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Aaaadrpk 09.13.2009 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Aaaadrpk

|-> freeeeak people

tw2113 09.13.2009 08:08 PM


Satan 09.14.2009 12:22 AM

^what color are your eyes? they look like they might be green but its hard to tell

i got my hair back.


alteredcourse 09.14.2009 01:17 AM

Everything in the picture is pure win (esp the black switch on the left)

but that pony makes you look like you're on judge judy. Why did you do that? Your hair was fine ?!

Satan 09.14.2009 01:22 AM

because i hate having short hair
i only had the ponytail to get it out of my way (like so i wouldn't set it on fire with my makes me feel so 1990), it's usually like this

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 01:28 AM

Yeah, it's pretty hard to keep the patience up to let things grow while fending off the desire to completely wreck what you have with multiple bleachings and dyes, etc. But jesus christ, i want to fill you up on OJ and tequila until I can acceptably deem you my tequila sunrise pony.

Compared to those pictures of you the other night, esp, yanno? Way better.

Satan 09.14.2009 01:33 AM


they're fucking human hair and i did a goddamn good job. i look so much better, i feel like myself now instead of some 8 year old girl riding the short bus. i had to wear ridiculous makeup to actually look my age with that hair cut.

other night pics are ew, ive been packing on the chunk.

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 01:37 AM

From "short" (past the shoulders though, no ?) hair, you felt like a stumpy ? Weird. I hope you didnt take any impairment-induced agression on anyone while you had to endure such a tragedy. One time I got bashed by a kid with his stump. He had nothing from the elbow down. I hadnt looked at him twice but I guess he felt vulnerable.

Anyways, I just liked your hair how it was. Your vulnerability of having it torn out by someones babydaddy is weighed out by the fact that you can scrap it out and leave only bodies, not prisoners.

the big quasar 09.14.2009 01:41 AM

loving all yr looks, satan. black hair looks gorgeous

Satan 09.14.2009 01:41 AM

i really felt like i looked like an 8 year old retarded girl. no lie. i didn't take it out on anyone, i just wept for like 3 hrs after i cut it.
jennifer herrema hair > everything

thanks you guys
it's dark brown but it sometimes looks black on pictures

the big quasar 09.14.2009 01:43 AM

btw ... nice lashes!

Satan 09.14.2009 01:44 AM

eeee thank you, that is a very high compliment

they're real, no makeup or nothin'

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 01:53 AM

Really? Owwwww, baby. Well whatever of course, enjoy the strands. No wait, wait a minute, real hair??? You're a cancer victim thief ! Imagine the shiny chemical craniums that could boast such boisterous, luxuriant locks. The narcissistic graves you've robbed with your frivolous flowing rays of black sunshine.

Bah, dont worry about my stuck up language, tonight. I ate at McDonalds("meat clown", as I like to call it) today, ok? We're even.

jaja, I'm the opposite with hair. I'm a playdoh doll, where you shove the hard goo through their heads. Though I do have a photo of my first haircut, and boy I was bawling. The packet of MnM's sorta kinda make it better.

Satan 09.14.2009 02:02 AM

no way was i going to buy a plastic weave. that's why i'm not on judge judy.

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 02:05 AM

Well, good.

And, for the record, forgive me of my sins dear satan, before I drink too much.

Satan 09.14.2009 02:06 AM

you are forgiven.

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 02:07 AM

Not fun enough! Let's do some crimes.

Satan 09.14.2009 02:08 AM

alright, that sounds like fun

let's go spraypaint people's car windows black and steal booze

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 02:09 AM

Let's leave it picture-perfect, but inject their locks with super glue.

edit. the combination of all those things are beauty, like crows in a grinder.

Satan 09.14.2009 02:12 AM


you are a genius

i love me some straight up vandalism though

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 02:15 AM

I wish we were kids. Kids get away with the best shit. Take dragging a tank of gasoline up a hill to a crowded park. No one notices the kids. There are other kids. It's pure saturation and numbers. Take the kids ho hummingly drowning the nearby grass with the fluid in their tanks. Take them lighting in up, and RUNNING LIKE HELL. Fifteen by twelve feet of pure gold.

