook

demonrail666 10.24.2011 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death

Yeah. They were camped outside the tube station waiting for people. Total opportunism. Gutting.

stu666 10.24.2011 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
The Vex.

(Death, i have asked you already; you probably missed it)
is street drinking entirely forbidden in London? and by that i also mean, taking your beer outside the pub, in order to smoke too.

hate that stuff; not to feel at ease, free, at home. its n1 in my London/UK negatives list, that i havent yet written down.

no, i lied. i had made a such list some time ago. positives and negatives.

I'll try and answer this for you Nefeli incase gd misses yr question again.

I think it depends where abouts in London you are, some streets where I live (not in London) it's ok to drink in but most of the town centre's it's not allowed.

Most pubs have designated areas for smoking. If it's outside the front of the pub then there's usually a line that you can't take yr drink past.

stu666 10.24.2011 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
whoa! wait. there are areas INDOORS in pubs where you are allowed to smoke?????????????

last october me and Death and Toileta and Melly, were at a pub before a gig and although Toileta told me that its not allowed to take my beer outside and although i did see the sign, i chose to ignore it. Death might recall our talk wth the huge 'officer' (because i have no idea what he was) outside the pub. death warned me too and i said well nobody saw me and suddenly i hear a voice:
me: not from you here.. (trust me, this is not me).
officer: but you can read.

damnit, he was smart too.
normally, i obey the laws and rules and never try to get away with things.
ah yes and that officer had told us that the street drinking is allowed in some areas and other not and we were wondering, okay and how the hell one can know.

No, smoking is not allowed inside any pubs what i ment was out the front of the pub where it meets the street as opposed to in a beer garden out the back of the pub where you can take yr drink. I hope that's a bit clearer.

There's usually signs up in the streets where drinking isn't allowed but they're quite small and stuck on lamp posts. More and more places are becoming no alcohol areas now though, lots of parks around here have banned drinking too.

It sounds like that was the pubs security guy telling you off for drinking outside if it wasn't the police.

gast30 10.24.2011 06:55 AM

PPFFFF it's getting cold
how i'm i gonna 'survive ' this winter
winter of 2011
eeuuuhhhhhhhh lol

ooh fuck, i really don't know
gonna have a last ultimate battle with the emptyness of the universe
me against the universe

Pelle 10.24.2011 07:30 AM

Just came back from the doctor after a test on my heart if it was alright.
Everything seemed normal and I was perfecly fine, thank god!

Now it's just all other fucking diseases left..."lol"

Youth_Against_Facism 10.25.2011 02:18 AM

Someone got stabbed by a pen at school today.

Yeah BSC 4 lyf.

stu666 10.25.2011 03:43 AM

Hard to believe it's been 7 years now, we'll always miss you John.

gast30 10.25.2011 04:36 AM

this morning i felt like this


really not in the mood to wake up

then i got cought by the system of s'apes ( homo sapian > chek wikipedia if didn't know already )


gast30 10.25.2011 04:55 AM

i'm on my way to liberation
long live the resistance
long live the future

and how did you people woke up?

if you woke up in dublin, you better have a rubber boat
or thailand

or with an unpopulair word in the immobilien/ house markets
wich make an change in WALLSTREET for house prises
all those areas will be left like neworleans
all the places that are cheap to live will turn into living nightmares
full of prostitutes , crak/herion/methhead, psychiatric dumpt patients, veterans of vietnam/ cambodja, iraq, afpak

gonna be a dark comic scene the near future
the aging of sapians will be underestemated, they have in the future no help iether

powersystems of presidents, politicians, royal families and rich, will be lived behind high walls