Satan 09.14.2009 02:17 AM

like little kids?

that would be bitchin

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 02:24 AM

True story.

Little kids like that are so awesome. They're expressing their hate, and it's as pure as it gets.

Unfortunately I did a bit of that, but moved onto the self-hating DOOOP DE DOOOO type. I'm a meat clown.

I like when other mean clowns freak out and gorify the program. It's rare, but it happens. What's funny, is that it's done in the most docile ways.

I can't explain. I've been living in a brainwashed wholefoods bag for too long.

whole foods is so happy to lick the cobwebs of your unsatisfied life right out of your asshole. They'll charge you more than double for average products and make you feel special for it. I feel really sorry for you if you shop there. Wow.

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 02:24 AM

I feel a bit better. Like I took a footlong shit.

Satan 09.14.2009 02:27 AM

their meat is about 100000000000 times better than what you'd get at a regular supermarket
actually thats about the only advantage i can honestly think of. they have good OJ.
fuck their douchebag prick sonofabitch ceo
and they are hella overpriced


Sonic Youth 37 09.14.2009 02:34 AM

Whole Foods private label ginger ale is the shizz.

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 02:37 AM

Look up John Mackey, owner. Fuck him. He's banned from the internet because he flailed and brought prices down on the company I had been involved with so that he could buy it out super-low. And it's been pure hell since whole foods took over. They know less than nothing about healthy lives, and overtime in the bottom line. They know less than that. Fuck, dont get me started. He also sent a letter to obama (savior of the world) saying that organic food will never be better priced because poor folk dont deserve the food. He;s a complete twat.

Fuck, FUCK!!! He's fucking shit up in the organics world. Unfortunately, some folks are uneducated about the merits of unprocessed or untampered food, not sprayed etc. I want to educate these folks. But he comes in and declares there must be a coating of wholefoods approved mystery grime on everything.

Fuck, I'm so done with that guy and all the pieces of fucking shit that address me by product names. No, my name is not VEGETABLE DIP, VEGETBALE DIP, VEGETABLE DIP ("sorry, what was that, one more time") VEGETABLE DIP.

FUCK YOURSELVES, you're on your way. And no, I will not politely guide you to the nearest suicide post, but yes, I will hold you tightly and closely to my body as I slit your throat like its a bag of oprah-approved steel cut oats.

alteredcourse 09.14.2009 02:41 AM

Whole Foods thinks that poor folks dont deserve good food. He thinks they are mistakes. He wants only to cut double on fine folks like yourself. You deserve it.

Healthy eating and a responsible lifestyle are only for the rich.

Haha, four dollars for a pound of potatoes.
Twenty to eighty for a month's worth of multi-vitamimes.

But these ones are better.

Satan 09.14.2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
Whole Foods private label ginger ale is the shizz.

i made the mistake of buying some once. that shit is so nasty.

terriblecanyons 09.14.2009 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Satan
^what color are your eyes? they look like they might be green but its hard to tell

i got my hair back.


You're so fucking cute.

terriblecanyons 09.14.2009 04:53 AM

Board is lagging

Satan 09.14.2009 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
You're so fucking cute.


you've earned yourself a cat face with a party hat on

terriblecanyons 09.14.2009 05:25 AM

I need to put party hats on my kitties and take pictures of it

Sonic Youth Gossip 09.14.2009 05:56 AM

i thought it was a penus

ploesj 09.14.2009 05:59 AM


ploesj 09.14.2009 08:00 AM



cryptowonderdruginvogue 09.14.2009 10:40 AM



terriblecanyons 09.14.2009 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
prepay garbage....


and yeah...thats funhouse on wax right above my knuckles. right under the (dying) bamboo.


I already posted this on like 3546535356 of your pictures

Rob Instigator 09.14.2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by viewtiful_alan
My cousin, me, and my dad (from ltr) at a wedding last night, I wasnt drunk yet:



Rob Instigator 09.14.2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Satan
last night...



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