^^ it's just fantasy
homo sapian is not capable in making a difference between fictional life and nature

it was an animal that trough love for toolmaking, like the early tools, spear, bow, arrow, wheel, houses, pyramids ect

that the animal sapian thought it was GOD
that it was more then nature
because it had capabilty to make tools
like in the day of today, computers, satelittes

the sapian is still an animal
maybe modern information can help this sapian animal

because it's ........ all ape fiction

gast30 10.25.2011 05:27 AM

dreams aren't real nefeli
the indians say the dream world IS the real world
that can only be translated if you have a verygood and deep bound with nature
you understand what they mean by their dream analyse or theory

now we are living all live in this new internet media
wordwide live stream 24 H after 24H
and that is the real nightmare if you where on the planet after 9/11
and the thing that is going on CNN >> TO END MODERNDAY SLAVERY

childabuse everywhere in poorcountries and rich western countries
mass rapes of woman in prostitution

then you have the sexual abuse of animals by sapians online
sapians having sex with dogs horses sheep ect

the modernday turned into an open psychiatry that has forced it's way into moderntechnology created by brainactivity, long hard work by the pioneers of sapians

yes it is an openpsychiatry of childabuse animal abuse, terror ect

i don't like these modern days
but i have no choise
my modern heart keeps beaten till it's death

gast30 10.25.2011 05:31 AM

the sapian animal turn ugly
if you have childeren
better tell them the truth of the open psychiatry
and tell them not to be 'john's' > users of public sexual tiolets
or tell your childeren > DON'T BECOME A PUBLIC SEXUAL TIOLET

gast30 10.25.2011 05:39 AM

the PST ( public sexual tiolet ) is the foundation of PPM ( pig phedofile multinations )
who make millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
all by rape and abuse earned money

and the PPM are also responsible for the crises as well
as all politicians supporting and allowing PPM on their country, state, or fictional borders made on the continental plates of earth

it's time the people wake up in the 24 h livestream and follow the actions of SWEDEN that stoped the prostitution

every sapian on earth is responsible to stop rape, abuse, terror

no excuse
or your childeren will be in a even worse 24H live stream of planet earth
the future is no joke
i live in it 24 h a day

ann ashtray 10.25.2011 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by gast30
dreams aren't real nefeli
the indians say the dream world IS the real world
that can only be translated if you have a verygood and deep bound with nature
you understand what they mean by their dream analyse or theory

now we are living all live in this new internet media
wordwide live stream 24 H after 24H
and that is the real nightmare if you where on the planet after 9/11
and the thing that is going on CNN >> TO END MODERNDAY SLAVERY

childabuse everywhere in poorcountries and rich western countries
mass rapes of woman in prostitution

then you have the sexual abuse of animals by sapians online
sapians having sex with dogs horses sheep ect

the modernday turned into an open psychiatry that has forced it's way into moderntechnology created by brainactivity, long hard work by the pioneers of sapians

yes it is an openpsychiatry of childabuse animal abuse, terror ect

i don't like these modern days
but i have no choise
my modern heart keeps beaten till it's death

Weird. Sometimes I think legalizing prostitution (of course, with regulations) would be a step in the right direction here in South, USA. I think positive results would follow.....everyone likes sex, not everyone has an easy time getting sex (some go crazy and do awful things as a result), people should be allowed to do whatever they want with their own bodies.

gast30 10.25.2011 05:45 AM

SWEDEN is in europe , i know

What the american peoples are going to do
with prostitution, sex with childeren, sex with animals
is up to the americans it's self

PPM are worldwide

hope the best for the future
and i won't forget to say
sapians are just animals, nothing more
they reached a 'modern state, with technology and pioneering
and at the same time created global warming, nucliar disasters, billions of ton toxic waste
it also seriously damaged the nature that feeds the sapians
and also the sapians have created overpopulation
all at the same time

gast30 10.25.2011 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
Weird. Sometimes I think legalizing prostitution (of course, with regulations) would be a step in the right direction here in South, USA. I think positive results would follow.....everyone likes sex, not everyone has an easy time getting sex (some go crazy and do awful things as a result), people should be allowed to do whatever they want with their own bodies.

the thing is with this opening of this so called sexual freedom
and i'm free to become a sexual tiolet
the modernhumans aren't growing

it's a LOWBRAIN thing
it means no brain activity

so go to wallstreet with a group of lowbrain things
your stocks won't sell

we are in the far future
we need very modern brain activity to go further building a better life for childeren
WE (old peoples) DIE
and the childeren will live

the childeren need to know that there is no liberation in material
modern technology is there for modern humans ONLY to built

the is no future for the lowbrain
only ABUSE

sad but true
today there are childeren abused in thailand cambodja, africa, everywhere on earth

the childeren need LOVE

i'm here to give that love to the future to the childeren
that will live long after my death

we are animals in early space age 'sort of time'
remeber when you get in contact with computers or modern technology
the pioneers have develloped these with years of hard work of their brains
the pioneers have gave you acces to modern, to the computer you use
to the medical equipment that can save your life ect
pioneer made > made for modernhuman

and here a piont i wanted to make
that liberation is not in wealth and luxury
it's in the modern brain

every animal in it's own time and development


gast30 10.25.2011 06:07 AM

i'm an animal born 1977
pioneers have opend the future

i love that future a beautifull modern world
it's a connection of the modernstate trough modern technology
do know it's not rewarded by vagina or banana paper (money)
it's possible to create it trought long years of hard brainwork of modern information
it's not possible to create this state by money or beauty

so i hope for all those sapians with childeren on this overpopulated planet
will deliver the years of hard brainwork to reach the modernstate

so then only then
they can pass modern lifestyle on their childeren
and so they can pass on modernlifestyle on their childeren
and keep opening a more modern future for the modernhuman

future cycles of modernstate
so your childeren have no information pollution in their sapian brain
what earth is round or where mars or where we are in the solarsystems ect......

gast30 10.25.2011 06:15 AM

recent edges of modernhumans
is about to become really futuristic

now they have launched satellites to measure the magneticfields of earth
the same fields that's keeping biolife on earth protected from the sun radiation

at the same time earth is protected by the magnetic field of the sun
from cosmic radiation

the next thing that is possible is to create a sort of weather forcast for the solarsystem we are living in also 24H live stream

we can be able to protect life from sun or cosmic radiation
if we can understand it as we can understand the weather on earth, like , storms, seasons, hurricans ect
all thanks to the satellites made by the pioneers the early modern humans

it's time
to end my spoonfed alphabetic talk bla bla bla about the future
and close this conversation for who ever reads what i write
with a soft joke


gast30 10.25.2011 06:22 AM

back to your 24 H live stream
good luck with reaching the modernstate
you have time till you die
it's your time
it's your mortal animal life
it's your freedom

floatingslowly 10.25.2011 09:26 AM

I'm sure going to miss you.

stu666 10.25.2011 09:44 AM

I'm sorry for clogging up yr mrs' news feed floats. :D

floatingslowly 10.25.2011 10:10 AM

pardon? how so? if you mean facebook, I've yet to hear her complain!

erm...I never log on. are you on my facebookz???

stu666 10.25.2011 10:24 AM


floatingslowly 10.25.2011 10:28 AM

I hate facebook so bad.

it's hard to be hateful when you're pretty.

EVOLghost 10.25.2011 03:13 PM

I have absolutely no idea as to where ti could be..

Genteel Death 10.26.2011 07:38 AM



EVOLghost 10.26.2011 08:06 AM

Holy cow. Bugs Bunny is hilarious! The episode where Bugs Bunny plays a game of baseball against the Gas-House Gorillas is funny as fuck.

Genteel Death 10.26.2011 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli

for everything.

i cant wait to eat. but it wont be not until 2200.
need to fix my sleeping situation.
have to go to a halloween party- witches etc theme and cant think what to do.
need to find a cool language for my next tattoo. might make my own? (again cant think now).
but! hurray, im listening to perfect musicas.

Make your own.

Genteel Death 10.26.2011 08:41 AM


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